Browse By Author
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Aaberg, Jens Christian (1877-1970)
Abelard, Peter (1079-1142)
Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Adeney, Walter Frederic (1849-1920)
Albert, the Great, Saint (1193?-1280)
Alexander of Alexandria, Pope
Alexander of Cappadocia and Jerusalem (?-251)
Alexander of Lycopolis
Alexander, Archibald (1772-1851)
Alexander, James Waddell (1804–1859)
Alexander, William (1824-1911)
Alighieri, Dante (1265-1321)
Allen, James (1864-1912)
Allestree, Richard (1619-1681)
Alphonsus de Liguori, Saint (1696-1787)
Ambrose (c.337-304 - 397)
Anatolius of Laodicea, St. (?-283)
Anderson, Tony Marshall (1888-1979)
Andrewes, Lancelot (1555-1626)
Anonymous (14th c. English)
Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury (1033-1109)
Archelaus, Bishop of Caschar
Arminius, Jacobus (1560-1609)
Arndt, Johann (1555-1621)
Arnobius of Sicca
Asterius Urbanus
Athanasius, Saint (c. 297-373)
Athenagoras of Athens (c.133-c.190)
Augustine, Saint (354-430) (13 classics)
Bacon, Leonard Woolsey (1830-1907)
Baird, Henry M. (1832-1906)
Baker, Augustine (1517-1641)
Baker, Richard
Ball, Charles James (1851-1924)
Bangs, Nathan (1778-1862)
Barclay, Robert (1648-1690)
Barnabas (c. 70-135)
Barnes, Albert (1798-1870) (20 classics)
Bartleman, Frank (1871-1935) (7 classics)
Basil the Great
Bavinck, Herman (1854-1921)
Baxter, Richard (1615-1691)
Bayly, Lewis (1565-1631)
Bede, St. ("The Venerable," c. 673-735)
Benedict, Saint, of Nursia (480-547)
Bennett, William H. (1855-1920)
Benson, Louis Fitzgerald
Bentley, Richard (1662-1742)
Berkhof, Louis (1873-1957)
Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint (1090-1153)
Beth, Karl (1872-1959)
Bett, Henry (1876–1953)
Bevan, Frances (1827-1909)
Beveridge, William (1637-1708)
Blaikie, W. G. (1820-1899)
Blois, Louis of, (1506-1566)
Boehme, Jakob (1575-1624)
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus (480-524)
Boettner, Loraine (1901-1990)
Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889)
Bonaventura, St. (Giovanni di Fidanza, 1221-1274)
Borthwick, Jane (1813-1897)
Boston, Thomas (1677-1732)
Bounds, Edward M. (1835-1913) (7 classics)
Boyce, James Petigru (1827-1888)
Bradford, John (1510-1555)
Braght, Thieleman J. van (Thieleman Janszoon) (1625-1664)
Bramley, Henry Ramsden, M.A.
Brannan, Rick
Brenton, Lancelot Charles Lee, Sir (1807-1862)
Brown, David (1803-1897)
Browne, Sir Thomas (1605-1682)
Brownlie, John (1857-1925) (10 classics)
Bruce, Alexander Balmain (1831-1899)
Bullinger, Ethelbert William (1837-1913)
Bunyan, John (1628-1688)
Burgon, John William (1813-1888)
Burton, Henry (1840-?)
Bushnell, Horace (1802-1876)
Butler, Joseph (1692-1752)
Caius, Presbyter of Rome
Calvin, John (1509-1564) (54 classics)
Campbell, John McLeod (1800-1872)
Cassian, John (360-435)
Catherine of Genoa, St. (1447-1510)
Catherine of Siena, St. (1347-1380)
Chadwick, George Alexander (1840-1923)
Challoner, Richard (1691-1781)
Charles, Robert. Henry (1855-1931)
Charnock, Stephen (1628-1680) (6 classics)
Chatfield, Allen W. (1808-1896)
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (1874-1936) (27 classics)
Christian Classics Ethereal Library (1993-)
Chrysostom, John, St. (c. 347-407) (9 classics)
Church of England
Clarke, Adam C. (1760-1832)
Clarke, Samuel (1675-1729)
Clarkson, David (1622-1682)
Clement of Alexandria (c.150-c.215)
Clement of Rome, St. (?-99)
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834)
Collins, An
Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis (1856-1924)
Cook, Frederick Charles (1810-1889)
Cook, Harriet N. (1814-1843)
Cotton, John (1585–1652)
Cowper, William (1731-1800)
Cox, Frances Elizabeth
Cox, Samuel (1826-1893)
Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556)
Crosby, Thomas (1840-1914)
Cross, George, (1862-1929)
Cyprian, St. (c.200-258)
Cyril of Alexandria, St. (c. 378 - 444)
Cyril of Jerusalem
Darby, John Nelson (1800-1882)
Daubney, William Heaford
de Caussade, Jean-Pierre, S.J. (1675-1751)
Deane, William John (1823-1895)
Declan of Ardmore, St. (5th cent.)
Defoe, Daniel (1660-1731)
Denney, James (1856-1917)
Dick, John (1764-1833)
Dickinson, Edward
Dionysius, the Pseudo-Areopagite (c.650—c. 725) (6 classics)
Doddridge, Philip (1702-1751)
Dods, Marcus (1834-1909)
Donne, John (1572-1631)
Dostoevsky, Fyodor (1821-1881)
Drummond, Henry (1851-1897) (9 classics)
Easton, Matthew George (1823-1894)
Eckhart, Johannes (c. 1260-1327)
Edersheim, Alfred (1825-1889)
Edmundson, George (1849-1930)
Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758) (7 classics)
Edwards, Thomas Charles (1837-1900)
Emmerich, Anne Catherine (1774-1824)
Enyclopaedia Britannica (1885, 1911)
Erasmus, Desiderius (c. 1466-1536)
Eucherius of Lyons, St. (d. c. 449)
Eusebius Pamphilius
Farrar, Frederic William (1831-1903)
Fausset, Andrew Robert (1821-1910)
Feltoe, Charles Lett, D.D.
Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe (1651-1715)
Findlay, George Gillanders (1849-1919)
Finney, Charles Grandison (1792-1875) (8 classics)
Fisher, Edward (1627-1655)
Fisher, George Park (1827-1909)
Flavel, John (1627-1691) (6 classics)
Follette, John Wright (1883-1966)
Forsyth, Peter Taylor (1848-1921)
Fosdick, Harry Emerson (1878-1969)
Fox, George (1624-1691)
Foxe, John (1516-1587)
Francis of Sales, St. (1567-1622)
Franz Pfieffer
Fudge, Edward (1944-)
Fuller, Thomas (1608-1661)
Gardner, Edmund Garratt (1869-1935)
Garrison, Winfred Ernest (1874-1969)
Gennadius (?- 471)
Gerhardt, Paul (1607-1676)
Gerson, Jean le Charlier de (1363-1429)
Gibbon, Edward (1737-1794)
Gibson, John Monro (1838-1921)
Gill, John (1697-1771)
Goodwin, Charles Wycliffe (1817–1878)
Goodwin, William Watson (1831-1912)
Gordon, Samuel Dickey (1859-1936) (8 classics)
Graebner, Theodore Conrad (1876-1950)
Gray, James (1851-1935)
Gregory I, St. (c. 540-604)
Gregory of Nazianzen
Gregory Thaumaturgus (c.213-c.270)
Griffin, George (1778-1869)
Grimm, Carl Ludwig Wilibald (1807-1891)
Groom, William M.
Grotius, Hugo (1583-1645)
Gurnall, William (1617-1679)
Guthrie, William (1620-1665)
Guyon, Madame Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Mothe (1647-1717) (8 classics)
Habermann, Johann (1516–1590)
Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759)
Harnack, Adolf (1851-1930) (14 classics)
Haroutunian, Joseph (1904-1968)
Harper, Andrew (1844-1936)
Hastings, James (1852-1922) (6 classics)
[Author Info]
Havergal, Frances Ridley (1836-1879)
Henry, Matthew (1662-1714) (8 classics)
Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916) (16 classics)
Herbert, George (1593-1633)
Hewitt, Theodore Brown
Hilary of Poitiers, St. (c. 300-368)
Hilton, Walter (d. 1396)
Hippolytus of Rome (170-235)
Hitchcock, Roswell D. (1817-1887)
Hoadly, Benjamin (1676-1761)
Hodge, Charles (1797-1878) (6 classics)
Hooker, Richard (c. 1554-1600)
Hopkins, Samuel (1721-1803)
Hort, Fenton John Anthony (1828-1892)
Horton, Robert Forman (1855-1934)
Hoskier, Herman Charles (1864-1938)
Howe, John (1630-1705)
Hutcheson, Stephen
Hutton, J. E.
Ignatius of Antioch (c.35-c.107)
Ignatius of Loyola, St (1491-1556)
Inge, William Ralph (1860-1954)
International Evangelical and Colportage Mission of Algoma and the Northwest
Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200) (7 classics)
James, William (1842-1910)
Jamieson, Robert (1802-1880)
Jenyns, Soame (1704-1787)
Jerome, St. (c. 345-420)
John of Damascus, St. (c. 675-749)
John of the Cross, St. (1542-1591)
Johnson, Barton Warren (1833-1894)
Josephus, Flavius (37- c. 100)
Jowett, Benjamin (1817-1893)
Jowett, John Henry (1864-1923) (7 classics)
Julian of Norwich (c. 1342-c. 1413)
Julian, John D. (1839-1913)
Julius Africanus, Sextus (c.160-c.240)
justin_martyr (9 classics)
Keble, John (1792-1866)
Kellogg, S. H. (1839-1899)
Kierkegaard, Soren (1813-1855)
Knox, John (c. 1505-1572)
Kuyper, Abraham (1837-1920) (7 classics)
LaCombe, Pere (?-1699)
Lagrange, Marie Joseph (1855-1938)
Lake, Kirsopp (1872-1946)
Lardner, Nathaniel (1684-1768)
Latimer, Hugh (1485-1555)
Law, William (1686-1761) (10 classics)
Lawrence, Brother (Nicholas Herman, c. 1605-1691)
Leo I, Pope (c.400-461)
Leupold, Herbert Carl (1892-1972)
Lewis, Howell Elvet (1860-1953)
Lightfoot, John (1602-1675)
Lindsay, Thomas Martin (1843-1914)
Longfellow, Samuel (1819-1892)
Lucius Caecilius Firmianus Lactantius (c.240-c.320)
Luckock, Herbert Mortimer, 1833-1909
Lumby, Joseph Rawson (1831-1895)
Luther, Martin (1483-1546) (15 classics)
MacDonald, George (1824-1905) (34 classics)
MacKenna, Stephen
MacLaren, Alexander (1826-1910) (19 classics)
Maimonides, Moses (1135-1204)
Manning, Bernard Lord (1892-1941)
Manning, Henry Edward (1808-1892)
Mansel, Henry Longueville (1820-1871)
Manton, Thomas (1620-1677) (9 classics)
McClure, Mrs. M. L. (d. 1918)
McGarvey, John William (1829-1911)
Mead, Matthew (1629-1699)
Mede, Joseph (1586-1638)
Melanchthon, Philipp (1497-1560)
Messenger, Ruth Ellis
Methodius of Olympus
Meyer, Frederick Brotherton (1847-1929)
Miller, Andrew (1810-1883)
Milligan, William (1821-1893)
Milton, John (1608-1674)
Moffat, James, D.D. (1870-1944)
Molinos, Miguel de (1628-1696)
Montgomery, James (1771-1854)
Moody, Dwight Lyman (1837-1899)
More, St. Thomas (1478-1535)
Morris, Joseph
Moule, Handley Carr Glyn (1841-1920)
Murray, Andrew (1828-1917) (11 classics)
Nave, Orville James (1841-1917)
Neale, John Mason (1818-1866)
Neander, Augustus Johann (1789-1850)
Nee, Watchman (1903-1972)
Newell, William R. (1868-1956)
Newman, John Henry (1801-1890)
Newton, John (1725-1807)
Nicoll, William Robertson, Sir (1851-1923) (35 classics)
Novatian (c.200-258)
Nutter, Charles Sumner (1842-1928)
Oehler, Gustav Friedrich (1812-1872)
Oman, John (1860-1939)
Origen (c. 185-c. 254)
Orloff, N.
Orr, Charles Ebert (1861-1933)
Orr, James (1844-1913)
Otto, Rudolph (1869-1937)
Outler, Albert C. (1908-1989)
Owen, John (1616-1683) (32 classics)
Oxford University Press
Paley, William (1743-1805)
Palgrave, Francis Turner (1824-1897)
Pamphilus of Caesarea (?-309)
Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)
Pasko, Mark
Patrick, St. (c. 390-c. 461)
Pattison, Mark (1813-1884)
Pearse, Roger
Penn, William (1644-1718)
Peter of Alexandria, Pope (?-311)
Philo (c. 20 B.C. - c. A.D. 50)
Pierson, Arthur Tappan (1837-1911)
Pierus of Alexandria
Pilcher, Charles Venn (1879-1961)
Pink, Arthur Walkington (1886-1952) (10 classics)
Plantinga, Alvin (1932-)
Plotinus (c. 205-270)
Plummer, Alfred
Polycarp, St. (c.69-c.155)
Potts, James Manning (1895-1973)
Powell, Baden (1796-1860)
Pressensé, Edmund Dehault de (1824-1891)
Prideaux, Humphrey (1648-1724)
Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens (358-413)
Pullan, Leighton (1865-1940)
Pusey, Edward Bouverie (1800-1882)
Quadrupani, Carlo Giuseppe
Rainy, Robert (1826-1906)
Ramsay, William Mitchell (1851-1939)
Rand, E.K.
Ray, John (1627-1705)
Reeves, Jeremiah Bascom
Renan, Joseph Ernest (1823-1892). (7 classics)
Richardson, Cyril C. (1909-1976)
Roberts, Benson H.
Robertson, Archibald Thomas (1863-1934) (16 classics)
Robertson, James Craigie, Canon of Canterbury (1813-1882)
Robinson, John (1575-1625)
Rolle of Hampole, Richard (c. 1290-c. 1349)
Rolt, Clarence Edwin (1880-1917)
Rufinus, Tyrannius (c. 345-410)
Rutherford, Alexander C.
Rutherford, Samuel (1600-1661)
Ruysbroeck, John of, St. (1293-1381)
Ryden, Ernest Edwin (1886-1981)
Ryle, John Charles (1816-1900)
Saint Ephraim of Syria (c. 306-373)
Salvian (c. 400- c. 480)
Sayers, Dorothy L. (1893-1957)
Schaff, Philip (1819-1893) (67 classics)
[Author Info]
Schleiermacher, Friedrich (1768-1834)
Schmid, Heinrich (1811-1885)
Schmiedel, Paul W, (1851-1935)
Scougal, Henry (1650-1678)
Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose (1813-1891)
Sellar, A.M.
Sergieff, Archpriest John Iliytch (1829-1909)
Shann, G. V.
Shaw, Solomon Benjamin (1854-1941)
Sheldon, Charles Monroe (1857-1946)
Shepard, Thomas (1605-1649)
Simons, Menno (1496-1561)
Singh, Sadhu Sundar (1889-1929)
Skinner, John J. (?-1925)
Smith, George (1833-1919)
Smith, George Adam (1856-1942)
Smith, Hannah Whitall (1832-1911)
Smith, William (1813-1893)
Smyth, Herbert Weir (1857-1937)
Socrates of Constantinople (c. 380-450)
Sokolof, Dimitrii
South, Robert (1634-1716) (7 classics)
Sozomen, Salaminius Hermias (c. 400-450)
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon (1834-1892) (76 classics)
Stainer, John (1840-1901)
Steele, Daniel (1824-1914)
Stewart, Hugh Fraser (1863-1948)
Stock, St. George William Joseph (1850- ?)
Stokes, George Thomas (1843-1898)
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (1811-1896)
Strong, Augustus Hopkins (1836-1921)
Sulpicius Severus (c.363-c.425)
Suso, Henry (c. 1296-1366)
Swete, Henry Barclay (1835-1917)
Tatian the Assyrian (c.120-c.180)
Tauler, John (c. 1300-1361)
Taylor, Frederick Howard (1862-1946)
Taylor, James Hudson (1832-1905)
Taylor, Jeremy (1613-1667)
Taylor, Vincent (1887-1968)
Temple, Frederick (1821-1902)
Teresa of Avila, St. (Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada, 1515-1582)
Terrill, Joseph Goodwin
Tertullianus, Quintas Septimus Florens (c. 160-c. 225) (33 classics)
Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus (c. 393 - c. 460)
Theognostus of Alexandria (c.210-c.270)
Theonas of Alexandria, Pope (?-300)
Theophilus of Antioch
Therese, of Lisieux, St. (1873-1897)
Thomas à Kempis (c. 1380-1471)
Thomas Aquinas, Saint (1225?-1274) (6 classics)
Thomson, Andrew (1814-1901)
Tillotson, John (1630-1694) (7 classics)
Tischendorf, Constantine von (1815-1874)
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolayevich (1828-1910) (11 classics)
Torrey, Charles Cutler (1863-1956)
Torrey, Reuben Archer (1856-1928)
Traherne, Thomas, (1636?-1674)
Trench, Richard Chenevix (1807-1886)
Tulloch, John (1823-1886)
Ugolino, Brother (13th-14th c.)
Ullmann, Carl (1796-1865)
Underhill, Evelyn (1875-1941)
Unknown Christian
Upham, Thomas Cogswell
Ursinus, Zacharias (1534-1583)
Van Dyke, Henry (1852-1933)
Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus
Victorinus of Pettau (?-c.303)
Vincent of Lérins, Saint
Voragine, Jacobus de (1230-1298) (7 classics)
Wace, Henry (1836-1924)
Walker, William (1809-1875)
Waring, Anna Laetitia (1820-1910)
Watson, Robert Alexander (1845-1921)
Watson, Thomas (c. 1620-1686) (6 classics)
Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
Welch, John
Wernle, Paul (1872-1939)
Wesley, John (1703-1791) (6 classics)
West, Charles Edward (1809-1900)
Westcott, Brooke Foss (1825-1901)
White, Ellen Gould (1827-1915)
Whitefield, George (1714-1770)
Whyte, Alexander (1836-1921)
Wigram, George Vicesimus (1805-1879)
Williams, Rowland (1817-1870)
Willison, John (1680-1750)
Wilson, Henry Bristow (1803-1888)
Winkworth, Catherine (1827-1878) (6 classics)
Woolman, John (1720-1772)
Wuttke, Adolf (1819-1870)
Wyss, Johann David (1743-1818)
Young, Edward (1681-1765)
Young, John (1805-1881)