
by George P. Fisher


History of the Reformation (1873) is a collection of lectures by George Parker Fisher at the Lowell Institute in Boston. American-born Fisher wore many hats during his lifetime (1827-1909). At one time or another, he was a teacher, historian, theologian, and author. The lectures in this book combine all his talents to record the figures and events of the Protestant Reformation. This historical account of Luther and many others who brought about the enlightenment of the church is just one of Fisher's historical works.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

About George P. Fisher

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Picture of George P. Fisher
  Born: August 10, 1827
Died: December 20, 1909
Related topics: Apologetics, Periodicals, History, Silliman, Benjamin,--1779-1864, Reformation, …
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