Walter F. Adeney


AD 1849
AD 1920


Walter Frederic Adeney was born in the United Kingdom in 1849. Adeney attended New College and University College London, where he honed his writing skills and theological understanding. Besides writing and preaching scores of sermons (for outlines, see Bible Hub), Adeney authored many books. His works on Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Song of Solomon, and Lamentations are included in the Expositor's Bible. Besides being the General Editor of the Century Bible Commentary, he published The Greek and Eastern Churches, which is a thorough historical review of Eastern Christianity. Adeney was a minister, lecturer, theologian, and professor. He spent ten years at Lancashire Independent College, serving as its principal. At the age of 71, Adeney died in Lewes, England.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer
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