Robert Rainy


January 1, 1826
December 22, 1906


Scottish-born Robert Rainy was born on January 1, 1826. Initially, Rainy studied to be a doctor but answered the call to ministry and was ordained in the Free Church in 1851. Eight years later, he became New College's professor of church history. A little over a decade later, Rainy took on the role of Principal of the college. His voice was a prominent one in the Free Church. He worked to unite the Free Church and the United Presbyterian Church groups. He also led the church through the acapella singing in worship verses hymns accompanied by instruments controversy. His poor health was the impetus for a trip to Australia to regain his strength. However, he died while there in 1906.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

Works By Robert Rainy

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