Heidelberg Catechism

by Zacharias Ursinus


Heidelberg Catechism is an amazing document to come out of the 16th century. German Elector Frederick III wanted a catechism of the church to be written for children, pastors, and teachers. He appointed Zacharius Ursinus, a young professor, and Caspar Olevanus, a young preacher, to produce the catechism. The document was adopted by the Synod and published in 1563. It has since been revised to divide its 129 questions and answers into 52"Lord's Days." Christians worldwide can recite from memory question and answer one as a beautiful statement of faith.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

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About Zacharias Ursinus

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Picture of Zacharias Ursinus
  Born: July 18, 1534
Died: May 6, 1583
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