Comparison of power, wealth and advantages of the king with the Christian love to wisdom of monastic life

by St. John Chrysostom


Comparison of Power, Wealth and Advantages of the King with the Christian Love to Wisdom of Monastic Life is, as the title describes, a reflection on the positive impact kings and monks can have on people given the opportunities each office affords. The wisdom of the king and the virtue of the monk are both essential. Of course, both the king and the monk are dependent on God's grace. The author of this work, John Chrysostom, a church father from the 4th century, was known for his distaste for any authority who misused their power. Chrysostom holds both kings and monks to high standards and accountability.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

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About St. John Chrysostom

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Picture of St. John Chrysostom
Picture of St. John Chrysostom
Source: Wikipedia
Born: AD 347
Died: September 14, AD 407
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