Bernard of Constance
Bernard of Menthon
Bernard of Morlaix
Bernard of Toledo
Bernard, Claude
Bernard, John Henry
Bernard, Thomas Dehany
Bernardin of Sienna
Bernice (Berenice)
Berno (Bern, Bernard) of Reichenau
Ber�ans or Barclayites
Berquin, Louis de
Berruyer, Joseph Isaac
Berry, Joseph F.
Bersier, Eug�ne Artur Francois
Bertheau, Carl
Bertheau, Ernst
Berthier, Guillaume Fran�ois
Berthold of Chiemsee
Berthold of Livonia
Berthold of Regensburg
Berthold of Rorbach
Berthold the Carmelite
Bertholdt, Leonhard
Bertholet, Alfred
Bertram, Robert Aitkin
B�rulle, Pierre de
Beryllus of Bostra
Besant, Annie (Wood)
Bess, Bernhard
Bessarion, Johannes or Basilius
Bessel, Gottfried
Besser, Wilhelm Friedrich
Bestmann, Hugo Johannes
Beth, Karl
Bethune, George Washington
Bethune-Baker, James Franklin
Betkius (Betke), Joachim
Betrayal of Pilate
Beurlin, Jakob
Bevan, Anthony Ashley
Bevan, Llewelyn David
Beveridge, William
Beyer, Hartmann
Beyschlag, Willibald
Beza, Theodore
Bezold, Carl Ernst Christian
Bianchini (Blanchinus), Giuseppe
Bible Christians
Bible Christians (Bryanites)
Bible Reading by the Laity, Restrictions on
Bible Societies
Bible Text
Bible Versions
Bibles, Annotated, and Bible Summaries
Bibles for Children
Bibles, Historical (Story-bibles)
Bibles, Illustrated
Bibles, Polyglot
Bibles, Rabbinic
Biblia Pauperum
Bibliander (Buchmann), Theodor
Biblical Archeology
Biblical Canon
Biblical Criticism
Biblical History
Biblical History, Instruction in
Biblical Introduction
Biblical Theology
Biblicists, Biblical Doctors
Bibra, Nicholas of
Bickell, Gustav
Bickell, Johann Wilhelm
Bickersteth, Edward
Bickersteth, Edward Henry
Bickersteth, Samuel
Bidding Prayer
Biddle, John
Biedermann, Alois Emanuel
Biel, Gabriel
Bierling, Ernst Rudolf
Bigelmaier, Andreas
Bigg, Charles
Bigne, Marguerin de la
Billican, Theobald
Bilney (Bylney), Thomas
Bilson, Thomas
Binding and Loosing, Power of
Bindley, Thomas Herbert
Bingham, Hiram
Bingham, Joseph
Binney, Thomas
Binterim, Anton Josef
Birch, Thomas
Bird, Frederic Mayer
Birgitta, St., and the Birgittine Order
Birinus, Saint
Bishop, Nathan
Bishop (Episcopus) in Partibus Infidelium
Bishop, Titular
Bishopric, or Diocese
Bishops' Book, The
Bissell, Edwin Cone
Bj�rling, Carl Olof
Black Fathers
Black Friars
Black, Hugh
Black Jews
Black Rubric
Blackwood, William
Blaikie, William Garden
Blair, Hugh
Blair, James
Blair, Samuel
Blair, William
Blaise, Saint
Blakeslee, Erastus
Blanckmeister, Franz Theodor
Blandina, Saint
Blandrata, Georgius
Blass, Friedrich Wilhelm
Blastares, Matth�us
Blaurer (Blarer, Blaarer), Ambrosius
Blaurer, Margaretha
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna
Blayney, Benjamin
Bledsoe, Albert Taylor
Bleek, Friedrich
Blemmydes, Nikephoros
Blessig, Johann Lorenz
Blessing and Cursing
Bliss, Daniel
Bliss, Edwin Munsell
Bliss, Frederick Jones
Bliss, Howard Sweetser
Bliss, Isaac Grout
Bliss, William Dwight Porter
Blodget, Henry
Blomfield, Charles James
Blomfield, William Ernest
Blommaerdine, Hadewich (Hadewijch)
Blondel, David
Blount, Charles
Blumhardt, Christian Gottlieb
Blumhardt, Johann Christoph
Blunt, John Henry
Blunt, John James
Blyth, George Francis Popham
Boardman, George Dana
Boardman, George Nye
Bochart, Samuel
Bockhold, Johann (Jan Beukelszoon)
Bod, Peter
Bodelschwingh, Friedrich von
Bodenstein, Andreas Rudolf von
Body, Charles William Edmund
Body, George
Boeckenhoff, Wilhelm Bernard Aloysius Karl
Boegner, Alfred �douard
Boehl, Eduard
Boehm, Hans
Boehme, Jakob
Boehmer, Eduard
Boehmer, Justus Henning
Boehringer, Georg Friedrich
Bo�thius, Anicius Manlius Severinus
Bogatzky, Karl Heinrich von
Bogerman, Jan
Bogomiles id=
Bogue, David
Bohemian Brethren
Bois (Boys), John
Bolingbroke, Henry Saint-John, Viscount
Bolland, Jan, and the Bollandists
Bolsec, J�r�me Herm�s
Bolsena, Miracle of
Bolzano, Bernhard
Bomberger, John Henry Augustus
Bona, Giovanni
Bonald, Louis Gabriel Ambroise, Vicomte de
Bonar, Andrew Alexander
Bonar, Horatius
Bond, William Bennett
Bonet-Maury, Amy Gaston Charles Auguste
Boniface, Saint
Boni Homines
Bonizo (Bonitho)
Bonner, Edmund
Bonnet, Alfred Maximilien
Bonnet, Jules
Bonnivard, Francois de
Bonnus, Hermannus
Bonosus and the Bonosians
Bonwetsch, Gottlieb Nathanael
Boos, Martin
Booth, Ballington
Booth, Catherine (Mumford)
Booth, William
Booth Tucker, Emma Moss
Booth Tucker, Frederick St. George de Lautour
Booths, Feast of
Bora, Katharina von
Borborites, Bardelites
Bordier, Henri L�onard
Boreel, Adam
Bornemann, Friedrich Wilhelm Bernhard
Bornhaeuser, Karl Bernhard
Borowski, Ludwig Ernst von
Borrhaus, Martin (Cellarius)
Borromeo, Carlo
Borrow, George (Henry)
Boschi, Giulio
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosse, Friedrich
Bossuet, Jacques B�nigne
Bost, Paul Ami Isaac David
Boston, Thomas
Bottome, Margaret (McDonald)
Boudinot, Elias
Bouhours, Dominique
Bouquet, Martin
Bouquin, Pierre (Petrus Boquinus)
Bourdaloue, Louis
Bourignon, de la Porte, Antoinette
Bourne, Francis
Bourne, Hugh
Bousset, Johann Franz Wilhelm
Bouthillier, de Ranc�, Armand Jean le
Bowen, George
Bowen, John Wesley Edward
Bower, Archibald
Bowman, Thomas
Bowne, Borden Parker
Bowring, Sir John
Boyce, James Petigru
Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison
Boyle, Robert, and the Boyle Lectures
Brace, Charles Loring
Brackmann, Albert
Bradford, Amory Howe
Bradford, John
Bradlaugh, Charles
Bradley, George Granville
Bradshaw, William
Bradwardine, Thomas
Brady, Nicholas
Brahmo Somaj
Braig, Karl von Borromaeo
Brainerd, David
Brainerd, Thomas
Bramhall, John
Brandenburg, Bishopric of
Brandenburg, Confessions
Brandes, Friedrich Heinreich
Brandt, Wilhelm
Brann, Henry Athanasius
Brann, Marcus
Brant, Sebastian
Brastberger, Immanuel Gottlob
Brastow, Lewis Orsmond
Bratke, Eduard
Bratton, Theodore du Bose
Braun, Johann Wilhelm Josef
Bray, Guido de.
Bray, Thomas
Bread and Baking
Breckinridge, John
Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson
Breckling, Friedrich
Bredenkamp, Konrad Justus
Breeches Bible
Breed, David Riddle
Breithaupt, Joachim Justus
Breitinger, Johann Jakob
Bremen, Bishopric of
Brendan, Saint, of Clonfert
Brent, Charles Henry
Brenz, Johann
Br�s, Guy de (Guido de Bray)
Breslau, Bishopric of
Brethren, Bohemian; Brethren of the Common Life
Bretschneider, Karl Gottlieb
Brewer, Leigh Richmond
Brewster, Chauncey Bunce
Brewster, William
Breyfogel, Sylvanus Charles
Briconnet, Guillaume
Bridaine (Brydaine), Jacques
Bridel, Philippe Louis Justin
Bridge, William
Bridget (Brigit, Brigida, Bride), Saint, of Kildare
Bridget, Saint, of Sweden and the Brigittine Order
Bridgett, Thomas Edward
Bridgewater Treatises
Bridgmen, Elijah Coleman
Briefs, Bulls, and Bullaria
Brieger, Johann Friedrich Theodor
Briessmann, Johann
Briggs, Charles Augustus
Bright, William
Brightman, Frank Edward
Brightman, Thomas
Brigida, Saint, Brigittines
Brill, Jakob
Brinckerinck, Jan
Bristol, Frank Milton
British Church
British Honduras
Brittinans, Brittinians.
Brixen, Bishopric of
Broad Church.
Broadus, John Albert
Brochmand, Jesper Rasmussen
Broemel, Albert Robert
Bromley, Thomas
Brooke, Francis Key
Brooke, Stopford Augustus
Brooks, Elbridge Gerry
Brooks, Phillips
Brorson, Hans Adolf
Brotherhoods, Religious
Brothers of the Christian Schools
Broughton, Hugh
Brousson, Claude
Brown, Arthur Judson
Brown, Charles Reynolds
Brown, Charles Rufus
Brown, David
Brown, Francis
Brown, Hugh Stowell
Brown, James Baldwin
Brown, John
Brown, John
Brown, John Newton
Brown, Peter Hume
Brown, Ph�be Allen (Hinsdale)
Brown, Samuel Robbins
Brown, William Adams
Brown, William Montgomery
Browne, Edward Harold
Browne, George
Browne, George Forrest
Browne, John
Browne, Peter
Browne, Robert
Browne, Sir Thomas
Brownlee, William Craig
Brownson, Orestes Augustus
Bruce, Alexander Balmain
Bruch, Johann Friedrich
Brueck (Pontanus, real name Heinse, Henisch, Heincz), Gregorius
Brueckner, Benno Bruno
Brugmann, Jan
Brully (Brusly), Pierre
Bruneti�re, Marie Ferdinand
Brunfels, Otto
Brunner (Fontanus), Leonhard
Bruno of Cologne
Bruno, (Filippo) Giordano
Bruno (Bonifatius) of Querfurt
Bruno, Saint
Bruno of Segni
Bruno of Toul.
Bruno of W�rtzburg
Bruston, Charles Auguste
Bruys, Pierre de.
Bryant, Jacob
Bryce, George
Bryennios, Philotheos
Bucer, Martin.
Buchanan, Claudius
Buchanan, George
Buchel, Anna von
Buchwald, Georg Apollo
Buck, Charles
Buckland, Augustus Robert
Buckley, James Monroe
Buckminster, Joseph Stevens
Budde, Karl Ferdinand Reinhard
Buddensieg, Oskar Gottlieb Rudolf
Buddeus, Johannes Franciscus
Bud�, Guillaume
Buder, Paul von
Buechner, Gottfried
Buechsel, Karl
Buell, Marcus Darius
Bug Bible.
Bugenhagen, Johann
Buhl, Frants Peder William Meyer
Bulgari (Bourges)
Bulgarian National Church in the United States, The
Bulgarians, Conversion of the
Bulgaris, Eugenios
Bull, George
Bull, Papal
Bullinger, Heinrich
Bunbury, Thomas
Bund, Evangelischer
Bungener (Laurent Louis), F�lix
Bunsen, Christian Karl Josias
Bunting, Jabez
Bunyan, John
Burchard of Worms
Burchard of W�rzburg
Burder, George
Burdinus, Mauritius
Burger, Karl Heinrich August von
Burges, Cornelius
Burgess, Anthony
Burgess, Daniel
Burgess, Frederick
Burgess, George
Burgess, Henry
Burghers and Antiburghers
Burgon, John William
Buridan, Jean
Burke, Thomas Martin Aloysius
Burkitt, Francis Crawford
Burkitt, William
Burmann, Frans
Burn, Richard
Burnet, Gilbert
Burnet, Thomas
Burnett Prizes and Lectures
Burns, William Chalmers
Burnt Offering
Burr, Enoch Fitch
Burrage, Henry Sweetser
Burrell, David James
Burritt, Elihu
Burroughes (Burroughs), Jeremiah
Burroughs (Burrough), George
Burrows, Winfrid Oldfield
Bursfelde, Congregation of
Burt, William
Burton, Asa
Burton, Edward
Burton, Ernest de Witt
Burton, Lewis William
Burton, Robert
Burwash, Nathaniel
Bury, Richard de
Busch, Jan
Busembaum (Busenbaum), Hermann
Bush, George
Bushnell, Horace
Butler, Alban
Butler, Alford Augustus
Butler, Alfred Joshua
Butler, Charles
Butler, Clement Moore
Butler, Henry Montague
Butler, James Glentworth
Butler, John George
Butler, Joseph
Butler, William
Butler, William Archer
Butterbriefe, Butterwoche
Buttlar, Eva von
Buttz, Henry Anson
Butzer, Martin
Byfield, Adoniram
Byfield, Nicholas
Byrom, John
Byrum, Enoch Edwin