BORDIER, bor"dy�', HENRI L�ONARD: Reformed Church of France; b. in Paris Aug. 8, 1817; d. there Aug. 31, 1888. He was educated at the �cole de Droit and the �cole des Chartes in Paris, and licensed in law and as paleographic archivist in 1840; thereafter he devoted himself to historical studies. He was successively assistant to the historian Augustin Thierry; assistant in the Academy of Inscriptions; secretary par interim of the �cole des Chartes; a member of the commission on the departmental archives of the minister of the interior (1846); archivist of the national archives (1850), and dismissed on the establishment of the Empire. He was, during the siege of Paris, on the commission upon the papers of the Tuileries; and in 1872 was nominated honorary librarian in the department of manuscripts in the Biblioth�que Nationale. He was for many years on the committee of the Soci�t� d'Histoire du Protestantisme Fran�ais, and prepared numerous works, noted for their accuracy. Among them may be mentioned: various notices in the Biblioth�que de l'�cole des Chartes (Paris, 1841-86); Histoire g�n�rale de tous les d�p�ts d'archives existant en France (1855); Les �glises et monast�res de Paris (1856); an edition of the Libri miraculorum aliaque opera minora of Gregory of Tours, Latin text with French translation (4 vols., 1857-64); a French translation of the Historia Francorum of Gregory of Tours (2 vols., 1859-61); Les Inventaires des archives de l'Empire (1867); Une Fabrique de faux autographes (1869); Chansonnier huguenot du seizi�me si�cle (1869); L'Allemagne aux Tuileries, de 1850 � 1870, collection de documents tir�s du cabinet de l'Empereur (1872); La Saint-Barth�lemy et la critique moderne (Geneva, 1879); L'�cole historique de J�r�me Bolsec (Paris, 1880); Nicolas Castellin de Tournay, r�fugi� � Gen�ve, 1564-1576 (1881); Description des peintures et autres ornements contenus dans les manuscrits grecs de la Biblioth�que Nationale (1885). With E. Charton he published in 1860: Histoire de France d'apr�s les documents originaux et les monuments de l'art de chaque �poque. At the time of his death he was engaged upon a new and enlarged edition of the brothers Eug�ne and �mile Haag's La France protestante (originally 12 vols., Paris, 1845-59), and had brought out the first five volumes (1877-86).
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