CALIXTUS, GEORG: The most influential continuator
of Melanchthon's theology in the seventeenth
century, spokesman of the so-called "syncretism"
in Germany at that time; b. at Medelbye
(in the district of Tondern, 115 m. n.n.w. of Hamburg),
Schleswig, Dec. 14, 1586; d. at Helmst�dt,
Brunswick, March 19, 1656. His father, pastor
at Medelbye, a pupil of Melanchthon, wished to
have his son educated in the same way, and after
due preparation sent him to the university at
Helmst�dt, where like-minded friends of Melanchthon,
eg., the humanist Caselius, were still in
office. From 1603 to 1607 he studied philology
and philosophy, then theology, paying especial
attention to the study of early patristics. From
1609 to 1613 he traveled in Germany, Belgium
England, and France, enlarging his ideas,
and becoming acquainted with the conditions of
the Reformed and Roman Catholic churches,
comparing them with those of the Lutheran Church
to which he belonged. Thus he developed an
irenic tendency which he retained all his life. He was
appointed in 1614 professor of theology at Helmst�dt,
and remained there until his death. A
memorial tablet on his house in the little city in
the duchy of Brunswick commemorates the activity
of this enlightened mind. His life fell in the age
of the Counterreformation and the Thirty Years'
War, when the hatred of the confessions toward each
other had reached its height. The main effort of
this irenic theologian was inspired by the ides that
theology must have for its prime object not so
much pure doctrine as Christian life. Thus he
became the creator of theological ethics as a special
theological discipline, and therein undoubtedly
marks an epoch in the progress of theology; most
moral philosophers still follow him in this formal
principle. But the danger was thereby incurred
of detaching ethics from dogmatics and building
the former without the necessary religious foundation.
In the second place he endeavored to bring
about a union of all Christian churches, taking the
Apostles' Creed and the consensus of the first five
centuries as a dogmatically and ecclesiastically
sufficient norm. He aspired to a union of all
Christian confessions. For this reason he took
part in the Conference of Thorn (see THORN, CONFERENCE OF)
in 1645, where, however, he found
that the Lutherans would not work with him, since
they felt justifiably that from his point of view
the Reformation lost its essential importance:
a religious indifferentism would be the obvious
sequence, and it is certainly no accident that during
the seventeenth century many princes and princesses
left the Lutheran Church and joined the
Roman Catholic (John Frederick of Hanover,
Christine of Sweden, the daughter of Gustavus
Adolphus, and some others). On the other hand
the orthodox, not altogether from combativeness,
endeavored to maintain the religious content of the
Reformation; this is their merit against all syncretism.
Finally Calixtus made himself a name
in scientific dogmatics by introducing the analytical
method. After his death the syncretistic controversies
continued till they lost their interest through
the Pietistic movement. Among his numerous
writings those of most interest are his academical
orations Orationes select� (Hehmst�dt, 1660); his
influential exegetical writings, Expositiones and
Lucubrationtes on New and Old Testament books;
and, of his irenic writings, the Judicium de controversiis
theologicis qu� inter Lutheranos et Reformatos
agitantur, et de mutua partium fraternitate
atque tolerantia propter consensum in fundamentis
(1650). His son and successor, Friedrich Ulrich
Calixtus (b. 1622; d. 1701), tried to continue the
work of his father, but met with no approval among
the Lutherans. They rather tried to supplant
syncretism in the Lutheran Church by a new orthodox
confession, Consensus repetitus fidei vere
Lutheran�. But this confession, which would
have turned the Church into an orthodox school,
was nowhere officially accepted. The syncretistic
controversy remained for a long time of such importance
that no interest was felt in the Pietistic
principles which soon sprang up. This can be understood
only from the course of the syncretistic
controversies. See SYNCRETISM.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Account should be taken of Calixtus's Briefwechsel, ed. E. L. T. Henke, Halle, 1883, cf. issues of Jena, 1833, Marburg, 1840. Consult: W. Gass, G. Calixt und der Synkretismus, Breslau, 1846; E. L. T. Henke, G. Calixtus und seine Zeit, 2 vols., Halle, 1853-1856; W. C. Dowding, German Theology during the Thirty Years' War; Life and Correspondence of G. Calixtus, London, 1863; H. Friedrich, Georg Calixtus, der Unionsmann des 17. Jahrhunderts, Anklam, 1891; ADB, iii. 696 sqq.
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