BRORSON, HANS ADOLF: Bishop of Ribe; b. at Randrup, on the west coast of northern Sleswick, June 20, 1694; d. at Ribe, Jutland, June 3, 1764. He studied at the University of Copenhagen (1712-17), devoting himself more to history and literature than to theology, and acted as tutor in the house of an uncle at L�gum in Sleswick, where he caught the spirit of the religious revival at that time making itself felt in this province. In 1722 he was appointed minister at Randrup, and in 1729 he was called as deacon to T�ndern. Here he began collecting Danish hymns for the use of his congregation, to replace the German ones previously sung before and after the Danish sermon. In 1732 he published a small volume of Christmas hymns which contains some of his most excellent compositions; later he published other booklets, and in 1739 the first edition of his Troens rare Klenodie ("The Faith's Rare Jewel"), a collection of 250 hymns, mostly translations from the German. In 1737 King Christian VI. appointed him dean of Ribe stift, and two years later he succeeded to the bishopric. Brorson was one of the greatest of Danish hymn-writers, and is preeminently the poet of Christmas. His hymns are associated with the melodies of the people, and he was essentially a singer for those who worship in the privacy of their homes. While not unable to write original hymns, it was especially the hymns and melodies of German Pietism that he transplanted into the church of Denmark. The best edition of his hymns is by P. A. Arland (Copenhagen, 1867).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: A. D. J�rgensen, H. A. Brorson, Copenhagen, 1887.
BROUGHTON, brau'tun, HUGH: Church of England Hebrew scholar; b. at Oldbury (near the border of Wales, 20 m. s.w. of Shrewsbury), Shropshire, 1549; d. in Tottenham, London, Aug. 4, 1612. He was helped in his efforts to obtain an education by Bernard Gilpin, and became fellow of St. John's and Christ's colleges, Cambridge (B.A., 1570). In London he gained fame as a preacher of Puritan doctrine. In 1588 he published A Consent of Scripture, a treatise on Bible chronology; it was attacked at both universities and Broughton undertook lectures in its defense at London. In 1589 or 1590 he went to Germany and thenceforth spent most of his life on the Continent, where he disputed with Jews, Roman Catholics, and Protestants who did not agree with him, and wrote letters to England asking for appointments. His learning and ability were unquestioned, but his unhappy temper and bad manners prevented his advancement. He was long anxious to assist in preparing a new version of the Bible, but when the translators were appointed by King James in 1604 he was not one of them, and when their work was done he made a bitter attack upon it. His writings were collected by Lightfoot, with the pompous title The Works of the Great Albionean Divine, Renowned in Many Nations for Rare Skill in Salem's and Athens's Tongues and Familiar Acquaintance with all Rabbinical Learning, Mr. Hugh Broughton (London, 1662); a sketch of his life is included.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Besides the life prefixed to his works, there are available sketches in: B. Brook, Lives of the Puritans, ii. 215 sqq., London, 1813; A. � Wood, Athen� Oxonienses, ed. P. Bliss, ii. 308 sqq., 4 vols., ib. 1813-20.
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