
BERENGOZ: Abbot of St. Maximin's at Treves in the twelfth century; d. about 1125. In the records of the abbey he is first mentioned as abbot in 1107, and for the last time in 1125. The register of deaths contains his name against the date of Sept. 24, without naming the year; but as his successor, Gerhard, was installed in 1127, he must have died either in 1125 or 1126. He rendered considerable services to the monastery by procuring from Henry V the restitution of a number of alienated fiefs, and, besides five sermons for saints' days, wrote two larger works: three books De laude et inventione sanct� crucis, and a series of discourses De mysterio ligni dominici et de luce visibili et invisibili per quam antiqui patres olim meruerunt illustrari. In the former he treats of the legend of the discovery of the cross of Christ by Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great, adducing a large number of Old Testament types of the cross. The latter deals with Christ under the aspect of the light of the world, shining from the beginning of its history. Whether the commentary on the Apocalypse which the Benedictines of St. Maur printed as an appendix to the second volume of their edition of St. Ambrose, ascribing it to a certain Berengaudus, is his or not must remain uncertain.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: Berengoz's works were edited by Christophorus, Cologne, 1555, and appear in M. de la Bigne, Magna bibliotheca, vol. vii, ib. 1618, also in MPL, clx. Consult J. Marx, Geschichte des Erzstifts Trier, ii, 95, Trier, 1860: H. V. Sauerland, Trierer Geschichtsquellen, Trier, 1889; Hauck, KD, iii, 971-972.


BERGER, DANIEL: One of the United Brethren in Christ; b. near Reading, Pa., Feb. 14, 1832. He studied privately at Springfield, O., taught school 1852-58, and served as pastor 1858-64. From 1864 till 1897 he was editor in the publishing house of the United Brethren in Christ at Dayton, O., having charge of the denominational Sunday school literature 1869-93, and was a member of the International Sunday-School Lesson Committee from 1884 to 1896. In theology he is an Arminian. He wrote the History of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ for the American Church History Series (New York, 1894), and a larger work with the same title (Dayton, 1897), which is the official history of the denomination.


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