CEDD (CEDDA), ST.: Bishop of Essex; d, at Lastingham (25 m. n.n.e. of York), Northumbria, Oct. 26, 664. With his youngest brother Ceadda or Chad, he was brought up at Lindisfarne, and was sent in 653 by his abbot, Finan, and Oswy, king of Northumbria, as missionary, first to Peada, king of Mercia, and then to Sigbert, king of Essex. He was very successful and was consecrated bishop of the East Saxons by Finan and two Scotch bishops in 854. He founded two monasteries in Essex and the one at Lastingham and governed them strictly, according to the Columban rules. He was present at the Synod of Whitby in 664 and acted as interpreter; he inclined to the British side, but when the Roman prevailed he acquiesced. He died of the plague while on a visit to Northumbria. He has been called the second bishop of London, but Bede, who is the source of all information concerning him (Hist. eccl., iii. 21-23, 25, 26, 28; iv. 3), never speaks of him as such.
CEILLIER, s�l"ly�', REMY: French bibliographer; b. at Bar-le-duc May 14,1688; d, at Flavigny, near Nancy, Nov. 17, 1761. He entered the Congregation of St. Vannes (reformed Benedictines) in 1705, and became titular prior of Flavigny. His great work was an Histoire g�n�rale des auteurs sacr�s et eccl�siastiques, qui contient leur vie, le catalogue, la critique, le judgement, la chronologie, l'analyse, et le d�nombrement des diff�rentes �ditions de leurs ouvrages; ce qu'ils renferment de plus int�ressant sur le dogme, sur la morale, et sur la discipline de l'eglise (23 vols., Paris, 1729-63; Table g�n�rale des mati�res by Rondet and Drouet, 2 vols., 1782, new ed., 16 vols., 1858-69). This work is brought down to the middle of the thirteenth century, and is more complete and exact than the similar undertaking of Du Pin, but is inferior in respect to style and critical judgment; it is of most value for the first six centuries, for which Ceillier was able to use Tillemont and the Benedictine editions.
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BIBLIOGRAPHY: A. Beugnet, �tude biographique et critique sur Dom R�mi Ceillier, Bar-le-Duc, 1891.
CELE, JOHANNES: Teacher at Zwolle; b. at Zwolle, about the middle of the fourteenth century; d. there May 9, 1417. He received his early education in his native place, continued his studies in some unknown school, and, returning to Zwolle, in 1374 was entrusted with the school-management there. Having been awakened by the preaching of Gerard Groote, he thought of joining the order of Minorites, but was prevented from doing so by Groote, who advised him to complete his studies at Prague. Whether he went to Prague is not known. Depressed in mind, Cele spent some time in the monastery at Munnikhuizen and in company with Ruysbroeck. Through the influence of Groote, in spite of opposition, Cele was made rector of the school at Zwolle. He received much help from the Brethren of the Common Life and assisted them especially in the difficult task of securing houses at Zwolle for their adherents and those committed to their charge, but he did not join the brotherhood, remaining rector of the ever-growing school, which numbered 1,000 pupils. He taught Latin, grammar, and rhetoric, and expounded the Scriptures, admitting laymen to his lectures against the will of the city ministers. He founded a large library by buying and copying manuscripts. For more than forty years he stood at the head of the institution, highly esteemed for his learning and piety and his lasting influence on his pupils. The lazy and presumptuous were kept under rigid discipline. All wore the simple dress of the brethren. He had no method of his own, but labored in the spirit of his friend Groote, recognizing in a pious personality the source of all morality, and thus he gave to the growing humanism the right direction and true basis in the Christian faith and genuine piety. Many prominent men were his pupils, such as Heinrich von Herxen, Wessel Gansfort, Alexander Hegius, Rudolf Langen, Rudolf Agricola, Ludwig Dringenberg, Moritz von Spiegelberg, and Johannes Busch.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Besides the works mentioned in the article COMMON LIFE, BRETHREN OF THE, valuable sources for Cele are the personal reminiscences of Thomas � Kempis in the Chronicon monasterii S. Agnetis, ed. H. Rosweyde, p. 171, Antwerp, 1615 and of his scholar, Johannes Busch, in the Chronicon Windeshemense, ed. K. Grube, pp. 204-222, Halle, 1887. Consult also ADB, iv. 79.
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