
BERGER, b�r"zh�', SAMUEL: French Lutheran; b. at Beaucourt (10 m. s.s.e. of Belfort), France, May 2, 1843; d. in S�vres July 13, 1900. He studied at Strasburg and T�bingen; in 1867 became assistant preacher in the Lutheran Church in Paris; in 1877, librarian to the Paris faculty of Protestant theology. He was the author of F. C. Baur, les origines de l'�cole de Tubingue et ses principes (Paris, 1867); La Bible au seizi�me si�cle, �tude sur les origines de la critique (1879); De glossariis et compendiis biblicis quibusdam medii �vi (1879); Du r�le de la dogmatique dans la pr�dication (1881); la Bible fran�aise au moyen �ge (1884); De l'histoire de la Vulgate en France (1887); Le Palimpseste de Fleury (1889); Quam notitiam lingu� Hebraic� habuerint Christiani medii �vi temporibus in Gallia (1893); L'Histoire de la Vulgate pendant les premiers si�cles du moyen �ge (1893); Notice sur quelques textes latins in�dits de l'Ancien Testament (1893); Un Ancien Texte latin des Actes des Ap�tres (1895); Une Bible copi�e � Porrentruy (�tudes de Theologie et d'Histoire, 1901, 213-219); and Les Pr�faces jointes aux livres de la Bible dans les manuscrits de la Vulgate, m�moire posthume (1902).

BERGIER, b�r"zhy�', NICOLAS SYLVESTRE: French Roman Catholic; b. at Darnay (18 m. s.e. of Mirecourt), Lorraine, Dec. 31, 1718; d. at Paris Apr. 19, 1790. He gained repute while a teacher at the college at Besan�on by essays in philology and mythology; abandoned this line of study to devote himself to Christian apologetics, and polemics against the Encyclopedists. In 1765-68 he published at Paris Le D�isme r�fut� par lui-m�me (2 vols.) and in 1768 the Certitude des preuves du christianisme (2 vols.), which achieved a great success and called forth replies from Voltaire and Anacharsis Cloots. In 1769 followed Apologie de la religion chr�tienne (2 vols.) against Holbach, in 1771 Examen du mat�rialisme (2 vols.), and in 1780 Trait� historique et dogmatique de la vraie religion avec la r�futation des erreurs qui lui ont �t� oppos�es dans les diff�rens si�cles (12 vols.). He also wrote a Dictionnaire


(3 vols., 1789), which formed part of the Encyclop�die, but has several times been separately edited (latest by Le Noir, 12 vols., 1876). As a reward for his services he was made canon of Notre Dame in Paris and confessor to the aunts of the king, with a pension of 2,000 livres.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Biographie nouvelle des contemporains, ii, 378, Paris, 1821; Biographie g�n�rale, v, 14.


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