
BURTON, ROBERT: Author of the Anatomy of Melancholy; b. at Lindley (20 m. e.n.e. of Birmingham), Leicestershire, Feb. 8, 1577; d. at Oxford Jan. 25, 1640. He studied at Brasenose and Christ Church, Oxford (B.D., 1614); became vicar of St. Thomas, in the west suburbs of Oxford, 1616, and in addition, about 1630, rector of Segrave, Leicestershire. His life was spent among his books at Oxford; Anthony Wood, a generation after his death, describes him as a good mathematician, a philologist, and astrologer, a hard student and well-read scholar, considered by some melancholy and morose, but by those who knew him better esteemed for honesty and charity, and as a merry and genial companion. His famous work (Oxford, 1621), which is a vast collection of quotations and allusions, abundantly proves his learning. Five editions appeared during Burton's life, each with many alterations and additions and a sixth was printed from his annotated manuscript (1651-52). The edition of 1800 contains an account of the author. There is a modern edition by A. R. Shilleto, with introduction by A. H. Bullen (London, 1893). The Philosophaster is a Latin comedy written in 1606 and acted at Christ Church on Shrove Monday (Feb. 16), 1618; with certain Latin poemata it was printed for the Roxburghe Club (London, 1862).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Besides the Memoir in the ed. of 1800, consult: A. � Wood, Athen� Oxonienses, ed. P. Bliss, ii. 652-653, 4 vols., London, 1813-20; J. Nichols, History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, vol. iii., part i., pp. 415-419, 4 vols., London, 1795-1811. The account in DNR, viii. 12-14 describes rather the book than the man.


BURWASH, NATHANIEL: Methodist Episcopalian; b. at Argenteuil, Quebec, July 25, 1839. He was educated at Victoria College, Cobourg, Ont. (B.A., 1859), Yale College, and Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Ill. (B.D., 1871). He entered the Methodist Episcopal ministry in 1860, and after acting as classical tutor in Victoria College in 1860-1861, held pastorates until 1866, when he was recalled to Victoria College as professor of natural science. He was made dean of the theological faculty in the same institution in 1873, and since 1887 has been its president and chancellor. He is also a member of the senate and council of the University of Toronto and of the council of education for the province of Ontario. He has been a member of successive general conferences of his denomination since 1874, and was president of the one held in 1889-90, in addition to being secretary of education for the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada from 1874 to 1886. He has written: Memorials of Edward and Lydia Jackson (Toronto, 1876); Genesis, Nature, and Results of Sin (1878); Wesley's Doctrinal Standards (188I); Relation of Children to the Fall, the Atonement, and the Church (1882); Handbook on the Epistle to the Romans (1887); Inductive Studies in Theology (1896); Manual of Christian Theology (1900); Life and Times of Egerton Ryerson (1902); and The Development of the University of Toronto as a Provincial Institution (1905).


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