
BREDENKAMP, KONRAD JUSTUS: German Lutheran; b. at Basbeck (a village near Stade, 22 m. w.n.w. of Hamburg) June 26, 1847; d. at Verden (21 m. s.e. of Bremen) Mar. 25, 1904. He was educated at the universities of Erlangen, Bonn, and G�ttingen, and was pastor at Kuppentin, Mecklenburg, from 1872 to 1878. He then resided at G�ttingen for a year, and from 1880 to 1883 was privat-docent at Erlangen. In the latter year he accepted a call to Greifswald as professor of theology, and remained there until 1889, after which he was honorary professor of Old Testament exegesis at Kiel until his death. He wrote Der Prophet Sacharja erkl�rt (Erlangen, 1879); Vaticinium quod de Immanuele edidit Jesaias (vii, 1-ix, 6) (1880); Gesetz und Propheten (1881); and Der Prophet Jesaia erl�utert (1887).


BREED, DAVID RIDDLE: Presbyterian; b. at Pittsburg, Pa., June 10,1848. He was educated at the Western University of Pennsylvania, Hamilton College (B.A., 1867), and Auburn Theological Seminary (1870), and was pastor of the House of Hope Presbyterian Church at St. Paul, Minn., from 1870 until 1885, when he organized the Church of the Covenant, Chicago, of which he was pastor until 1894. In the latter year he accepted a call to the First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburg, and since 1898 has been professor of practical theology in the Western Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Pa. In theology he is conservative. In addition to numerous pamphlets, he has written Abraham, the Typical Life of Faith (Chicago, 1886); History of the Preparation of the World for Christ


(1891); Heresy and Heresy (1891); and The History and Use of Hymns and Hymn Tunes (1903).

BREITHAUPT, brait'haupt, JOACHIM JUSTUS: First professor of theology at Halle; b. at Nordheim (12 m. n. of G�ttingen), Hanover, Feb. 1658; d. at the monastery of Berge (Kloster Bergen, s. of Magdeburg; the site is now a public park) Mar. 16, 1732. He studied at Helmst�dt, became corector in Wolfenb�ttel in 1680, and went thence to Kiel, where he continued theological studies under Christian Kortholt and became privat-docent. Then he lived for some time in Frankfort and came completely under Spener's influence. He returned to Kiel as professor of homiletics; became court preacher at Meiningen in 1685, went to Erfurt in 1687 as preacher at the Dominican Church and became professor of theology in the university. His Pietistic tendencies aroused much opposition, and in 1691 he removed to Halle, where with August Hermann Francke and Paul Aston he gave the theological study of the new university its peculiar character and direction. In 1705 he added to his other duties those of superintendent of the duchy of Magdeburg and in 1709 was made abbot at the monastery of Berge (then transformed into a school). He was a man of much faith, prayerful, and took a deep interest in poor students. Besides minor writings, he published Institutiones theologic� (2 vols., Halle, 1694; 2d enlarged ed., 1723; vol. iii, Institutiones theologi� moralis, 1732); Theses credendorum et agendorum fundamentales (1700). He was not without poetic talent and published a collection of Poemata miscellanea (Magdeburg, 1720). Some of his hymns are still found in the German hymn-books.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: The Memorial, ed. G. A. Francke, Halle, 1736, contains the Lebensbeschreibung by C. P. Leporin and Baumgartens Memoria incomparabilis theologi J. J. Breithaupt. Consult also A. Ritschl, Geschichte des Pietismus, iii, 385 et passim, Bonn, 1884; Julian, Hymnology, pp. 169-170; W. Schrader, Geschichte der Friedrichs-Universit�t zu Halle, vol. i, passim, Halle, 1894; ADB, iii, 291.


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