BEZOLD, b�"zold', CARL ERNST CHRISTIAN: German Orientalist; b. at Donauw�rth (25 m. n.n.w. of Augsburg), Bavaria, May 18, 1859. He was educated at the universities of Munich (1876-79), Leipsic (1879-80; Ph.D., 1881), and Strasburg (1881), and became privat-docent at Munich in 1883. He continued his studies at Rome in the spring of 1884 and at London in the summer of 1882 and 1887, while from 1888 to 1894 he was employed in the British Museum. Since the latter year he has been professor of Oriental philology and director of the Oriental seminar at the University of Heidelberg. In 1884 he founded, at Leipsic, the Zeitschrift f�r Keilschriftforschung, which was continued in the following year as the Zeitschrift f�r Assyriologie, and which he has edited to the present time. He likewise edited the second edition of C. F. A. Dillmann's Grammatik der �thiopischen Sprache (Leipsic, 1899) and the Orientalische Studien in honor of the seventieth birthday of T. N�ldeke (2 vols., Giessen, 1906), and was the founder and editor of the Semitistische Studien (Berlin, 1894 sqq.). In 1904 he became one of the editors of the Archiv f�r Religionswissenschaft. He has also written Die gros� Dariusinschrift am Felsen van Behistun (Leipsic, 1881); Die Ach�menideninschriften (1882); Die Schatzh�hle, syrisch und deutsch (2 vols., 1883-88); The Ordinary Canon of the Mass according to the Use of the Coptic Church, in C. A. Swainson's Greek Liturgies (London, 1884); Kurzgefasster Ueberblick �ber die babylonisch-as-syrische Literatur (Leipsic, 1886); Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum (5 vols., London, 1889-99); The Tell-el-Amarna Tablets in the British Museum (1892); Oriental Diplomacy (1893); Ninive und Babylon (Bielefeld, 1903); Die babylonisch-assyrischen Keilinschriften und ihre Bedeutung f�r das Alte Testament (T�bingen, 1904); Babylonisch-Assyrische Texte �bersetzt: i. Die Sch�pfungslegende (Bonn, 1904); and Kebra Nagast, die Herrlichkeit der K�nige (Ethiopic text and German translation, Munich, 1905).
BIANCHINI, b�"�n-k�'n� (BLANCHINUS), GIUSEPPE: Italian Biblical scholar; b. at Verona Sept. 9, 1704; d. after 1760. He was a member of the Congregation of the Oratory, and the author of two works bearing on the history of the Itala: Psalterium duplex juxta antiquam italicam versionem (Rome, 1740) and Evangeliarium quadruplex Latin� versionis antiqu� seu veteris Italic� (2 vols., 1749). The detailed statements in the first volume are valuable, but the text is inferior to Sabatier's Bibliorum sacrorum Latin� versionis antiqu� (Reims, 1739 sqq.). The second, containing some older codices, supplements Sabatier.
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