BOARDMAN, GEORGE DANA: 1. Baptist foreign missionary; b. at Livermore, Me., Feb. 8, 1801; d. at Tavoy, Burma, Feb. 11, 1831. In 1824 he was a resident licentiate in Andover Theological Seminary. In 1825 he went out to Burma under the Baptist Board of Missions, which had accepted his services in 1823, but owing to the Burmese war he could not reach that country till 1827. After a year at Maulmain he opened the new station at Tavoy, 150 miles north, and there he immersed the first Karen convert�Ko Tha Byu. From this center he prosecuted a very successful missionary work, but pulmonary disease caused his death after less than three years.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: A. King, Good Fight, or G. D. Boardman and the Burman Mission, Boston, 1875.
2. American Baptist, son of the preceding; b. at Tavoy, Burma, Aug. 18, 1828; d. at Atlantic City, N. J., Apr. 28, 1903. He was graduated at Brown in 1852 and at the Newton Theological Institution 1855; was pastor in South Carolina 1855-1856; in Rochester, N. Y., 1856-84; of the First Baptist Church, Philadelphia, 1864-94. He was president of the American Baptist Missionary Union (1880-84), and of the Christian Arbitration and Peace Society of America. His publications were for the most part studies of Biblical texts of an exegetical character and include Studies in the Creative Week (New York, 1877), in the Model Prayer (1879), and in the Mountain Instruction (1881); Epiphanies of the Risen Lord (1879); The Divine Man from the Nativity to the Temptation (1887); University Lectures on the Ten Commandments (1889); The Kingdom (1899); The Church (1901); Our Risen King's Forty Days (Philadelphia, 1902).BIBLIOGRAPHY: Life and Light. Thoughts from the Writings of George Dana Boardman, with Memorabilia, Philadelphia, 1905.
BOARDMAN, GEORGE NYE: American Congregationalist; b. at Pittsford, Vt., Dec. 23, 1825. He was graduated at Middlebury College, Vt. (B.A., 1847), and Andover Theological Seminary (1852). He was tutor at Middlebury College, in 1847-49, and after the completion of his theological studies was appointed professor of rhetoric and English literature in Middlebury College, also acting as temporary professor of intellectual philosophy. Six years later (1859), he accepted a call to the pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church at Binghamton, N. Y., where he remained until 1871, when he was chosen professor of systematic theology in Chicago Theological Seminary. He resigned from this position in 1893, with the title of professor emeritus. He was the first moderator of the new synod after the reunion of the Old School and New School Presbyterian Churches, being also chairman of the committee for the formation of new presbyteries. He was also moderator of the Congregational General Association of Illinois in 1881, and has been a corporate member of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions since 1869. He prepared the section on systematic theology in the seven volumes of Current Discussion, issued by the faculty of the Chicago Theological Seminary (Chicago, 1883-89), and has also written Lectures on Natural Theology (1881); Congregationalism (1889); Regeneration (1891); and History of New England Theology (New York, 1899).
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