German Protestant; b. at Grossenhain (19 m. n.n.w.
of Dresden) July 16, 1859. He was educated at
the University of Leipsic (Ph.D., 1882), and was
successively a teacher in the real-school of Mittweida
(1882-83) and the royal gymnasium of
Zwickau (1883-85), after which he was diaconus
at Zwickau (1885-92) and Leipsic (1892-96).
Since 1896 he has been pastor of the Michaeliskirche,
Leipsic. In addition to numerous minor contributions
to theological periodicals and to collaborating
on the Weimar and Erlangen editions of
the works of Luther, he has written Luther und
die Juden (Leipsic, 1881); Nachklang der Epistol� obscurorum virorum (Dresden, 1882); Logosbegriff
des Johannes Scotus Erigena (Leipsic,1884); Lutheri
Schol� in librum Judicum (1884); Ungedruckte
Predigten D. Martin Luthers 1530 auf der Coburg
gehalten (Zwickau, 1884); Sechs Predigten Johannes
Bugenhagens (Halle, 1885); Andreas Poachs handschriftliche Sammlung ungedruckter Predigten D.
Martin Luthers aus den Jahren 1528-46 (2 vols.,
Leipsic, 1884-85); Allerlei aus drei Jahrhunderten
(Zwickau, 1887); Eine s�chsische Pilgerfahrt nach
Pal�stina, vor vier hundert Jahren (Barmen, 1889);
Elf ungedruckte Predigten Luthers gehalten in der
Trinitatiszeit, 1539 (Werdau, 1888); Luthers letzte
Streitschrift (Leipsic, 1893); Zur Wittenberger
Stadt- und Universit�tsgeschichte in der Reformationszeit
(1893); Entstehung der Katechismen Luthers
und die Grundlage des grossen Katechismus (1894);
Wittenberger Ordinierten-Buch (2 vols., 1894); Selige Pilgerschaft (1896; extracts from the writings
of Luther); Philipp Melanchthon (1897); Luthers
grosser Katechismus (1897); Paul Eber (1897);
Geschichte der evangelischen Gemeinde zu Kitzingen
(1898); Luthers deutsche Briefe ausgew�hlt und
erl�utert (1899); Reformationsgeschichte der Stadt
Leipzig (1900); Konrad St�rtzel von Buchheim
(1900); Die evangelische Kirche im Jahrhundert
der Reformation (1900); Dr. Martin Luther (1901);
So spricht Dr. Martin Luther (Berlin, 1903; selections
from the writings of Luther); Deutschlands
Kirchengeschichte f�r das evangelische Haus (Bielefeld,
1904); Lutherlesebuch (Hamburg, 1905);
and Ungedruckte Predigten aus den Jahren 1537-1540
(Leipsic, 1905).
BUCK, CHARLES: English Independent; b. at Hillsley (15 m. n.e. of Bristol), Gloucestershire, 1771; d. in London Aug. 11, 1815. He held pastorates at Sheerness and London. He is mentioned for his Theological Dictionary, containing definitions of all religious terms; a comprehensive view of every article in the system of divinity; an impartial account of all the principal denominations which have subsisted in the religious world from the birth of Christ to the present day; together with an accurate statement of the most remarkable transactions and events recorded in ecclesiastical history (2 vols., London, 1802; many subsequent editions and reprints). He also published Anecdotes, Religious, Moral, and Entertaining (1799), which proved a highly popular work.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Buck's Memoirs and Remains were edited by J. Styles, London, 1817.
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