BIERLING, b�'ar-ling, ERNST RUDOLF: German Protestant jurist; b. at Zittau (49 m. s.e. of Dresden) Jan. 7, 1841. He was educated at the universities of Leipsic (1859-63) and G�ttingen (1864-65), and after being a lawyer in his native city in 1868-71 was privet-docent at G�ttingen for two years. Since 1873 he has been professor of canon and criminal law at Greifswald. In addition to being a member of the Pomeranian provincial synod in 1878-99 and of the general synod in 1875
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BIGELMAIER, b�"gel-mai'er, ANDREAS: German Roman Catholic; b. at Oberhausen (a suburb of Augsburg) Oct. 21, 1873. He was educated at the University of Munich (Th.D., 1899) and was ordained to the priesthood in 1897. From October to November, 1897, he was chaplain at H�rzhausen, in 1904 became privat-docent for church history at the University of Munich; in 1906 professor of church history in the Royal Lyceum of Dillingen. Besides numerous contributions to literary and theological periodicals, he has written Die Beteiligungen der Christen am �ffentlichen Leben in vorkonstantinischer Zeit (Munich, 1902) and Zeno von Verona (1904).
BIGG, CHARLES: Church of England; b. at Manchester Sept. 12, 1840; d. Oxford July 15, 1908. He studied at Christ Church, Oxford (B.A., 1862), where be became tutor. He was master in Cheltenham College (1866-71), head master of Brighton College (1871-81), and rector of Fenny Compton, Leamington, 1887-1901, and honorary canon of Worcester from 1889 to 1901, when he was appointed regius professor of ecclesiastical history in Oxford University. He was examining chaplain to the bishops of Worcester (1889-91), Peterborough (1891-96), London (1897-1901), and Man (1903), Bampton lecturer in 1886, and has been canon of Christ Church, Oxford, since 1901. He has edited a number of Greek classics and the "Confessions" of St. Augustine (London, 1896); the Didache (1898); the De Imitatione Christi of Thomas � Kempis (1898); and Law's Serious Call (1899); and has written The Christian Platonists of Alexandria (London, 1886); Neoplatonism (1895); Unity in Diversity (1899); Commentary on the Epistles of Peter and Jude (Edinburgh, 1901); and The Church's Task under the Roman Empire (London, 1905).
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