
BUSEMBAUM (BUSENBAUM), HERMANN: German Jesuit, casuist; b. at Nottelen (a village of Westphalia) 1600; d. at M�nster Jan. 31, 1668. He was a teacher at Cologne, and afterward rector at Hildesheim and M�nster. His text-book of casuistry, entitled Medulla theologi� moralis (M�nster, 1645), in seven books, ran through 200 editions before 1776, although it caused offense when it was published with a commentary in 1710. The book contained the Jesuitic teachings on regicide, and in France, when an attempt was made to assassinate Louis XIV., the matter was brought before the courts. The Paris parliament was satisfied with simply condemning the book, while that of Toulouse had it publicly burned and held the principals of institutions who used it responsible. Meanwhile the moral theology of the Medulla was incorporated in the classical text-book of the order of Redemptorists, edited by Liguori. Busembaum's Lilium inter spinas (Cologne, 1660) is ascetic in character.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: J. J. I. D�llinger and F. H. Reusch, Geschichte der Moralstreitigkeiten, vol. i., Stuttgart, 1890; F. H. Reuseh, Index der verbotenen B�cher, ii. 826, 896, 898, 920.

BUSH, GEORGE: American Swedenborgian; b. at Norwich, Vt., June 12, 1796; d. at Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1859. He was graduated at Dartmouth, 1818; studied at Princeton Theological Seminary, 1820-22; was tutor in Princeton College, 1822-23; went to Indiana for the Home Missionary Society in 1824 and was pastor of a Presbyterian church at Indianapolis 1825-28; professor of Hebrew and Oriental literature in the University of the City of New York 1831-47; instructor of sacred literature in Union Theological Seminary in the same city 1836-37. In 1845 he connected himself with the Swedenborgians and was preacher of the New Church Society in New York 1848-52, in Brooklyn 1854-59. He was an active defender of the tenets of his faith with both pen and voice, and edited the New Church Repository and Monthly Review 1848-55. His writings on other subjects include: Life of Mohammed (New York, 1832); A Treatise on the Millennium (1832); A Grammar of the Hebrew Language (1835); Notes Critical and Practical on the Old Testament (Genesis-Judges, 8 vols., 1840 sqq.); Anastasis (1845), against the doctrine of the resurrection of the body. He was justly esteemed as a Hebrew scholar.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Memoirs and Reminiscenses of George Bush, a collection of contributions from friends, edited by Woodbury M. Fernald, Boston, 1860.


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