CAPUTIATI, ca-pu't�-a"t� ("hooded," "capuched"; also known as Paciferi and Blancs Chaperons): A society founded in 1183 at Puy-en Velay (Le Puy, 68 m. s.w. of Lyons) in the Auvergne by a poor artisan called Durand to oppose the fearful devastations caused by the mercenary and predatory bands of the "Brabancons" or "Cotereaux." Durand claimed that the Madonna had authorized him to do this; the members of the society were to wear a white dress with a capuche and a leaden image of the wonder-working Madonna of Puy. Organized after the manner of an ecclesiastical brotherhood, the Caputiati followed the royal troops and took bloody vengeance on the destroyers of peace. The society did not last long. Later reports, but little reliable, make its members rebels against State and Church, who, as is alleged, were routed about 1186 and condemned to do penance. Even in late times, from too implicit reliance on these reports, the Caputiati have been considered a sect opposed to the Church.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: A. Kluekhohn, Geschichte des Gottesfriedens, pp. 126 sqq., Leipsic, 1857; E. S�michon, La Paix et la tr�ve de Dieu, pp. 194, 390, Paris, 1857; L. Huberti, Studien zur Rechtsgeschichte des Gottes-und Landfriedens, i. 462 sqq., Ansbach, 1892; Legrand d'Aussy, in Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Biblioth�que Nationale, tom, v., anno vii., pp. 290-293, Paris, 1798-99.
CARACCIOLI, ca-ra'ch�-o"l�, GALEAZZO (Marchese di Vico): Italian Protestant; b. at Naples 1517; d. at Geneva July 5, 1586. He was the most distinguished of the Italians who sought a refuge at Geneva when the reaction came over Italy; his mother was a sister of Pope Paul IV., he was in the royal service, and his wife was a C�raffa. At Naples he became acquainted with Juan de Vald�s and Peter Vermigli, who at that time preached there, and was deeply impressed by these reformatory men. The evangelical ideas which he imbibed at Naples and which caused him many struggles in his family and in society, were deepened by a journey to Germany in 1544. He found it impossible to make open profession at Naples; the efforts to introduce the Inquisition after the Spanish pattern were frustrated by the resistance of the people in 1547 bordering on a revolution; but, nevertheless, the vice-regent urged the suppression of every anti-Roman opinion. Caraccioli
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BIBLIOGRAPHY: His life was written by N. Balbani, Historia della Vita di G. Caraccioli, Geneva, 1587, republished, Florence, 1875.
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