


CAPERS, ELLISON: Protestant Episcopal bishop of South Carolina; b. in Charleston, S. C., Oct. 14, 1837; d, at Columbia, S. C., Apr. 22, 1908. He was graduated from the South Carolina Military Academy 1857, was assistant professor there 1858-60. On the outbreak of the Civil War he entered the Confederate Army, in which he attained the rank of brigadier-general. From the close of the war until 1868 he was secretary of the South Carolina Legislature, but in the mean time studied theology, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1867. He was then rector of Christ Church, Greenville, S. C., 1867-87, except for a year (1875-76) as rector of St. Paul's, Selma, Ala., and of Trinity, Columbia, S. C., 1887-93. In 1886 he had been tendered and had declined the bishopric of Easton, but in 1893 he was consecrated bishop of South Carolina.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: W. S. Perry, The Episcopate in America, p. 355, New York, 1895.

CAPHTOR, caf'ter: A locality provisionally identified with Crete, though the question can not be regarded as settled. According to Amos ix. 7 it was the original home of the Philistines; Jer. xlvii. 4 (Masoretic text) makes of it an island or coast-land; Deut. ii. 23 and Gen. x. 14 use the term "Caphtorim" of the inhabitants. The early tradition is indicated by the fact that the Septuagint, Vulgate, Peshito, and Targums use "Cappadocia" and "Cappadocians" in Amos ix. 7 and Deut. ii. 23; this was based, however, on a misunderstanding. Attempts to find the meaning have been made by investigating the word "Cherethites" (I Sam. xxx. 14-16; Zeph. ii. 5; Ezek. xxv. 16), used of a people in the Philistine region and of Philistine stock. The transliterations of the Hebrew in the Septuagint show that the latter did not understand the meaning. In the prophetical books the form Kretes is used by the Septuagint, implying immigration from Crete; but how far this rested upon data known to the interpreters is indeterminable.

On Egyptian monuments of the time of Thothmes III. appears mention of a land the name of which takes a form corresponding to "Caphtor" minus the final consonant (Kefti ). Ebers explained this by "Phenicians," only to have the explanation shown untenable by W. Max M�ller. According to G. Steindorff, the Egyptian word connotes "islands of the �gean"; and the same authority notes among the representations of tribute to Thothmes III. from the Kefti vessels of the Mycen�an type of about 1450-1250 B.C. The Kefti must have been within the sphere of influence of Mycen�an culture. But M�ller connects them with Cilicia. Evans in his investigations in Crete has discovered numerous evidences of the existence there of Mycen�an culture, thus bringing Crete within the sphere of influence of that civilization. Alongside of them are articles of Egyptian workmanship, showing exchange of commodities between Egypt and Crete. Steindorff puts the two facts together, and equates Crete and the Egyptian Kefti. But this may prove superfluous provided success is attained in geographically defining the word kptar recently found at Ombos, a word which closely corresponds with the Hebrew Caphtor. The equation Kefti = kptar is not fully proved.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: W. M. M�ller, Asien und Europa, pp. 337 sqq., Leipsic, 1893; idem, in Mittheilungen der vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft, i. 1 sqq., 1900 (places Caphtor on the Lycian or Carian coast); G. Ebers, Aegypten und die B�cker Mosis, p. 130, Leipsic, 1868; G. A. Smith, Historical Geography of the Holy Land, p. 171, London, 1897; DB, i. 351-352; EB, i. 698-700; JE, iii. 553-554.


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