BOCHART, bō"shār', SAMUEL: French Protestant; b. at Rouen 1599; d. at Caen 1667. His father
was the learned Ren� Bochart, pastor at Rouen, and
his mother Esther du Moulin. At the age of fourteen he made Greek verses in honor of his masters.
He studied philosophy at S�dan, theology at Saumur under Cameron, whom he accompanied to
London in 1621. He did not stay long, but soon
returned to Leyden, where he took up theology
and the study of the Arabic language under Erpenius. He was appointed Protestant minister at
Caen, but gave private lessons in a Roman Catholic
family. His controversy with the Jesuit V�ron,
in 1628, gave him a great name, and he edited an
account of it (2 vols., Saumur, 1630) to refute
V�ron's teachings. In 1652 Queen Christina of
Sweden wished his presence and he followed her
call, accompanied by his pupil Huet, later bishop
of Avranches. He remained in Stockholm one year,
studying Arabic texts in the queen's library. Returning to Caen, he became the representative of
Normandy at the National Calvinist Synod of
Loudun. He died suddenly during a session of
the academy at Caen. His works include Theses
theologic� de verbo Dei (Saumur, 1620); Actes de
la conf�rence tenue � Caen entre Samuel Bochart
et Jean Baillehache, ministres de la parole de Dieu
en l'�glise r�form�e . . . et Fran�ois V�ron (2 vols.,
1630); R�ponse � la lettre du p�re de la Barre,
J�suite, sur la pr�sence r�elle (1661); Hierozo�con
sive historia animalium S. Scriptur� (London,
1663); Opera omnia, hoc est, Phaleg, Canaan, et
Hierozo�con, quibus accessere varic� dissertationes
(Leyden, 1675).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: P. D. Huet, Les Origines de la ville de Caen, Rouen, 1706; Nic�ron, M�moires; W. R. Whittingham, The Life and Writings of S. Bochart, in Essays on Biblical Literature, London, 1829; Smith, Samuel Bochart, Caen, 1833; E. and �. Haag, La France protestante, ed. H. L. Bordier, vol. ii, Paris, 1879; KL, ii, 950-952.
BOD, bed, PETER: Hungarian theologian and ecclesiastical historian; b. at Fels�-Csern�ton (a village of Transylvania) Feb. 12, 1712; d. at Magyar-Igen (40 m. s.w. of Klausenburg) Mar. 3, 1769. He was educated at the Reformed college of Nagy-Enyed and the University of Leyden, and in 1743 became pastor at H�viz, whence he was called, six years later, to Magyar-Igen. He was the author of fifty-six works, of which twenty-three were printed, but by a decree of Maria Theresa restricting the liberty of the press certain of his books of a patriotic and Protestant tendency were confiscated. Among his works in Hungarian special mention may be made of the following, the titles being translated into English: "History of the Holy Bible" (Hermannstadt, 1748); "History of the Church of God" (Basel, 1760); "History of the Reformed Bishops of Transylvania" (Enyed, 1766); "The Magyar Athens" (Hermannstadt, 1767); biographies of 485 Hungarian authors, and "The Hungarian Phenix" (Enyed, 1767); biography of the printer Kiss; while his Latin works include: Historia Unitariorum in Transylvania (Leyden, 1776), a vivid description of the struggles of the Socinians in Hungary; Historia Hungarorum ecclesiastica (ed. Rauwenhoff and Prins, 3 vols., 1888-1890, from a manuscript recently discovered in the library of the university); and two treatises on the promoters and defenders of the Hungarian Reformation (in Gerdes, Scrinium Antiquarium, ii, Groningen, 1763).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: G. D. Teutsch, Korrespondenzblatt des Vereins f�r siebenb. Landeskunde, no. xi, 1888, nos. v, vi, 1891; Presbyterian and Reformed Review, vols. i-ii, 1891-92.
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