BETHLEHEMITES: The name of three religious
orders. (1) An association of Bethleemit�,
known only from Matthew Paris (Hist. maj., 839),
who states that they existed at Cambridge, England,
about 1257 and wore the Dominican habit, with a
red star, referring to
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Heimbucher, Orden und Kongregationen, i, 497-498; G. Voigt, Enea Silvio . . . als Papst Pius, ii, 652, Berlin, 1863; Karl vom heiligen Aloys, Die katholische Kirche in ihrer gegenw�rtigen Ausbreitung, pp. 510-511, Regensburg, 1885; Helyot, Ordres monastiques, iii, 347-357, viii, 365 sqq.; KL, ii, 540-544 (contains list of literature in Spanish).
BETHPHANY: A name sometimes given to the festival more commonly known as the Epiphany. It is a barbarous invention of the schoolmen, from the Hebrew b�th, "house," and the Greek -phaneia, "manifestation," which forms the latter part of the word Epiphany; and was intended to emphasize the miracle (in the house) at Cana in Galilee, which is the third event commemorated by the festival of the Epiphany.
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