CESARINI, ch�"sa-r�'n�, GIULIANO (JULIAN CESARINI): Cardinal. He belonged to a distinguished family of Rome and attracted the attention of the curia as a humanist and teacher of law at Padua. Pope Martin V. made him cardinal (1426) and Eugenius IV. promoted him to cardinal bishop of Frascati. His knowledge of law and ability as a diplomatist fitted him for delicate missions. The Hussite question was entrusted to him and he entered Bohemia with a crusading army, but the army was defeated and the cardinal fled ignominiously (1431). From 1431 to 1438 be presided at the Council of Basel with marked ability. 1 In 1438 and 1439 he was active in Ferrara and Florence, and shortly after went to Hungary to incite King Vladislav to war against the Turks. He succeeded, and war broke out in 1443, but Vladislav was defeated and slain at Varna, Nov. 10, 1444, and Cesarini also perished while trying to escape; he was probably assassinated and robbed while endeavoring to cross the Danube.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: The older accounts are in A. Chacon, Vit� . . . pontificum et . . . cardinalium, ii. 861 sqq., 4 vols., Rome, 1677; and E. Baluze, Miscellanea, vol. iii., 4 vols., Lucca, 1761-64. Consult also: F. von Bezold, K�nig Sigmund und die Reichskriege gegen die Husiten, 3 parts, Munich, 1872-77; Creighton, Papacy, ii. 163-165, 194 sqq.; Hefele, Conciliengeschichte, vol. vii. passim; KL, iii. 26-28.
CHADERTON, LAURENCE: Puritan; b. near Oldham (8 m. n.e. of Manchester), Lancashire, Sept. 14, 1536 or 1538; d. at Cambridge Nov. 13, 1640. He studied at Christ's College, Cambridge (B.A., 1567; B.D., 1578; D.D., 1613), and there embraced the Protestant religion, for which his father threatened to disinherit him. He became fellow, dean, tutor, and lecturer of his college, and as afternoon lecturer of St. Clement's Church, Cambridge, for nearly fifty years acquired fame as a preacher and exerted a far-reaching influence. When Sir Walter Mildmay founded Emmanuel College in 1584 he insisted on Chaderton's becoming master, and the latter filled the office with much ability and success till 1622, when he resigned. From 1598 to 1640 he was prebendary of Lincoln. Though a Puritan he was moderate in views and conciliatory in manners. He was a member of the Hampton Court Conference, and was one of the Cambridge committee of Bible translators. He appears to have published nothing except an anonymous tract, De justificatione, and a single sermon.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: W. Dillingham, Vita Chadertoni, ed. J. Dillingham, Cambridge, 1700, Eng. transl. by E. S. Schuckburgh, ib. 1884; DNB, ix. 430-432.
1 At the Council of Basel Cesarini's attitude toward the Hussites was highly conciliatory; and he urged a thorough reformation of ecclesiastical abuses as the only safeguard against further schisms.�A. H. N.
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