BUTTLAR, EVA VON: The leader in a disgraceful aberration externally connected with Pietism, which is in no way responsible for it; b. at Eschwege (26 m. e.s.e. of Cassel), Hesse, 1670; d. at Altona after 1717. Educated without religious instruction, she married at seventeen a French dancing-master in Eisenach, named De V�sias. After ten years of a gay court life, she was touched by the Pietistic movement, left her husband, stopped going to church, and in 1702, with a group of friends, founded at Allendorf in Hesse a new Christian-Philadelphic society, like several others which had sprung up in the Netherlands and western Germany. The esoteric doctrine of these societies included the expectation of an approaching
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BIBLIOGRAPHY: Thomasius, Gedanken �ber allerhand gemischte philosophische und juristische H�ndel, iii, 208-624, Halle, 1726; Keller, Die Buttlarische Rotte, in ZHT, 1845, part 4; M. Goebel, Geschichte des christlichen Lebens in der rheinisch-westph�lischen Kirche, Coblenz, 1852.
BUTTZ, HENRY ANSON: American Methodist Episcopalian; b. at Middle Smithfield, Pa., Apr. 18, 1835. He was educated at Princeton College (B.A., 1858), and held pastorates at Millstone, N. J. (1858-59), Irvington, N. J. (1859-60), Woodbridge, N. J. (1860-61), Mariner's Harbor, Staten Island (1862-63), Prospect Street Church, Paterson, N. J. (1864-66), and Morristown, N. J. (1867-1869). He was also instructor in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., in 1867, becoming adjunct professor of Greek and Hebrew in 1868, and professor of New Testament Greek and exegesis two years later. Since 1880 he has been president of the seminary. He has edited, in addition to a number of briefer studies: The New Life Dawning by B. H. Nadal (New York, 1873) and The Epistle to the Romans in Greek (1876).
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