
BOECKENHOFF, buk'en-hof, WILHELM BERNARD ALOYSIUS KARL: German Roman Catholic; b. at Schermbeck (37 m. s.w. of Münster) July 10, 1870. He was educated at Münster (1890-93), the Gregorian University, Rome (1897-1900; Doctor Juris Canonici, 1899), and the University of Berlin (1900-01; D.D., Münster, 1901). He was ordained to the priesthood in 1894 and was a vicar in Dolberg from that year until 1897, when he resumed his studies. He became a privat-docent at Münster in 1902, but three years later went in a similar capacity to Strasburg, where he


was appointed associate professor of canon law in the following month. In addition to contributions to theological periodicals, he has written De individuitate matrimonii (Berlin, 1901) and Das apostolische Speisegesetz in den ersten fünf Jahrhunderten (Paderborn, 1903).

BOEGNER, bug'ner, ALFRED ÉDOUARD: French Protestant; b. at Strasburg Aug. 2, 1851. He was educated at the university of his native city and at the theological faculty at Montauban, after which he studied at the German universities of Leipsic, Erlangen, and Tübingen in 1873-74. From 1876 to 1879 he was pastor of the Protestant church at Fresnoy-le-Grand, and in the latter year became subdirector of the Paris Society of Evangelical Missions, of which he has been director since 1882. In this capacity he made tours of inspection of South Africa in 1883, Senegal and the West Coast in 1890-91, and Madagascar, the Transvaal, Orange Free State, and Cape Colony in 1898-99. He is also director of the Paris House of Evangelical Missions, and in addition to editing the Journal des missions évangéliques de Paris since 1879 and publishing or editing a number of minor contributions, has written Patterson, le missionnaire de la Mélanésie (Paris, 1881); Le Missionnaire de Methlakatla (1882); Les Bassoutos, autrefois et aujourd'hui (1885); Quelques réflexions sur l'autorité en matière de foi (1892); and Rapport sur la délégation à Madagascar (in collaboration with P. Germond; 1900).

BOEHL, bul, EDUARD: German theologian; b. at Hamburg Nov. 18, 1836; d. at Vienna Jan. 24, 1903. He was educated at Berlin (1855), Halle (1856-58), and Erlangen (1858-60), and became licentiate and privat-docent at Basel in 1860, whence he was called to Vienna four years later as professor of Reformed dogmatics and symbolics, and also of pedagogics, philosophy of religion, and apologetics, in the Protestant faculty of theology. In 1864 he also became a permanent member of the Synod of the Reformed Church of Austria, and was in 1883 president of its fourth General Synod. He edited the Evangelische Sonntagsboten für Oesterreich, and published De Aramaismis libri Koheleth (Erlangen, 1860); Vaticinium Jesajœ c. 24-27 commentario illustratum (Leipsic, 1861); Zwölf messianische Psalmen erklärt; nebst einer grundlegenden christologischen Einleitung (Basel, 1862); Confessio Helvetica Posterior (Vienna, 1866); Allgemeine Pädagogik (1870); Forschungen nach einer Volksbibel zur Zeit Jesu und deren Zusammenhang mit der Septuaginta-Uebersetzung (1873); Die alttestamentlichen Citate im Neuen Testament (1878); Christologie des Alten Testaments, oder Auslegung der wichtigsten messianischen Weissagungen (1882); Zum Gesetz und zum Zeugniss; eine Abwehr wider die neukritischen Schriftforschungen im Alten Testament (1883); Von der Incarnation des göttlichen Wortes (1884); Christliche Glaubenslehre (Amsterdam, 1886); Dogmatik; Darstellung der christlichen Glaubenslehre auf reformirtkirchlicher Grundlage (1887); Zur Abwehr: etliche Bemerkungen gegen Prof. Dr. A. Kuyper's Einleitung zu seiner Schrift "Die Incarnation des Wortes" (1888); Von der Rechtfertigung durch den Glauben (Leipsic, 1890); Beiträge zur Geschichte der Reformation in Oesterreich (Jena, 1902).


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