BUDDE, bud'de, KARL FERDINAND REINHARD: German Protestant; b. at Bensberg
(9 m. e. of Cologne) Apr. 13, 1850. He was educated
at the universities of Bonn, Berlin, and
Utrecht from 1868 to 1873, although his studies
were interrupted in 1870-71, when he served in
the Franco-Prussian War. He became privat-docent
for the Old Testament at Bonn in 1873,
and was also teacher at the Schulbring'sche h�here
T�chterschule in 1873-89 and inspector of the
theological seminary of the university in 1878-85.
In 1879 he became associate professor of Old Testament
theology at the same university, and in 1889
was called to Strasburg in a like capacity, shortly
thereafter being promoted to full professor. Since
1900 he has been professor of Old Testament theology
at Marburg. Chosen rector of the University of
Marburg for 1910-11. He has written: Beitr�ge zur
Kritik des Buches Hiob (Bonn, 1876); Die biblische
Urgeschichte untersucht (Giessen, 1883); Die B�cher
der Richter and Samuel, ihr Aufbau und ihre Quellen
(1890); The Books of Samuel, Critical Edition of
the Hebrew Text (in the Polychrome Bible, Leipsic,
1894); Das Buch Hiob in the Handcommentar
zum Alten Testament, G�ttingen, 1896); Das Buch
der Richter (in the Kurzer Handcommentar zum
Alten Testament, Freiburg, 1897); Hohelied und
Klagelieder (in the same series, 1898); The Religion
of Israel to the Exile (The American Lectures on
the History of Religions for 1898-99, New York,
1899); Die sogenannten Jahvelieder und die Bedeutung
den Knechtes Jahves in Jesaija 40-55, ein
Minorit�tsvotum (Giessen, 1900); Der Kanan des
Alten Testaments (1900); Die B�cher Samuel (in
Kurzer Handcommentar zum Alten Testament,
Freiburg, 1902); Das Alte Testament und die
Ausgrabungen (Giessen, 1903); Die Sch�tzung des
K�nigtums im Alten Testament (Marburg, 1903);
Was soll die Gemeinde aus dem Streit um Babel und
Bibel lernen? (T�bingen, 1903); and Hebr�ische
Litteraturgeschichte (Leipsic, 1906). He also translated
A. Kuenen's National Religions and Universal
Religions (Hibbert Lectures for 1882, London,
1882) under the title Volksreligion and Weltreligion
(Berlin, 1883), and a number of the same scholar's
monographs as Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur biblischen Wissenschaft (Freiburg, 1894). He has likewise
edited the eighth and ninth editions of J. Hollenberg's
Hebr�isches Schulbuch (Berlin, 1895, 1900)
and Eduard Reuss' Briefwechsel mit seinem Sch�ler
und Freunde Karl Heinrich Graf (in collaboration
with H. J. Holtzmann, Giessen, 1904).
BUDDENSIEG, bud"den-s�g', OSKAR GOTTLIEB RUDOLF: German Lutheran; b. at Greussen (25 m. n.w. of Weimar) Sept. 5, 1844. He was educated at the universities of Leipsic and Berlin (1864-67; Ph.D., Berlin, 1871), and studied in London in 1867-73. Returning to his native country, he was a teacher successively at the Andreanum in Hildesheim (1873-74) and at the Vitzthum gymnasium in Dresden (1874-87), declining a call to a professorship in the University of Vienna in 1886. From 1887 to 1894 he was director of a normal school for young men in Dresden, and thereafter held a similar position in a normal school for young women there. In 1883 he founded the Wyclif Society in London. He wrote: Die assyrischen Ausgrabungen und das Alte Testament (Heilbronn, 1880); Johann Wiclifs lateinische Streitschriften zum ersten Male aus den Handschriften herausgegeben (2 vols., Leipsic, 1883; Eng. ed., under the title John Wiclif's Polemical Works, 2 vols., London, 1884-85); Johann Wiclif and seine Zett (Halle, 1884); John Wiclif, Patriot and Reformer (London, 1884); and Johann Wiclifs De veritate sacr� scriptur� (3 vols., Leipsic, 1904; Eng. ed., 3 vols., London, 1905-07). Died at Dresden Oct. 13, 1908.
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