BAYLEY, JAMES ROOSEVELT: Roman Catholic archbishop of Baltimore; b. at Rye, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1814; d. in Newark, N. J., Oct. 3, 1877. He was a nephew of Elizabeth (Bayley) Seton ("Mother Seton"), founder of the order of Sisters of Charity in America; was graduated at Washington (Trinity) College, Hartford, Conn., 1835; rector of St. Peter's church, Harlem, New York, 1840-41; received into the Roman Catholic Church at Rome, 1842; studied in Paris and Rome, and was ordained priest in New York, 1843; was professor in St. John's College, Fordham, New York, and its acting president, 1845-46; became secretary to Bishop Hughes of New York, 1846, bishop of Newark, 1853, archbishop of Baltimore and primate of America, 1872. He published a volume of pastoral letters; Sketch of the History of the Catholic Church on the Island of New York (New York, 1853); Memoirs of Simon Gabriel Brut�, First Bishop of Vincennes (1861).
BAYLY, LEWIS: Anglican bishop; b. perhaps at Carmarthen, Wales, perhaps at Lamington (6 m. s.w. of Bigger), Scotland, year unknown; d, at Bangor, Wales, Oct. 26, 1631. He was educated at Oxford; became vicar of Evesham, Worcestershire, and in 1604, probably, rector of St. Matthew's, Friday street, London; was then chaplain to Henry Prince of Wales (d. 1612), later chaplain to King James I, who, in 1616, appointed him bishop of Bangor. He was an ardent Puritan. His fame rests on The Practice of Piety, directing a Christian how to walk that he may please God (date of first ed. unknown; 3d ed., London, 1613). It reached its 74th edition in 1821 and has been translated into French, German, Italian, Polish, Romansch, Welsh, and into the language of the Massachusetts Indians. It was one of the two books which John Bunyan's wife brought with her�the other one being Arthur Dent's Plain Man's Pathway to Heaven�and it was by reading it that Bunyan was first spiritually awakened.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: A biographical preface by Grace Webster is prefixed to the Practice of Piety, London, 1842; consult also A. � Wood, Athen� Oxonienses, ed. P. Bliss, ii, 525-531, 4 vols., ib. 1813-20.
BAY PSALM BOOK: A metrical translation
of the Psalms, published by Stephen Daye at Cambridge, Mass., in 1640 and the first book printed
in America. The work of translation was begun
in 1636, the principal collaborators being Thomas
Welde, Richard Mather, and John Eliot, the missionary to the Indians. The rendering, as the
translators themselves recognized in their quaint
preface to the book, was a crude specimen of English, and carrying to the extreme their belief in
the inspiration of the Bible, they tortured their
version into what they conceived to be fidelity to
the original. The meter, moreover, is irregular,
and the rimes are frequently ludicrous. The
general spirit and form of the translation may
be represented by the following rendering of
6. "I in my streights, cal'd on the Lord,
and to my God cry'd: he did heare
from his temple my voyce, my crye,
before him came, unto his eare.
7. "Then th' earth shooke, do quak't, do moutaines
roots mov'd, & were stird at his ire,
8. "Vp from his nostrils went a smoak,
and from his mouth devouring fire;
By it the coales inkindled were.
9. "Likewise the heavens he downe-bow'd,
And he descended, & there was
under his feet a gloomy cloud."
Of the first edition of the Bay Psalm Book only eleven copies are known to exist. In 1647 a second edition, better printed and with the spelling and punctuation corrected, was published either by Stephen Daye or possibly by Matthew Daye or even in England, and this edition long remained in general use among the Puritans of New England. A reprint of the first edition (71 copies) was issued privately at Cambridge in 1862.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: R. F. Roden, The Cambridge Press, New York, 1906.
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