
BERTHEAU, b�r"t�', CARL: German Lutheran; b. at Hamburg July 8, 1836. He was educated at the universities of G�ttingen (1855-57, 1858-59) and Halle (1857-58), and after teaching in the schools of his native city became pastor of St. Michael's Church there in 1867. Since 1897 he has been president of the Hamburg Verein f�r innere Mission. In theology he belongs to the positive evangelical school. He prepared the third volume of K. Hirsche's Prolegomena zu Thomas � Kempis (Berlin, 1894) and edited Luther's catechisms (Hamburg, 1896).

BERTHEAU, ERNST: German Lutheran; b. at Hamburg Nov. 23, 1812; d. at G�ttingen May 17, 1888. He studied in Berlin and G�ttingen (Ph.D., 1836) and became repetent at G�ttingen 1836 extraordinary professor of Oriental languages and Old Testament exegesis 1842, ordinary professor 1843. From 1870 he was a member of the commission to revise Luther's Bible. His publications include: Carminis Ephraemi Syri textus Syriacus secundum codicem bibliothec� Angelic� denuo editus ac versione et brevi annotatione instructus (G�ttingen, 1837); Die sieben Gruppen mosaischer Gesetze in den drei mittleren B�chern des Pentateuchs (1840); Zur Geschichte der Israeliten, zwei Abhandlungen (1842); an edition of the Syriac grammar of Bar Hebr�us (1843); and commentaries upon Judges and Ruth (1845; 2d ed., 1883), Chronicles (1854; 2d ed., 1873), Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther (1862), and Proverbs (1847; 2d ed., 1883), in the Kurzgefasstes exegetisches Handbuch zum Alten Testament.


BERTHIER, b�r"ty�', GUILLAUME FRAN�OIS: French Jesuit; b. at Issoudun (130 m. s. of Paris), department of Indre, Apr. 7, 1704; d. at Bourges Dec. 15, 1782. He joined the Jesuits in 1722. He added six volumes (Paris, 1749) to the twelve already completed by Longueval, Fontenay, and Brumoy of the Histoire de l'�glise gallicane, bringing the narrative down to 1529; from 1745 to 1762 he edited the M�moires de Tr�voux and displayed much moderation as well as learning under attacks from the Encyclopedists and Voltaire. After the expulsion of his order


from France in 1762 he was appointed tutor to the princes afterward Louis XVI and Louis XVIII, but had to leave the country in 1764; after an absence of ten years he returned to Bourges. He translated the Psalms (8 vols., 1785) and the Book of Isaiah (5 vols., 1788-89) into French with notes. His �uvres spirituelles were published at Paris in five volumes in 1811.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: A. de Backer, Biblioth�que des �crivains de la compagnie de J�sus, s.v., 7 vols., Paris, 1853-61.


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