
BRASTBERGER, IMMANUEL GOTTLOB: Popular German preacher; b. at Sulz (40 m. s.w. of Stuttgart), W�rttemberg, 1716; d. July 13, 1764, as Spezialsuperintendent at N�rtingen. His sermons on the Gospels, Evangelische Zeugnisse der Wahrheit zur Aufmunterung im wahren Christenthum (Stuttgart, 1758) are still read, the eighty-fifth edition having appeared at Reutlingen in 1883, and a translation into Polish in 1905.

BRASTOW, LEWIS ORSMOND: Congregationalist; b. at Brewer, Me., Mar. 23, 1834. He was educated at Bowdoin College (B.A., 1857) and


Bangor Theological Seminary (1860), and held successive pastorates at the South Congregational Church, St. Johnsbury, Vt. (1860-73), and the First Congregational Church, Burlington, Vt. (1873-84), in addition to being chaplain of the Twelfth Vermont Volunteers in the Civil War. Since 1885 he has been professor of practical theology in Yale Divinity School. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Vermont in 1870. In theology he is a conservative liberal, and in addition to numerous briefer contributions has written Representative Modern Preachers (New York, 1904) and The Modern Pulpit (1906).

BRATKE, EDUARD: German Protestant; b. at Neuhaus (a village near Waldenburg, 43 m. s.w. of Breslau), Silesia, Feb. 26, 1861; d. at Breslau Jan. 30, 1906. He was educated at the universities of Berlin, G�ttingen (Ph.D., 1883), and Breslau (licentiate of theology, 1885). In 1886 be became privat-docent of the latter university, but four years later was called to Bonn as associate professor of church history, remaining there until 1903, when he returned to Breslau as full professor of the same subject. He wrote Justus Gesenius und seine Verdienste um die hannoverische Landeskirche (G�ttingen, 1883); Luthers f�nfundneunzig Thesen und ihre dogmenhistorischen Voraussetzungen (1884); Wegweiser zur Quellen- und Literaturkunde der Kirchengeschichte (Gotha, 1890); Das neuentdeckte vierte Buch des Danielkommentars des Hippolytus (Bonn, 1891); Das sogenannte Religionsgesgr�ch am Hof der Sasaniden (Leipsic, 1900); Die Weisheit des Todes (G�tersloh, 1902); and Euagrii altercatio legis inter Simonem Jud�um et Theophilum Christianum (Vienna, 1904; text and commentary).

BRATTON, THEODORE DU BOSE: Protestant Episcopal bishop of Mississippi; b. at Winnsboro, S. C., Nov. 11, 1862. He studied at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., but withdrew in 1882, a few months before graduation, because of trouble with his eyes. He was at once appointed proctor of the university, and in 1883 became a teacher in the preparatory school attached to the same institution. He pursued theological studies in St. Luke's Theological Hall, the seminary of the University, and was graduated in 1887. He was ordered deacon in the same year and was priested in 1888, after having been a missionary in his native State in the interval. He was then rector of the Church of the Advent, Spartanburg, S. C., 1888-99, also being professor of history in Converse College, Spartanburg, 1890-99, after which he was rector of St. Mary's School for Girls at Raleigh, N. C. In 1903 he was consecrated third bishop of the diocese of Mississippi.


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