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The following list of books is supplementary to the bibliographies given at the end of the articles contained in volumes I and II, and brings the literature down to November, 1908. In this list each title entry is printed in capital letters.
ABRAHAM: F. Wilke, War Abraham eine historische Pers�nlichkeit? Leipsic, 1907. ABULFARAJ: Bar Hebraeus, Buch der Strahlen. Die gr�ssere Grammatik des Barhebraeus. Uebersetzung nach einem kritisch berichtigen Texte mit textkritischem Apparat und einem Anhang: Zur Terminologie, by A. Moberg. Einleitung and vol. ii., Leipsic, 1907 (the first part has not yet appeared). AFRICA: J. D. Mullens, The Wonderful Story of Uganda, London, 1908. A. H. Baynes, South Africa, London, 1908. R. H. Milligan, The Jungle Folk of Africa, New York, 1908. AGNOSTICISM: H. C. Sheldon, Unbelief in the Nineteenth Century, New York, 1907. AGRAPHA: C. R. Gregory, Das Freer-Logion, Leipsic, 1908 (on the Logia-fragments possessed by C. L. Freer, of Detroit). B. Pick, Paralipomena: Remains of Gospels and Sayings of Christ, Chicago, 1908. ALEXANDER IV.: F. Tenckhoff, Papst Alexander IV., Paderborn, 1907. ALEXANDER OF HALES: K. Heim, Das Wesen der Gnade und ihr Verh�ltnis zu den nat�rlichen Funktionen des Menschen bei Alexander Halesius, Leipsic, 1907. ALTAR: R. Kittel, Studien zur hebr�ischen Arch�ologie, i.118-158, Leipsic, 1908. AMBROSE, SAINT, OF MILAN: J. E. Niederhuber, Die Eschatologie des heiligen Ambrosius, Paderborn, 1907. P. de Labriolle, S. Ambroise, Paris, 1908. ANGELS: R. W. Britton, Angels, their Nature and Service, London, 1908. APOCRYPHA: L. Couard, Die religi�sen und sittlichen Anschauungen der alttestamentlichen Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen, G�tersloh, 1907. A. Fuchs, Textkritische Untersuchungen zum hebr�ischen Ekklesiastikus, Freiburg, 1907. R. Smend, Griechisch-syrisch-hebr�ischer Index zur Weisheit des Jesus Sirach, Berlin, 1907. F. Steinmetzer, Neue Untersuchungen �ber die Geschichtlichkeit der Juditherz�hlung, Leipsic, 1907. J. M�ller, Beitr�ge zur Erkl�rung und Kritik des Buches Tobit, Giessen, 1908. APOLOGETICS: W. H. Turton, The Truth of Christianity: a Manual of Christian Evidences, London, 1908. E. F. Scott, The Apologetic of the New Testament, New York, 1908. H. Egerton, The Liberal Theology and the Ground of Faith; being Essays towards a conservative Restatement of Apologetic, London, 1908. |
APOSTOLIC CONSTITUTIONS: F. X. Funk, Didascalia et constitutions apostolorum I.-II., Paderborn, 1906. ARABIA: R. Dussiaud, Les Arabes en Syrie avant l'Islam, Paris, 1907. ARCHEOLOGY, BIBLICAL: I. Benzinger, Hebr�ische Arch�ologie, T�bingen, 1907. ARCHITECTURE: A. K. Porter, Medieval Architecture, New York, 1908. ARIANISM: S. Rogala, Die Anf�nge des arianischen Streites, Paderborn, 1907. ART: S. F. H. Robinson, Celtic Illuminative Art in the Gospel Books of Durrow, Lindisfarne and Kells, London, 1908. J. R. Allen, Celtic Art in Pagan and Christian Times, Philadelphia, 1908. Margaret E. Tabor, The Saints in Art, New York, 1908. ASCETICISM: Bibliotheca Franciscana ascetica medii aevi, vol. iv., Quarrachi, 1907. ASHERAH: F. Lundgreen, Die Ben�tzung der Pflanzenwelt in der alttestamentlichen Religion, Giessen, 1908. ASIA MINOR: F. St�helin, Geschichte der kleinasiatischen Galater, 2d ed., Leipsic, 1907. ASSYRIA: A. T. Olmstead, Western Asia in the Days of Sargon of Assyria, B.C. 722-705, New York, 1908. AUGSBURG, BISHOPRIC OF: A. Steichele, Das Bisthum Augsburg, historisch und statistisch beschrieben, vol. vii., Augsburg, 1906 sqq. AUGSBURG CONFESSION AND ITS APOLOGY: Acta comiciorum Augustae ex litteris Philippi Jonae et aliorum ad M. Luther, ed. G. Berbig, Leipsic, 1907. AUGUSTINE, SAINT, OF HIPPO: B. Dombart, Zur Textgeschichte der Civitas Dei Augustins seit dem Entstehen der ersten Drucke, Leipsic, 1907. O. Blank, Die Lehre des heiligen Augustinus vom Sakramente der Eucharistie, Paderborn, 1906. F. X. Eggersdorfer, Der heilige Augustinus als P�dagoge und seine Bedeutung f�r die Geschichte der Bildung, Freiburg, 1907. P. Friedrich, Die Mariologie des heiligen Augustinus, Cologne, 1907. O. Z�nker, Der Primat des Willens vor dem Intellect bei Augustin. G�tersloh, 1907. Scripta contra Donatistas, part i., ed. Petschenig, Leipsic, 1908. Saint Augustine of Hippo, with Introduction by the Bishop of Southampton (The Library of the Soul), London, 1908. H. Becker, Augustin. Studien zu seiner geistigen Entwickelung, Leipsic, 1908. AUGUSTINIANS: Codex diplomaticus Ord. E. S. Augustini, vol. iii., Papiae (Rome), 1907. |
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BABYLONIA: M. Jastrow, Die Religion Babyloniens und Assyriens, Giessen, 1907. Early Sumerian Psalms; Texts in Transliteration with Transl., Critical Commentary and Introduction, Leipsic, 1908. O. A. Toffteen, Researches in Assyrian and Babylonian Geography, part 1, Chicago, 1908. H. Radau, Bel, the Christ of Ancient Times, Chicago, 1908. BACH, J. S.: H. Perry, Life of Johann Sebastian Bach, New York, 1908. BAMBERG, BISHOPRIC OF: H. T. von Kohlhagen, Das Domkapitel des alten Bisthums Bamberg und seine Cononiker, Bamberg, 1907. J. K�rber, Lose Bl�tter aus meines Bruders Leben und Skripten. Ein St�ck Bamberger Geschichte als Scherflein zum 9. Bisthumscentenar, Bamberg, 1907. J. Looshorn, Die Geschichte des Bisthums Bamberg. Nach den Quellen bearbeitet, vol. vii., Das Bisthum Bamberg 1729�1808, Bamberg, 1907 sqq. BANKS, L. A.: Sermons which have Won Souls, New York, 1908. BAPTISM: J. T. Christian, The Form of Baptism in Sculpture and Art, Louisville, Ky., 1907. J. M. Lupton, De baptismo, Cambridge, 1908. BAPTISTS: J. S. Flory, Literary Activity of the German Baptist Brethren in the Eighteenth Century, Elgin, Ill., 1908. E. Y. Mullens, The Axioms of Religion; a New Interpretation of the Baptist Faith, Philadelphia, 1908. BARLAAM AND JOSOPHAT: Gui von Cambrai und Josophas, nach dem Handschriften von Paris und Monte Cassino, ed. Carl Appel, Halle, 1907. BARNABAS: �Epistle,� ed. Jos. Vizzini, Rome, 1907. BEECHER, H. W.: S. M. Griswold, Sixty Years with Plymouth Church, New York, 1907. BEECHER, W. J.: The Dated Events of the Old Testament: being a Presentation of Old Testament Chronology, Philadelphia, 1908. BEET, J. A.: The Church, the Churches, and the Sacraments, London, 1907. A Shorter Manual of Theology, London, 1908. BEHAISM: Les Le�ons de Saint-Jean-d�Acre d'Ad-Oul-B�ha, recueilli�s par Laura Clifford Barney, traduit du persan par Hippolyte Dreyfus, Paris, 1908. Abdu�l Baha. Some answered Questions: Collected and Translated from the Persian by Laura Clifford, Philadelphia, 1908. BENEDICT OF NURSIA: L. Delisle, Le Livre de Jean de Stavelot sur S. Beno�t, Paris, 1908. Studien und Mitteilungen aus dem Benedictinerund dem Cistercienser-Orden, 28 Jahrgang, Raigen, 1907. Die Regel des- heiligen Benedictus erkl�rt in ihrem geschichtlichen Zusammenhang und mit besonderer R�cksicht auf das geistliche Leben, Freiburg, 1907. G. Meier, Der heilige Benedikt und sein Orden, Regensburg, 1907. BENEDICTION: W. H. Dolbeer, The Benediction, Philadelphia, 1908. BENNETT, W. H.: The Religion of the Post-Exilic Prophets, Edinburgh, 1907. The Life of Christ according to St. Mark, London, 1907. BENTLEY, RICHARD: A. T. Bartholomew, Richard Bentley, a Bibliography of his Works, London, 1908.
BERKELEY, G.: The Principle of Human Knowledge, new ed., London, 1907. The Querist; containing Several Queries proposed to the Consideration of the Public, parts 1-3, Dublin, 1735-37, reprinted Baltimore, 1908. BERNARD, SAINT, OF CLAIRVAUX: On Consideration, Translated by George Lewis, London, 1908. BESANT, A.: London Lectures of 1907, London 1907. BEZA, T.: A Tragedie of Abraham�s Sacrifice, transl. By Arthur Golding, ed. M. W. Wallace, Toronto, 1906. BIBLE SOCIETIES: J. Fox, Round the World for the American Bible Society, New York, 1908. BIBLE VERSIONS, A, III.: F. C. Burkitt, Early Eastern Christianity, lect. 2, New York, 1904. The Four Gospels from the Codex Corbeiensis London, 1908. BIBLE VERSIONS, B, IV.: A. F. Gasquet, The Old English Bible, and Other Essays, New York, 1908. M. B. Riddle, The Story of the Revised New Testament, Philadelphia, 1908. J. I. Mombert, Handbook, 2d ed. London, 1907. M. W. Jacobus, ed., Roman Catholic and Protestant Bibles Compared: the Gould Prize Essays, 2d ed., New York, 1908. F. Vigouroux, Dictionnaire de la Bible, fasc. xxviii. Cols. 1549-51, Paris, 1906. BIBLICAL CRITICISM: J. R. Cohn, The Old Testament in the Light of Modern Research, London, 1908. BIBLICAL INTRODUCTION: A. Schulz, Biblische Studien, ed. O. Bardenhewer, vol. xii., part 1, Doppelberichte im Pentateuch. Ein Beitrag zur Einleitung in-das Alte Testament, Freiburg, 1908. C. R�sch, Die heiligen Schriften des Alten Testaments; ausf�hrliche Inhalts�bersicht mit kurzgefasster spezieller Einleitung, M�nster, 1908. F. Barth, Einleitung in das Neue Testament, G�tersloh, 1908. C. F. G. Heinrici, Der litterarische Charakter der neutestamentlichen Schriften, Leipsic, 1908. BIBLICAL THEOLOGY: R. S. Franks, The New Testament Doctrines of Man, Sin, and Salvation, London, 1908. BLACK, H.: Christ�s Service of Love [Communion sermons and meditations], New York, 1907. BLAVATSKY, H. V.: F. S. Hoffman, The Sphere of Religion, New York, 1908. BLISS, E. M.: The Missionary Enterprise, New York, 1908. BOEHME, J.: The Supersensual Life, or the Life which is above Sense, Eng. Transl. By W. Law, new ed., London, 1907. BOETHIUS: In Isagogen Porphyrii commenia, ed. S. Brandt, Vienna and Leipsic, 1906. BONET-MAURY, G.: France, christianisme et civilization, Paris, 1907. BOOTH, W.: The Seven Spirits: or, What I teach my Officers, London, 1907. BORROMEO, C.: Die Nuntiatur von Giovanni Francesco Bonhomini 1579-1581. Documente vol. i., Die Numtiaturberichte Bonhominis und seine Correspondenz mit Carlo Borromeo aus dem Jahre 1579, Solothurn, 1906. BOSTON, T.: A General Account of my Life, ed. G. D. Low, London, 1908. BOUSSET, W.: What is Religion? London, 1907. BOYD, A. K. H.: Sermons and Stray Papers. With Biographical Sketch by Rev. W. W. Tulloch, London, 1907.
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BRAHMANISM: J. C. Oman, The Brahmins, Theists, and Muslims of India, London, 1907. L. D. Barnett, Brahma-Knowledge, an Outline of the Philosophy of the Vedanta, set forth by the Upanishads and by Sankara, London, 1907. M. Bloomfield, The Religion of the Veda, the Ancient Religion of India, New York, 1908. BRENT, C. H.: Leadership: The William Belden Noble Lectures�at�Harvard, New York, 1908. BRESLAU, BISHOPRIC OF: Geschichte des Breslauer Domes und Seine Wiederherstellung, Breslau, 1907. Ver�ffentlichungen aus dem f�rstbischoflichen Di�zesan-Archiv zu Breslau, Breslau, 1905 sqq. BREVIARY: A. Schulte, Die Psalmen des Breviers nebst den Cantica zum praktischen Gebrauche, Paderborn, 1907. BRIDGET, SAINT, OF KILDARE: J. A. Knowles, St. Brigid, Patroness of Ireland, London, 1907. BRIDGET, SAINT, OF SWEDEN: K. Krogh-Tonning, Die heilige Birgitta in Schweden, Kempten, 1907. BROOKE, S. A.: The Sea Charm of Venice, London, 1907. Studies in Poetry, London, 1907. BROWN, A. J.: The Foreign Missionary, An Incarnation of a World Movement, New York, 1907. BROWNE, R.: C. Burrage, The �Retractation� of Robert Browne, Father of Congregationalism, London, 1907. BROWNE, SIR THOMAS: Works, ed. C. Sayle, 3 vols., Edinburgh, 1907. BUDDHISM: Jataka, by E. B. Cowell, vol. vi., New York, 1907. P. L. Narasu, The Essence of Buddhism, London, 1907. D. T. Suzuki, Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism, London, 1907 (Japanese). Soyen Shaku, Sermons of a Buddhist Abbot, London, 1907. Taba Kanai, The Praises of Amida. Seven Buddhist Sermons. Translated from the Japanese by Rev. A. Lloyd, London, 1907. H. F. Hall, The Inward Light, 2d impression, London, 1908 (Buddhism in Burmah). K. von Hase, New Testament Parallels in Buddhistic Literature, New York, 1908. |
BULLINGER, H.: Bullingers Korrespondenz mit den Graub�ndern, part iii., Oct., 1566-June, 1575, ed. T. Schiess, Basel, 1906. BURNET, G.: T. E. S. Clarke and (Miss) H. C. Foxcroft, Life of Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury; with Bibliographical Appendixes; and an Introduction by C. H. Firth, London and New York, 1908. CABALA: Kabbala denudata. The Kabbalah Unveiled: containing the following books from the Zohar: the Book of Concealed Mystery, the Greater Holy Assembly, the Lesser Holy Assembly, translated into English, New York, 1908 (republication of edition of 1887). CAJETAN, T.: P. Kalkoff, Cardinal Cajetan auf dem Augsburger Reichstage von 1518, Rome, 1907. CALVIN, J.: A. Dide, Michel Servet et Calvin, Paris, 1907. CAMBRIDGE PLATONISTS: E. A. George, The Seventeenth Century Men of Latitude; the Forerunners of the New Theology, London, 1908. CAMPBELL, R. J.: Christianity and the Social Order, London, 1908. Thursday Mornings at the City Temple, London, 1908. CANON OF SCRIPTURE: J. Leipoldt, Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanons, 2 parts, Leipsic, 1907-08. CANONESSES: K. H. Sch�fer, Die Kanonissenstifter im deutschen Mittelalter. Ihre Entwicklung und innere Einrichtung im Zusammenhang mit dem altchristl. Sanktimonialentum, Stuttgart, 1907. CAPITO, W.: P. Kalkoff, W. Capito im Dienste Erzbischof Albrechts von Mainz, Berlin, 1907. CAPUCHINS: Ver�ffentlichungen aus dem Archiv der rhein-westf�lischen Kapuzinerordensprovinz, Mainz, 1907. CARLSTADT, A. R. B. VON: K. M�ller, Luther und Karlstadt. St�cke aus ihrem gegenseitigen Verh�ltnis untersucht, T�bingen, 1907. CARMELITES: Monumenta historica Carmelitana, vol. i., Lirin, 1905-07. CARTHAGE, SYNODS OF: A. Alcais, Figures et r�cits de Carthage chr�tienne, Paris, 1907. CATECHISMS: F. Cohrs, Die evangelischen Katechismusversuche vor Luthers Enchiridion, Berlin, 1907. CATHARINE OF SIENNA: The Dialogue, transl. by Algar Thorold, new and abridged ed., London, 1907.
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