
BRANN, HENRY ATHANASIUS: Roman Catholic; b. at Parkstown (27 m. s.w. of Drogheda), County Meath, Ireland, Aug. 15, 1837. He came to the United States at the age of ten, and was educated at St. Mary's College, Wilmington, Del., St. Francis Xavier's College, New York City (B.A., 1857), St. Sulpice, Paris (1857-60), and the American College, Rome (D.D., 1862). He was ordained to the priesthood at Rome in 1862, being the first priest of the American College, and from 1862 to 1864 was vice-president of Seton Hall College, South Orange, N. J., where he also taught theology. Four years later he became director of an ecclesiastical seminary at Wheeling, W. Va., where he remained until 1870, when he was appointed rector of St. Elizabeth's Church, Fort Washington, N. Y. Twenty years later he became rector of St. Agness Church, New York City, where he still remains. He is archdiocesan censor of books and has written Curious Questions (Newark, N. J., 1867); Truth and Error (New York, 1871); Essay on the Popes (1875); The Age of Unreason (1881); The Immortality of the Soul (1882); and Life of Archbishop Hughes (1892).

BRANN, MARCUS: German Jewish historian; b. at Rawitsch (64 m. s. of Posen) July 9, 1849. He was educated at the University of Breslau (Ph.D., 1873) and the rabbinical seminary in the same city, from which he was graduated in 1875. He was


then a rabbi in various cities of Germany until 1891, when he was appointed to succeed H. Graetz as professor of history and Biblical exegesis in the Jewish theological seminary at Breslau, where he still remains. He has written: De Herodis Magni filiis patrem in imperio secutis (Breslau, 1873); Die S�hne des Herodes (1873); Geschichte der Gesellschaft der Br�der in Breslau (1880); Geschichte der Juden und ihrer Literatur (2 vols., 1893-94); Geschichte des Rabbinats in Schneidem�hl (1894); Geschichte der Juden in Schlesien (3 parts, 1895-1901); Ein kurzer Gang durch die j�dische Geschichte (1895); Ein kurzer Gang durch die Geschichte der j�dischen Literatur (1896); Lehrbuch der j�dischen Geschichte (4 vols., 1900-03); and Geschichte des j�dischen theologischen Seminars (1904). He has likewise edited the Jahrbuch zur Belehrung and Unterhaltung since 1890, and from 1892 to 1899, in collaboration with D. Kaufmann, edited the Monatsschrift f�r Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums, becoming its sole editor on Kaufmann's death in the latter year. He likewise collaborated with F. Rosenthal in editing the Gedenkbuch zur Erinnerung an David Kaufmann (Breslau, 1900).


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