
BRUSTON, brü"stēn', CHARLES AUGUSTE: French Reformed; b. at Bordeaux (90 m. n. of Marseilles) Mar. 6, 1838. He was educated at the lyceum of Grenoble (bachelier ès lettres, 1854), the seminary at Montauban (bachelier en théologie, 1859), and the universities of Geneva, Halle, Berlin, Göttingen, and Heidelberg. He was then successively pastor of Reformed churches at Châtillonen-Diois in 1861-62, Die in 1862-64, Bordeaux in 1864-68, and Orléans in 1868-74. In the latter year he was appointed professor of Hebrew in the Protestant faculty of theology of Montauban, and since 1894 has been dean of the same faculty. He is a member of the synodical committee of studies and other committees, and was elected a corresponding associate of the Société des Antiquaires de France. In theology he is progressive, but is opposed to arbitrary speculations. He has written: De l'authenticité des Actes des Apôtres (Toulouse, 1859); Les Psaûmes traduits de l'Hébreu (Paris, 1868); Du Texte primitif des Psaûmes (1873); De lapsu hominis (Orléans, 1873); Histoire critique de la Littérature prophétique des Hébreux (Paris, 1881); Les Quatre sources des lois de l'Exode (1883); Études sur l'Apocalypse (1884); Les Deux Jénovistes, études sur les sources de l'histoire sainte (Montauban, 1885); Les Origines de l'Apocalypse (Paris, 1888); La Vie future d'après l'enseignement de Jésus-Christ (1890); La Sulammite, mélodrame en cinq actes (1891); Les Cinq Documents de la loi mosaïque (1892); Le Parallèle entre Adam et Jésus-Christ, êtude exégétique sur Rom. v. 12-21 (1894); La Vie future d'après St. Paul (1895); Le Dixième congrès des Orientalistes et l'Ancien Testament (1895); Études sur Daniel et l'Apocalypse (1896); La Descente de Christ aux enfers d'après les Apôtres et d'après l'Église (1897); Les Paroles de Jésus découvertes en Égypte (1898); Les Prédictions de Jésus (1899); Le Cantique de Débora (1901); Études phéniciennes (2 vols., 1903-06); L'Inscription de Siloé et celle d'Eshmoun-azar (1904); Vraie et fausse critique biblique (1905); Fragments d'un ancien recueil de paroles de Jésus (1905); and L'Histoire sacerdotale et le Deutéronome primitif (1906), in addition to numerous contributions to theological periodicals and works of reference.


BRYANT, JACOB: English antiquarian; b. at Plymouth 1715; d. at Cypenham, in Farnham Royal (4 m. n. of Windsor), Nov. 14, 1804. He studied at King's College, Cambridge (B.A., 1740; M.A., 1744), and became fellow; was tutor and in 1756 became secretary to the Duke of Marlborough, and enjoyed the patronage of the family during his life and had free access to their famous library at Blenheim. He was a learned man, but his fondness for paradox and other eccentricities render his writings of slight permanent value. He published works upon a variety of subjects, classical literature and antiquities, the gipsy language, the Marlborough collection of gems, etc. Those which have religious interest are Observations and Enquiries Relating to Various Parts of Ancient History (Cambridge, 1767), in which he defends the reading Euroclydon in Acts xxvii. 14, and maintains that Melita was not Malta; A New System or an Analysis of Ancient Mythology (3 vols., London, 1774-76; 3d edition with account of the author, 6 vols., 1807), an attempt to substantiate the Bible by a study of the traditional remains of all nations; Vindiciœ Flavianœ: a Vindication of the Testimony of Josephus concerning Jesus Christ (1777); A Treatise on the Authenticity of the Scriptures (1791); Observations on a Controverted Passage in Justin Martyr; also upon the Worship of Angels (1793); Observations upon the Plagues Inflicted upon the Egyptians, with maps (1794); The Sentiments of Philo Judœus concerning the Logos (1797); Observations upon Some Passages in Scripture (relating to Balaam, Joshua, Samson, and Jonah, 1803).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century (9 vols., London, 1812-15) and Illustrations of the Literary


History of the Eighteenth Century
(8 vols., ib.1817-58), both by John Nichols, contain very numerous references to Bryant. Consult also DNB, vii. 155-157.


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