
BOUDINOT, bu"d�"no', ELIAS: American man of affairs and philanthropist; b. at Philadelphia May 2, 1740; d. at Burlington, N. J., Oct. 24, 1821. He was a lawyer and eminent in his profession; represented New Jersey in the Continental Congress 1778-79 and 1781-84, was chosen president in 1782, and, as such, signed the treaty of peace with Great Britain; he was member of the first three national congresses, and director of the United States mint 1795-1805. He was a member of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (1812-21), and first president of the American Bible Society (1816-21). He was wealthy and gave liberally for philanthropic purposes during his life and in his will. He wrote The Age of Revelation; or the age of reason shown to be an age of infidelity (Philadelphia, 1801), in reply to Thomas Paine; The Second Advent or Coming of the Messiah in Glory shown to be a scriptural doctrine and taught by divine revelation (Trenton, N. J., 1815); and A Star in the West; or a humble attempt to discover the long lost tribes of Israel (1816), in which he advocated the view that the American Indians are the ten lost tribes. He also published anonymously in the �vangelical Intelligencer for 1806 a memoir of William Tennent (reprinted New York, 1847). His Journal or Historical Recollections of American Events during the Revolutionary War was printed at Philadelphia in 1894.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: The Life, Public Services, Addresses, and Letters of Elias Boudinot, edited by Jane J. Boudinot, 2 vols., Boston, 1896.

BOUHOURS, bu"h�r', DOMINIQUE: Jesuit; b. in Paris May 15, 1628; d. there May 27, 1702. He entered the Society of Jesus at sixteen, and acquired such renown as a teacher that the young Longueville princes and the son of Colbert were put under his care. Besides a number of biographical and other works, he made (with two other Jesuits, Tellier and Bernier) a translation of the New Testament from the Vulgate into French (Paris, 1697-1703).

BOUQUET, bu"k�', MARTIN: Benedictine of St. Maur; b. at Amiens Aug. 6, 1685, d. in Paris Apr. 6, 1754. He entered the Benedictine order at St. Faron, Meaux, in 1706, and was ordained priest. His knowledge of Hebrew and Greek secured his appointment as special assistant to Montfaucon in his editorial labors. When the


great edition of the Scriptores rerum Gallicarum et Francicarum came to be made (it had been projected by Colbert as early as 1676, and was entrusted to the Benedictines of St. Maur in 1723), he was placed in charge of it. Difficulties were encountered owing to his opposition to the bull Unigenitus, which caused the king to banish him from Paris; but he succeeded in preparing the first eight volumes for publication (1738-52). Other members of the congregation brought out five more after his death (1757-86). Interrupted by the Revolution, the work was taken up again by the Institute, and later by the Academy of Inscriptions, by whom ten more volumes were published in the nineteenth century.


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