BOND, WILLIAM BENNETT: Anglican archbishop of Montreal and primate of all Canada; b. at Truro (8 m. n.n.e. of Falmouth), Cornwall, England, Sept. 10, 1815; d. at Montreal Oct. 9, 1906. He came to Newfoundland while in early youth and was educated at Bishop's College, Lennoxville, P. Q., being ordered deacon in 1840 and ordained priest in the following year. After being successively a traveling missionary in 1840-42 and a missionary at Lachine, P. Q., in 1842-48, he was curate of St. George's, Montreal, from 1848 to 1860 and rector of the same church from 1860 to 1878. He was likewise archdeacon of Montreal in 1870-72 and dean in 1872-78. In the latter year he was consecrated archbishop of Montreal, and in 1901 was elected metropolitan of Canada, while in 1904 he became primate of all Canada. He was also president of the theological college of the diocese of Montreal.
BONET-MAURY, AMY GASTON CHARLES AUGUSTE: French Protestant; b. at Paris Jan. 2, 1842. He was educated at the Lycée Napoléon (now Collège Henri IV), the Sorbonne (baccalauréat ès lettres, 1860) and the universities of Geneva and Strasburg (1868). He was successively pastor of the Walloon Reformed Church at Dort in 1868-72 and of the French Reformed Church at Beauvais (Oise) in 1872-79. In 1879 he became professor of church history in the faculty of Protestant theology of the University of Paris, and now holds the same position in the Independent Divinity School of Paris. From 1885 to 1889 he was librarian of the Musée Pédagogique. In theology he is a liberal evangelical. He wrote: Les Origines de la réforme à Beauvais (Paris, 1874); Gerard de Groote, un précurseur de la réforme au quatorzième siècle (1878); E quibus fontibus Nederlandicis hauserit scriptor libri cui titulus est De Imitatione Christi (1878); Des Origines du christianisme unitaire chez les Anglais (1881; Eng. transl., London, 1883); Arnauld de Brescia, un réformateur au douzième siècle (Paris, 1881); De opera scholastica fratrum vitœ communis in Nederlandia (1889); G. A. Bürger et les origines anglaises de la ballade littéraire en Allemagne (1890); Ignace Dœllinger, 1799-1890 (1892); Lettres et déclarations de J. J. I. Dœllinger au sujet des décrets du Vatican, traduites de l'Allemand (1893); Le Congrès des religions à Chicago en 1893 (1895); Histoire de la liberté de conscience depuis l'Édit de Nantes jusqu'à juillet 1870 (1900); Les Précurseurs de la réforme et de la liberté de conscience dans les pays latins du douzième au quinzième siècle (1904); Edgar Quinet, son œuvre religieuse et son charactère moral (1903); and L'Islamisme et le christianisme en Afrique (1906).
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