BERRUYER, b�r"r�"y�', JOSEPH ISAAC: French Jesuit; b. at Rouen Nov. 7, 1681; d. at Paris Feb. 18, 1758. He served as teacher of his order for many years and won notoriety from an attempt to rewrite the Bible in French in the form of a romance fitted to the taste of his time; in carrying out the idea, however, he introduced much that was unfitting, heretical, and even blasphemous and obscene. He published the first part, Histoire du peuple de Dieu depuis son origine jusqu'� la venue du Messie, in seven volumes at Paris, 1728. It was put on the Index in 1734, but reissued in expurgated shape in 8 vols. 1733-34. The second part included the Gospels, 4 vols. 1753, also put on the Index in 1755. The third part included the Epistles, in 2 vols. 1757, but was condemned by the pope in 1758. The whole work has appeared in Italian, Spanish, Polish, and German transls., and was reissued (expurgated) in 1851 in 10 volumes.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: E. H. Landon, Ecclesiastical Dictionary, ii, 204, London, 1853; A. de Backer, Biblioth�que des �crivains de la compagnie de J�sus, iv, 340, 7 vols., Paris, 1853-1881; F. H. Reusch, Der Index der verbotenen B�cher, ii, 804, Bonn, 1885.
BERRY, JOSEPH F.: Methodist Episcopal bishop; b. at Aylmer, Can., Map 13, 1856; received his education at Milton Academy, Ontario; entered the ministry of his denomination, 1874; was associate editor of the Michigan Christian Advocate, 1884-90; editor of Hepworth Herald, 1890-1904; and was elected bishop 1904.
BERSIER, b�r"sy�', EUG�NE ARTUR FRAN�OIS: French Reformed; b. at Morges (7 m. w. of Lausanne), Switzerland, Feb. 5, 1831; d. at Paris Nov. 19, 1889. He came of Huguenot parentage, took elementary studies at Geneva and Paris; visited America, 1848-50; studied theology at Geneva, G�ttingen, and Halle; became pastor in Paris 1855-in the Free Church until 1877 (until 1861 over the Faubourg St. Antoine Church; until 1874, assistant of Pressens� in the Taitbout Church; until 1877, over the �toile Church), when he and his congregation joined the Reformed (established) Church of France. He was the author of several popular volumes of sermons, some of which have been translated into English: in the Protestant Pulpit series (2 vols., London, 1869); Oneness of the Race in its Fall and its Future (translated by Annie Harwood, London, 1871); Sermons, with Sketch of the Author (London, 1881; 2d series, 1885); St. Paul's Vision (translated by Marie Stewart, New York, 1881; new ed. 1890); The Gospel in Paris; Sermons, with personal Sketch of the Author by Rev. Frederick Hastings (London, 1884). There are translations also into German, Danish, Swedish, and Russian. He wrote also Solidarit� (Paris, 1869); Histoire du Synode de 1872 (2 vols., 1872); Liturgie (now used in the Reformed Church of France, 1874); Mes actes et mes principes (1878); L'Immutabilit� de J�sus Christ (1880); Royaut� de J�sus Christ (1881); Coligny avant les guerres de religion (1884; 3d ed., 1885; Eng. transl., Coligny: the Earlier Life of the Great Huguenot, London, 1885); La R�vocation, discours . . . sur l'�dit de r�vocation (1886); Les R�fugi�s fran�ais et leur industries (1886); Projet de r�vision de la liturgie des Eglises R�form�es en France (1888); Quelques pages d'histoire des Huguenots (1890).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: E. Stapfer, La Pr�dication d'Eug�ne Bersier, Paris, 1893; J. F. B. Tinling, Bersier's Pulpit: Analysis of Public Sermons of . . . Eug�ne Bersier, London, 1900; W. C. Wilkinson, Modern Masters of Pulpit Discourse, pp. 251-281, New York, 1905 highly laudatory).
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