
BUD�, b�"d�', GUILLAUME: French humanist; b. at Paris 1467; d. there Aug. 23, 1540. He studied law at Orl�ans, and, after leading a dissipated life for several years, began to apply himself to Greek, philosophy, theology, and science. Well received at court, he was repeatedly entrusted with diplomatic missions to Rome. On Aug. 21, 1522, Francis I. appointed him librarian of the royal library at Fontainebleau and royal councilor, and it was owing to Bud�'s initiative that the king enlarged the Royal Library of Paris and also the Royal College, which afterward became the Coll�ge de France. Long before Luther, Bud� had felt the necessity of reforms in the Church, but, like many scholars and bishops of his day, he feared a rupture with Rome. Among his numerous works, special mention may be made of the following: De Asse et partibus ejus (Paris, 1514); De Studio bonarum litterarum recte et commode instituendo (1527); Commentarii lingu� gr�c� (1529); De transitu Hellenismi ad Christianismum (1535); Forensia quibus vulgares et vere latin� jurisconsultorum loquendi formul� dantur (1548); and Lexicon gr�colatinum (Geneva, 1554 etc.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: The best account of his life is by E. de Bud�, Vie de Guillaume Bud�, Paris, 1884. Consult also E. and �. Haag, La France protestante, ed. H. L. Bordier, ib. 1877-86; Rebitt�, G. Bud�, essai historique, Paris, 1846; A. Moquet, Les Seigneurs de Marly, Paris, 1882.

BUDER, bu'der, PAUL VON: German Protestant; b. at Leutkirch (40 m. e. of Ulm) Feb. 15, 1836. He was educated at the University of T�bingen (Ph.D., 1858), and, after being lecturer at the theological seminary attached to that institution from 1861 to 1865, was successively deacon and inspector of schools at Backnaag from 1865 to 1868 and second court-preacher, as well as assistant in the consistory and a member of the theological examining board, in Stuttgart from 1868 to 1872. In the latter year he became associate professor of dogmatics and New Testament exegesis and supervisor of the theological seminary of the University of T�bingen, where he was full professor from 1877. Retired from active duties, 1910. He has written Ueber die apologetische Aufgabe der Theologie der Gegenwart (T�bingen, 1876).

BUECHNER, b�H'ner, GOTTFRIED, get'fr�d. German Lutheran theologian; b. at R�dersdorf (the district of Saxe-Altenburg) 1701; d. at Querfurt (18 m. w. of Merseburg) 1780. He studied at Jena, and lectured there from 1725 until he was called as rector to Querfurt where he died. He is best known as the author of Biblische Real- und Verbal-Hand-Concordanz (Jena, 1740; 23d ed., Berlin, 1899; ed. H. L. Heubner, Philadelphia, 1871). A list of B�chner's other theological works is given in J�cher and Adelungs Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v.


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