

BINDLEY, THOMAS HERBERT: Church of England; b. at Smethwick (3 m. n.w. of Birmingham), Staffordshire, Oct. 21, 1861. He was educated at Brownsgrove College, Worcestershire, and Merton College, Oxford (B.A., 1884), and was ordered deacon in 1889 and ordained priest in the following year. He was assistant curate of Ixworth, Suffolk, in 1889, and since 1890 has been principal of Codrington College, Barbados, and examining chaplain to the bishop of Barbados. He became canon of Barbados in 1893 and archdeacon in 1904, while in the following year he was made vicar-general of the diocese. In theology he is a liberal High-churchman. In addition to numerous contributions to theological periodicals, he has translated St. Athanasius de incarnatione Verbi Dei (London, 1887); Tertullian's Apology (London, 1889); Epistle of the Gallican Churches (1900); and St. Cyprian on the Lord's Prayer (1904). He has also edited Tertulliani Apologeticus (Oxford, 1889); Tertulliani De Pr�scriptione (1893); and �cumenical Documents of the Faith (London, 1900); and has written The Creeds (1896) and Et incarnates est (New York, 1896).

BINGHAM, HIRAM: Congregational missionary; b. at Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug. 16, 1831; d. at Baltimore Oct. 25, 1908. He was educated at Yale College (B.A., 1853) and Andover Theological Seminary (1854-55), and, after acting as principal of the Northampton High School in 1853-54, entered the


service of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in 1856. He began his missionary activity in the Gilbert Islands in 1857, and from 1866 to 1868 was in command of the missionary brig Morning Star. He was corresponding secretary of the board of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association from 1877 to 1880. From 1880-82 he was Hawaiian government protector of South Sea immigrants. In theology he was a conservative. He has written Story of the Morning Star (Boston, 1866); Gilbertese Bible (New York, 1893); Gilbertese Bible Dictionary (Honolulu, 1895); Gilbertese Hymn and Tune Book (New York, 1897); Gilbertese Commentary on Matthew (1904); and Gilbertese Commentary on the Four Gospels (1905).


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