CARYL, JOSEPH: English Independent clergyman; b. in London 1602; d. there Mar. 10, 1673. He studied at Exeter College, Oxford, and became preacher at Lincoln's Inn; was appointed minister of St. Magnus' Church near London Bridge, 1645; ejected by the Act of Uniformity, 1662, but gathered a new congregation and continued to preach in the same neighborhood. He was a member of the Westminster Assembly and one of the triers for the approbation of ministers in 1653. He is remembered for his Exposition with Practical Observations on the Book of Job (12 vols., 4to, London, 1664-66; 2d ed., 2 vols., folio, 1676-77; abridged ed. by Berrie, Edinburgh, 1836).
CASALI DEL DRAGO, ca-sa'l� del dra'go, GIOVANNI, jo-van'n�, BAPTISTA, bap-tis'ta: Cardinal; b. at Rome Jan. 30, 1838. He was educated at the Roman Seminary, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1860. Six years later he was appointed chamberlain by Pope Pius IX., and was then canon successively of the Lateran (1867-71) and of St. Peter's (1871-78). In 1878 he became domestic prelate, and in 1895 Leo XIII. created him titular Latin patriarch of Constantinople. He received the cardinal's hat in 1899, being created cardinal priest with the title of Santa Maria della Victoria.
CASA�AS Y PAG�S, ca-sa'nyas � pa-H�z, SALVATORE, sal"va-to'r�: Cardinal, b. at Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 5, 1834. He was educated in his native city, and in 1879 was consecrated titular bishop of Keramus and seven months later became bishop of Urgel. In 1901 he was translated to his present see of Barcelona, and in 1895 was created cardinal priest of Santi Quirico a Giulitta.
CASAUBON, ca-so'bon or, ca"zo"bon', ISAAC: Scholar; b. in Geneva Feb. 18, 1559; d. in London July 12, 1814. His father was a poor Huguenot preacher, who could give his son little education, nevertheless he came to be considered the most learned man in Europe after Joseph Scaliger. He was professor of Greek at Geneva, 1582-96, at Montpellier, 1596-99; in 1600 he went to Paris, where he might have been professor in the university if he had embraced Roman Catholicism; this, however, he refused to do, although he offended the rigid Calvinists by denying their extreme positions. He was given a pension by Henry IV. (1600), and in 1604 became sublibrarian of the royal library. In 1610 he went to England, where he was well received by King James and the Anglican bishops and was made prebendary of Canterbury and Westminster. His works belong for the most part to the field of classical scholarship, but he edited a Greek New Testament (Geneva, 1587), and published some minor pamphlets of theological interest; his criticism of the Annales of Baronius, begun at the request of King James, was left unfinished. His letters (in Latin), with life, were published by D'Almeloveen (Rotterdam, 1709); his diary, Ephemerides, ed. Russell, was printed at Oxford, 1850.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Mark Pattison, Isaac Casaubon, London, 1875, 2d ed., by Nettleship, 1892.
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