BELIAL, b�'li-al ("worthlessness"): A word which
occurs once in the New Testament (II Cor. vi, 15; better reading
Beliar) as the name of Satan,
hardly as that of Antichrist; the Peshito has "Satan." In the Old Testament
beliyya'al is not used as a designation of Satan, or of a bad angel; it is
an appellation, "worthlessness" or "wickedness" in an ethical sense, and is almost always found
in connection with a word denoting the person or
thing whose worthlessness or wickedness is spoken
of; as, "man of Belial," "son of Belial," "daughter of Belial," "thoughts of Belial," etc. In a few
instances beliyya'al denotes physical destruction; so
BIBLIOGRAPHY: J. Hamburger, s.v., in Real-Encyklop�die f�r Bibel und Talmud, vol. i., Leipsic, 1891; W. Bousset, Der Antichrist, pp. 86-87, 99-101, G�ttingen, 1895; T. K. Cheyne, in Expositor, 1895, pp. 435-439; F. Hommel, in Expository Times, viii, 472; EB, i, 525-527.
BELL, WILLIAM M'ILVIN: United Brethren; b. in Whitley Co., Ind., Nov. 12, 1860; entered the ministry 1879; elected bishop 1905.
BELLAMY, JOSEPH: Congregationalist; b. at New Cheshire, Conn., Feb. 20, 1719; d. at Bethlehem, Conn., Mar. 6, 1790. He was graduated at Yale, 1735, and was licensed to preach at the age of eighteen; was ordained pastor of the church at Bethlehem Apr. 2, 1740. During the Great Awakening he preached as an itinerating evangelist; later he established a divinity school in his house, where many prominent New England clergymen were trained. He was a disciple and personal friend of Jonathan Edwards, and the most gifted preacher among his followers, being thought by some to be equal to Whitefield. In his True Religion Delineated (Boston,
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