CAMISARDS, cam'i-zards: The name generally applied to those French Protestants who, in the reign of Louis XIV., rose in arms in Languedoc and waged a bloody war (1702-05) for the purpose of restoring their Church.
As was natural, the miseries of the time produced a corresponding hope of the future; and books like Pierre Jurieu's L'Accomplissement des proph�ties (Rotterdam, 1686) and Suite de l'accomplissement (1687), in which he predicted the
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Open revolt broke out in 1702, when a priest named Fran�ois de Langlade du Chayla undertook to punish the refractory. In his house at Pont de Montvert, in the present department of Loz�re, he built a cell in which he shut up his recalcitrant parishioners, and tortured them. On the night of July 23, hearing a rumor that the abb� intended to put certain prisoners to death, the Camisards assembled at the instigation of the prophets S�guier, Couderc, and Mazel, burned the house, liberated the prisoners, and slew the priest. B�ville, the intendant of Languedoc, felt a particular satisfaction in pursuing the guilty. S�guier was caught and burned at the stake Aug. 12; but the rest escaped among the mountains, where they were soon reenforced by new throngs formed by Castanet, Catinat, Roland, and others. In Jean Cavalier (b. at Ribante, department of Gard, Nov. 28, 1681) they found an able leader, and the war began which was to depopulate and devastate the provinces of Languedoc, Vivarais, Gevaudan, and Rouergue. The Camisards never numbered more than five thousand, and they had no military organization. But they fought with brutal fury, even when they marched into battle with psalms on their lips, while the royal troops punished them with torture and imprisonment. In their camps they lived as in a church, preaching, praying, and fasting; and they won brilliant victories, particularly at Sainte-Chatte, Mar. 15, 1704. B�ville was unable to make head against them, and in Feb., 1703, Marshal Montreval was sent with a large body of troops. He defeated the Camisards repeatedly (La Jongui�re, Mar. 6; La Tour de B�lot, Apr. 29), but the cruelties practised by the troops won new adherents to the Protestant cause, even though he razed all the houses and villages in the upper C�vennes, thus rendering 20,000 homeless. The confusion was increased by a bull of Clement XI. (May 1, 1703), proclaiming a crusade against the heretics and creating bands which equaled their opponents in savagery. In Apr., 1704, Montreval was replaced by Marshal Villars. Before Villars began active operation, he surrounded the whole district with a line of strong military poets, thus cutting off all communication between the rebels and the outside world; and then he offered pardon to all who, within a certain time, laid down arms and surrendered. Cavalier, who saw that further resistance was useless, left the country, afterward fought against his countrymen in Holland, Italy, and Spain, and settled finally in England. There he was appointed governor of Jersey, and later governor of the Isle of Wight. He died in Chelsea, London, May 18, 1740. His former comrades branded him as a traitor and continued the hopeless struggle. Roland fell Aug. 14, 1704. Castanet, Catinat, Joanni, and others fled to Geneva. Without leaders, the Camisard army gradually melted away. In 1705 Catinat, Ravanel, and some of their colleagues returned and conspired to raise a new revolt, only to die at the stake or on the wheel. A last attempt, made by Mazel, Coste, and Claris in 1709 in Vivarais was quenched in blood, and the French Reformed Church was definitely blotted out. [In England the Camisards were known as the French Prophets.]
BIBLIOGRAPHY: For sources from the Roman Catholic standpoint consult: C. J. de la Baume, R�lation historique de la r�volte des Camisards, ed. Goiffon, Nimes, 1874; J. B. Louvreleuil, Le Fanatisme renouvel�, Avignon, 1704-1707; Lettres choisies de Fl�chier avec une r�lation des fanatiques du Vivarez, Paris, 1715 (partizan); M�moires de l'intendant B�ville, Amsterdam, 1734 (serviceable); M�moires de Villars, The Hague, 1734 (brief but impartial). Written from the Protestant side are: M. Misson, Le Th��tre sacr� des C�vennes, London, 1707 (by an eyewitness, but partisan and unreliable); J. Cavalier, Memoirs of the Wars of the C�vennes, ib. 1712 (inaccurate). In the Bulletin de la soci�t� de l'histoire du protestantisme fran�ais are Le Camp des enfants de Dieux, 1867, pp. 273 sqq., and the memoirs of Monbonnoux, 1873, pp. 72 sqq. Read also M�moires de Rossel d' Aigaliers, ed. G. Frost�rus, in Biblioth�que Universelle, March-May, 1866, and A. J�ger, Spiritus miraculosus in provincia Sevennensi regnans, T�bingen, 1712. Consult further: A. Court, Histoire de troubles des C�vennes, Villefranche, 1760, ed. Alais, 1819 (rich and reliable); I. C. K. Hofmann, Gesehichte des Aufruhrs in den Sevennen unter Ludwig XIV., N�rdlingen, 1837 (also valuable); N. Peyrat, Histoire des pasteurs du d�sert, Paris, 1842 (picturesque but unreliable); G. Frost�rus, Les Insurg�s protestants sous Louis XIV., ib. 1868 (of importance); E. Bonnem�re, Histoire des Camisards, Paris, 1869; S. Smiles, Huguenots in France After the Edict of Nantes, London, 1877; C. Tylor, Huguenots in the Seventeenth Century, pp. 255 sqq., London, 1892; H. M. Baird, The Camisard Uprising, in Papers of the American Church Hist. Society, ii. 13-34, New York, 1890; idem, Huguenots and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, vol. ii., ib. 1895.
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