BURGESS, DANIEL: English Presbyterian; b. at Staines (15 m. w.s.w. of London), Middlesex, 1645; d. in London Jan. 26, 1713. He studied at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, but would not conform and so did not graduate; went to Ireland in 1667 with Roger Boyle, earl of Orrery, and became master of a school founded by his patron at Charleville, County Cork; was ordained by the Dublin presbytery; in 1685 he settled in London, where he gained influential friends and preached to a large congregation attracted by his lively and witty style. Besides preaching he took pupils and was tutor to Henry St. John (Lord Bolingbroke). His publications were numerous, mostly sermons; they include: Directions for Daily Holy Living (London, 1690); The Golden Snuffers; or Christian Reprovers and Reformer's Characterized, Cautioned, arid Encouraged (1697); Proof of God's Being and of the Scriptures' Divine Original, with Twenty Directions , for Reading them (1697).
BURGESS, FREDERICK: Protestant Episcopal bishop of Long Island; b. at Providence, R. I, Oct. 6, 1853. He was educated at Brown University (B.A., 1873), the General Theological Seminary (1874-75), and Oxford University (1876), and was successively rector of Grace Church, Amherst, Mass. (1878-83), Christ Church, Pomfret, Conn. (1883-89), Grace Church, Bala, Pa. (1889-96), Christ Church, Detroit (1896-98), and Grace Church, Brooklyn (1898-1902). In 1902 he was consecrated bishop of Long Island.
BURGESS, GEORGE: First Protestant Episcopal bishop of Maine; b. at Providence, R. I., Oct. 31, 1809; d. at sea while returning from the West Indies Apr. 23, 1866. He was graduated at Brown 1826; tutor there 1829-31; studied at Bonn, G�ttingen, and Berlin 1831-34; was rector of Christ Church, Hartford, 1834-47; consecrated bishop Oct. 31, 1847. He published a translation of the Psalms into English verse (New York, 1840), Pages from the Ecclesiastical History of New England between 1740 and 1840 (Boston, 1847), and other works.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Memoir of Life of Rev. Geo. Burgess, by his brother, A. Burgess, Philadelphia, 1869.
BURGESS, HENRY: Church of England clergyman and scholar; b. in Newington, London, Jan. 29, 1808; d. Feb. 10, 1886. He studied at the Dissenting College, Stepney; after graduation (1830) was for a time a Baptist minister, but decided to join the Church of England in 1849, was ordained deacon 1850, and priest 1851; became curate at Blackburn 1851; perpetual curate of Clifton Reynes, Buckinghamshire, 1854; vicar of St. Andrew, Whittlesea, Cambridgeshire, 1861. His principal works were translations from the Syriac of the Festal Letters of St. Athanasius (London, 1852) and of Select Metrical Hymns and Homilies of Ephraem Syrus, with an introduction and historical and philological notes (1853); The Reformed Church of England in its Principles and their Legitimate Development (1869); Essays, Biblical and Ecclesiastical, relating chiefly to the authority and interpretation of the Holy Scriptures (1873); The Art of Preaching and the Composition of Sermons (1881). He edited The Clerical Journal 1854-68, The Journal of Sacred Literature 1854-62, and the second edition of Kitto's Cyclop�dia of Biblical Literature (2 vols., Edinburgh, 1856).
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