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RACE. Ps. 19/5; Eccl. 9.11; 1 Cor. 9.24; Heb. 12.1.
RAGE. 2 Kings 5.12, turned away in a r. Ps. 2.1; Acts 4. 25, why do the heathen r. Prov. 14.16, the fool r. and is confident. See Prov. 6.34; 29.9; Dan. 3.13; Hos. 7.16.
RAGGED. Isa. 2.21.
RAGING. Ps. 89.9; Prov. 20.1; Lu. 8. 24 ; Jude 13.
RAGS. Prov. 23.21; Isa. 64.6; Jer. 38.11.
RAIMENT. Gen. 28.20, if the Lord will give me r. Deut. 8.4, thy r. waxed not old. 24.13, that he may sleep in his r. 17, nor take a widow's r. to pledge. Job 27.16, though he prepare r. as the clay. Isa. 63.3, I will stain all my r. Zech. 3.4, I will clothe thee with r. Mat. 6.25; Lu. 12.23, the body more than r. 28, why take thought for r. 11.8; Lu. 7.25, man clothed in soft r. 17. 2 ; Mk. 9. 3; Lu. 9. 29, his r. was white a3 light. 1 Tim. 6.8, having food and r., be content. Jas. 2.2, poor man in vile r.
Rev. 3.18, buy white r. See Ma.t. 3.4; Lu. 10.30; 23.34; Acts 22.20.
RAIN.(w.). Lev. 26.4; Deut. 11.14; 28.12, r. in due
season. Deut. 11.11, drinketh water of the r. of heaven. 32.2, my doctrine shall drop as the r. 2 Sam 23.4, clear shining after r. 1 Kings 18.41, sound of abundance of r. Ezra 10.13, a time of much r. Job 5.10, who giveth r. on earth. 37.6, to small r, and to great r. 38.28, hath the r. a father. Ps. 72.6, like r. on mown grass. Prov. 25.14, like clouds and wind without r. 23, north wind driveth away r. 26.1, as r. in harvest. 28.3, that oppresseth poor is like sweeping r. Eccl. 11.3, if clouds be full of r. 12.2, nor clouds return after r. Cant. 2.11, the r. is over and gone. Isa. 4.6, covert from storm and r. 55.10, as the r. cometh down. Ezek. 38.22, I will r. an overflowing r. Hos. 6.3, he shall come unto us as the r. Mat. 5.45, r. on just and unjust. 7.25, the r. descended and floods came. See Jer. 5.24 ; Acts 14.17 ; 28.2; Heb. 6. 7.
RAIN.(vX Ex. 16. 4, I will r. bread from heaven. Job 20.23, God shall r. his fury on him. Ps. 11.6, on wicked he shall r. snares. 78.24, 27, and r. down manna. Ezek. 22.24, thou art the land not r. upon. 295
296Hos. 10.12, till he come and r. righteousness. See Gen. 2. 5; 7.4; Amos 4. 7; Rev. 11.6.
RAINY. Prov.27.15.
RAISE. Deut. 18.15; Acts 3. 22, will r. up a Prophet.
Judg. 2.16,18, the Lord r. up judges. 1 Sam. 2.8; Ps. 113.7, he r. poor out of dust. Job 41.25, when he r. himself, mighty are. Ps. 145.14; 146.8, he r. those that be bowed down. Isa. 45.13, I have r. him in righteousness. Hos. 6. 2, in third day he will r. us up. Mat. 10. 8; 11.5 ; Lu."7. 22, r. the dead. 16. 21; 17.23; Lu. 9. 22, be r. the third day. John 2.19, in three days I will r. it up. 6. 39, 40, 44, 54, I will r. him up at last day. Acts 2.24, 32 ; 3.15 ; 4.10 ; 5. 30 ; 10.40 ; 13. 30, 33, 31; 17. 31; Rom. 10. 9 ; 1 Cor. 6.14 ; 2 Cor. 4.14; Gal. 1.1; Eph. 1. 20, whom God hath r. up. 26. 8, why incredible that God should r. the dead.
Rom. 4. 25, r, again for our justification. 6.4, like as Christ was r. from the dead. 8.11, Spirit of him that r. up Jesus. 1 Cor 6.14, and will also r. up us by his power. 15.15, r. up Christ, whom he r. not up. 16, then is not Christ r. 17, if Christ be not r. 35, how are the dead r. 43, it is r. in glory, it is r. in power. 2 Cor 1.9, trust in God which r. the dead. 4.14, he shall r. up us also.
Eph. 2.6, and hath r. us up together.
Heb. 11.19, accounting God was able to r. him. 35, women received dead r. to life.
Jas. 5.15, and the Lord shall r. him up.
See Lu. 20.37; John 5.21; 2 Tim. 2.8.
RAN. Ex. 9.23; Num. 16.47; Jer. 23.21.
RANG. 1 Sam. 4.5 ; 1 Kings 1.45.
RANKS. 1 Kings 7.4; Joel 2. 7; Mk. 6.40.
RANSOM. Ex. 21. 30, give for the r. of his life. 30.12, every man a r. for his soul.
Job 33.24, 1 have found a r. 36.18, a great r. cannot deliver. Ps. 49. 7, nor give a r. for him.
Prov. 13. 8, the r. of a man's life are his riches.
Isa. 35.10, the r. of the Lord shall return. 43.3, I gave Egypt for thy r.
Hos. 13.14, I will r. them from the grave.
Mat. 20.28; Mk. 10.45, to give his life a r. 1 Tim. 2. 6, gave himself a r. for all.
See Prov. 6.35; Isa. 51.10 ; Jer. 31.11.
RARE. Dan. 2.11.
RASE. Ps.137.7.
RATHER. Job 7.15; Jer. 8.3, death r. than life.
Ps. 84.10, r. be a doorkeeper.
Mat. 10. 6, go r. to lost sheep. 28, r. fear him that is able. 25. 9, go r. to them that sell.
Mk. 5.26, but r. grew worse.
Lu. 18.14, justified r. than the other.
John 3.19, loved darkness r. than light.
Acts 5.29, obey God r. than men.
Rom. 8.34, that died, yea r., that is risen. 12.19, r. give place to wrath. 1 Cor 6.7, why do ye not r. take wrong. Heb. 11.25, choosing r. to suffer. 12.13, let it r. be healed.
See Josh. 22.24 ; 2 Kings 5.13 ; Phil. 1.12.
RAVENING. Ps.22.13; Ezek. 22.25; Mat. 7.15.
RAVENOUS. Isa. 35. 9; 46.11; Ezek. 39. 4.
REACH. Gen. 11. 4; John 20. 27 ; 2 Cor. 10.13.
READ. Deut. 17.19, king shall r. all his life.
Isa. 34.16, seek out of book of Lord and r.
Mat. 12. 3 ; 19. 4; 21.16 ; 22.31; Mk. 2. 25 ; 12.10; Lu. 6. 3, have ye not r.
Lu. 4.16, Jesus stood up to r. 2 Cor 3.2, epistle known and r. of all men. 1 Tim. 4.13, give attendance to r.
See Hab. 2. 2 ; 2 Cor. 3.14; Rev. 1. 3; 5. 4.
READINESS. Acts 17.11; 2 Cor. 8.11; 10. 6.
READY. Num. 32.17, we will go r. armed.
Deut. 26.5, a Syrian r. to perish. 2 Sam 18. 22, wherefore run, no tidings r. Neh. 9.17, thou art a God r. to pardon. Job 12.5, r. to slip with his feet. 17.1, the graves are r. for me. 29.13, blessing of him r. to perish. Ps. 38.17, I am r. to halt. 45.1, pen of a r. writer. 86.5, good and r. to forgive. 88.15, r. to die from my youth. Prov. 24.11, deliver those r. to be slain. 31. 6, give strong drink to r. to perish. Eccl. 5.1, be more r. to hear. Isa. 27.13, shall come that were r. to perish. 32.4, stammerers r. to speak plainly. 38.20, the Lord was r. to save me. Dan. 3.15, if ye be r. to fall down. Mat. 22.4 ; Lu. 14.17, all things are r. 8, the wedding is r. 24.44 ; Lu. 12.40, be ye also r. 25.10, they that were r. went in. Mk. 14. 38, the spirit is r. Lu. 22.33, I am r. to go with thee. John 7. 6, your time is alway r. Acts 21.13, r. not to be bound only, but. Rom. 1.15, I am r. to preach at Rome. 2 Cor. 8.19, declaration of your r. mind. 9.2, Achaia was r. a year ago. 1 Tim. 6.18, r. to distribute. 2 Tim. 4. 6, r. to be offered. Tit. 3.1, r. to every good wrork. 1 Pet. 1.5, r. to be revealed. 3.15, r. always to give an answer. 5.2, but of a r. mind. Rev. 3. 2, things that are r. to die. See Ex. 17.4; 19.11; Ezra 7. 6; Job 15.23.
REAP. Lev. 25.11, in jubilee neither sow nor r. Eccl. 11.4, regardeth clouds shall not r. Jer. 12.13, sown wTheat, but shall r. thorns. Hos. 8.7, shall r. the whirlwind. 10.12, sow in righteousness, r. in mercy. Mic. 6.15, shalt sow, but not r. Mat. 6. 26 ; Lu. 12.24, sow not, neither r. 25.26 ; Lu. 19.21, r. where I sowed not. John 4.38, r. whereon ye bestowed no labour. 1 Cor 9.11, if we shall r. your carnal things. 2 Cor 9. 6, shall r. sparingly. Gal. 6. 7, that shall he also r. Jas. 5.4, cries of them which r.
See, Isa. 17.5; John 4. 36, 37; Rev. 14.15.
REASON.(«,)• Job 32.11, I gave ear to your r. Prov. 26.16, seven men that can render a r. Eccl. 7. 25, to search out the r. of things, Isa. 41.21, bring forth your strong r. 1 Pet. 3.15, a r. of the hope in you. See 1 Kings 9.15 ; Dan. 4.36; Acts 6.2.
REASON.(t). Job 9.14, choose words to r. with you. 13.3, I desire to r. with God. 15.3, should he r. with unprofitable talk. Isa. 1.18, let us r. together. Mat. 16. 7 ; 21.25 ; Mk. 8.16 ; 11.31; Lu. 20.5, they
r. among themselves. Lu. 5.22, what r. ye in your hearts. 24.15, while they r. Jesus drew near. Acts 24.25, as he r. of righteousness. See 1 Sam. 12. 7; Mk. 2. 6; 12. 28 ; Acts 28.29.
REASONABLE. Rom. 12.1.
REBEL. Num. 14.9, only r. not against the Lord. Josh. 1.18, whosoever doth r. he shall die. Neh. 2.19, will ye r. against the king. Job 24.13, that r. against the light. Ps. 105.28, they r. not against his word. Isa. 1. 2, have nourished children and they r. 63.10, they r. and vexed his holy Spirit. Lam. 3.42, we have r., thou hast not pardoned. 296
297Dan. 9.9, though we have r. against him. See 1 Sam. 12.14; Ezek. 2.3; Hos. 7.14; 13.16.
REBELLION. 1 Sam. 15. 23, r. is as the sin of
Job 34.37, he addeth r. to his sin. Prov. 17.11, an evil man seeketh r. Jer. 28.16, thou hast taught r. See Deut. 31.27; Ezra 4.19 ; Neh. 9.17.
REBELLIOUS. Deut. 21.18, 20, a stubborn and r.
son. 1 Sam. 20.30, son of perverse r. woman. Ps. 66. 7, let not the r. exalt themselves.. ■ 68.6, the r. dwell in a dry land. Isa. 1.23, r., companions of thieves. Jer. 5.23, this people hath a ?vheart. See Ezek. 2.3 ; 3. 9 ; 12. 2; 17.12 ; 24. 3.
EEBELS. Num. 17.10; 20.10; Ezek. 20.38.
REBUKE.(w.). 2 Kings 19. 3; Isa. 37. 3, this is a
day of r.
Ps. 39.11, when thou with r. dost correct. 80.16, perish at r. of thy countenance. 104. 7, at thy r. they fled. Prov. 13.8, the poor heareth not r. 27.5, open r. is better than secret love. Eccl. 7.5, better to hear r. of wise. Isa. 30.17, thousand flee at r. of one. Jer. 15.15, for thy sake I suffered r. Phil. 2.15, without r. See Deut. 28. 20; Isa. 25.8; 50.2.
REBUKE.O.). Ps. 6.1; 38.1, r. me not in anger. Prov. 9.7, he that r. a wicked man getteth a blot. 8, r. a wise man, and he will love thee. 28.23, he that r. a man shall find favour. Isa. 2.4; Mic. 4.3, he shall r. many nations. Zech. 3. 2; Jude 9, the Lord r. thee.
Mai. 3.11,1 will r. the devourer for your sakes. Mat. 8.26; Mk. 4.39; Lu. 8. 24, he r. wind. 16.22; Mk. 8. 32, Peter began to r. him. Lu. 4.39, he r. the fever. 17.3, if thy brother trespass, r. him. 19.39, Master, r. thy disciples. 1 Tim. 5.1, r. not an elder. 20, them that sin, r. before all. 2 Tim. 4.2, r., exhort, with longsuffering. Tit, 1.13; 2.15, r. them sharply.
Heb. 12.5, nor faint when thou art r. See Ruth 2.16; Neh. 5. 7; Amos 5.10.
RECALL. Lam. 3.21.
RECEIPT. Mat. 9.9; Mk. 2.14; Lu. 5.27.
RECEIVE. 2 Kings 5.26, is it a time to r. money. Job 4.12, mine ear r. a little. 22.22, r. law from his mouth. Ps. 6.9, the Lord will r. my prayer. 49.15, he shall r. me. 68.18, hast r. gifts for men. 73.24, afterwards r. me to glory. Prov. 2.1, if thou wilt r. my words. Isa. 40.2, she hath r. double.
Jer. 2.30, your children r. no correction. Hos. 10.6, Ephraim shall r. shame. 14.2, r. us graciously. Mat. 11.5, the blind r. their sight. 14, if ye will r. it, this is Elias. 18,5, whoso shall r. one such little child. 19.12, he that is able let him r. it. 21.22, ask, believing ye shall r. Mk. 15.23, but he r. it not. 16.19; Acts 1. 9, he was r. up into heaven. Lu. 16. 9, r. you into everlasting habitations. 18.42; Acts 22.13, r. thy sight. John 1.11, his own r. him not. 12, to as many as r. him. 3.27, can r. nothing, except. 5.43, in his own name, him ye will r, 44, which r. honour one of another. 16. 24, ask, and ye shall r. 20. 22, r. ye the Holy Ghost. Acts 7.59, r. my spirit. 8.17, they r. the Holy Ghost.
Acts 10.43, shall r. remission of sins. 19. 2, have ye r. the Holy Ghost. 20. 24, which I have r. of the Lord. Rom. 5 11, by whom we r. atonement. 14. 3, for God hath r. him. 15. 7, r. ye one another. 1 Cor 3. 8, every man shall r. his own reward. 11. 23, I r. of the Lord that which also I delivered. 2 Cor 4.1, as we have r. mercy we faint not. 5.10, every one may r. things done. 7.2, r. us; we have wronged no man.
Phil. 2. 29, r. him in the Lord. 4.15, as concerning giving and r. Col. 2. 6, as ye ha£ r. Christ. 1 Tim. 3.16, r, up into glory. 4.4, if it be r. with thanksgiving. 1 John 3.22, whatsoever we ask we r. See Ezek. 3.10; Acts 20. 35; Jas. 4. 3.
RECKON. Lev. 25. 50, he shall r. with him that
bought him.
Ps. 40. 5, thy thoughts cannot be r. up. Mat. 18. 24, when he had begun to r. 25.19, lord hf servants r. with them. Rom. 4.4, reward is not r. of grace. 6.11, r. yourselves dead to sin. 8.18, I r. the sufferings of this present time.
See 2 Kings 22.7 ; Isa. 38.13 ; Lu. 22. 37.
RECOMMENDED. Acts 14. 26; 15.40.
RECOMPENCE. Deut. 32. 35, to me belongeth r.
Job 15. 31, vanity shall be his r.
Isa. 35.4, God will come with a r.
Hos. 9. 7, days of r. are come.
Joel 3.4, will ye render me a r. ?
Lu. 14.12, and a r. be made thee. 2 Cor 6.13, for a r., be ye also enlarged. Heb. 2. 2; 10. 35; 11. 26, just r. of reward. See Prov. 12.14; Isa. 34. 8; Jer. 51. 56.
RECOMPENSE. Num. 5. 7, he shall »•. his trespass. Ruth 2.12, the Lord r. thy work. 2 Sam 19. 36, why should the king r. me ? Job 34. 33, he will r. it, whether.
Prov. 20. 22, say not, I will r. evil.
Isa. 65. 6, but will r., even r. into their bosom.
Jer. 25.14; Hos. 12. 2, will r. according to deeds.
Lu. 14.14, for they cannot r. thee.
Rom. 12.17, r. to no man evil for evil. 11. 35, it shall be r. to him again.
See 2 Chron. 6. 23; Jer. 32.18; Heb. 10. 30.
RECONCILE. 1 Sam. 29.4, wherewith should he r. himself.
Ezek. 45. 20, so shall ye r. the house.
Mat. 5. 24, first be r. to thy brother.
Rom. 5.10, if when enemies we were r.
Eph. 2.16, that he might r. both.
See Lev. 16.20; Rom. 11.15; 2 Cor. 5.19.
RECORD. Ex. 20. 24, in places where I r. my name.
Deut. 30.19; 31.28, I call heaven to r.
Job 16.19, my r. is on high.
John 8.13, thou bearest r. of thyself.
Rom. 10. 2, I bare them r.
Phil. 1. 8, God is my r. how greatly I long. 1 John 5.7, three that bare r. 10, he believeth not the r. 11, this is the r., that God hath given. 3 John 12, we bare r., and our r. is true. See Acts 20. 26; John 1.19; Rev. 1. 2.
RECOUNT. Nah. 2. 5, r. his worthies.
RECOVER. 2 Kings 5.3, the prophet would r. him.
Ps. 39.13, that I may r. strength.
Isa. 11.11, to r. remnant of his people.
Hos. 2. 9, and I will r. my wool and flax.
Mk. 16.18, lay hands on sick, and they shall r.
Lu. 4.18, preach r. of sight to blind.
See Isa. 38.16; Jer. 8.22; 41.16; 2 Tim. 2.16.
RED. Gen. 25. 30, r. pottage. 49.12, eyes r. with wine. 297
REIGN. 2 Kings 3. 22, water r. as blood.
Ps. 75l 8, wine is r., full of mixture.
Prov. 23. 31, look not on wine when r.
Isa. 1.18, though your sins be r. like crimson. 27. 2, a vineyard of r. wine.
G3. 2, r. in thine apparel. Mat. 16. 2, fair weather, for the sky is r. See Lev. 13.19; Num. 19. 2; Nah. 2. 3; Rev. 6.4.
REDEEM. Gen. 48.16, anael which r. me. Ex. 6. 6, I will r. you. 15.13, people whom thou hast r.
Lev. 27. 28, no devoted thing, shall be r. 2 Sam. 4. 9, the Lord hath r. my soul. Neh. 5. 5, nor is it in our power to r. them. 8, after our ability have r. Jews. Job 5. 20, in famine he shall r. thee. 6. 23, to r. me from hand of mighty. Ps. 25. 22, r. Israel out of all his troubles. 34. 22, the Lord r. the soul of his servants. 44. 26, r. us for thy mercies' sake. 49.7, none can r. his brother. 15, God will r. my soul from the grave. 72.14, he shall r. their soul from deceit. 107. 2, let the r. of the Lord say so. 130. 8, he shall r. Israel.
Isa. 1. 27, Zion shall be r. with judgment. 35. 9, the r. shall walk there. 44. 22, return, for I have r. thee. 50. 2, is my hand shortened that it cannot r. 51.11, the r. of the Lord shall return. 52. 3, r. without money. 63. 4. the year of my r. is come. Hos. 7.13, though I r. them, they have spoken lies. 13.14, I will r. them from death. Lu. 1. 68, hath visited, and r. his people. 24.21, he who should have r. Israel. Gal. 3.13, r. us from curse of the law. 4. 5, r. them that were under the law. Tit. 2.14, that he might r. us from iniquity. 1 Pet. 1.18, not r. with corruptible things. Rev. 5. 9, thou hast r. us by thy blood. See Num. 18.15; 2 Sam. 7. 23; Eph. 5. 16; Col. 4.5.
REDEEMER. Job 19.25,1 know that my r. liveth. Ps. 19.14, Lord, my strength and my r. 78. 35, God was their r. Prov. 23.11, their r. is mighty. Isa. 47. 4, as for our?, the Lord of hosts is his name. 49. 26 ; 60.16, know that I am thy B. 59. 20, the B. shall come to Zion. 63.16, thou art our r. See Isa, 41.14; 44. 6; 48.17 ; 54. 5 ; Jer. 50. 34.
REDEMPTION. Lev. 25.24, grant a r. for the land. Ps. 49. 8, the r. of their soul is precious. 111. 9, he sent r. to his people. 130. 7, plenteous r. Jer. 32. 7, the right of r. is thine. Lu. 2. 38, that looked for r. in Jerusalem. 21. 28, your r. draweth nigh. Rom. 8. 23, the r. of our body. Eph. 4. 30, sealed unto the day of r. See Num. 3.49; Rom. 3.24; 1 Cor. 1.30 ; Heb. 9.12,
REDOUND. 2 Cor. 4.15, grace might r.
REFORMATION. Heb. 9.10, time of r. REFORMED. Lev. 26. 23, if ye will not be r.
REFRAIN. Gen. 45.1, Joseph could not r. himself. Job 7.11, I will not r. my mouth. 29. 9, princes r. talking. Ps. 40. 9, I have not r. my lips. 119.101, r. my feet from every evil way. Prov. 1.15, r. thy foot from their path. 10.19, he that r. his lips is wise. Acts 5. 38, r. from these men. See Gen. 43.31; Isa. 64.12; Jer. 31.16; 1 Pet. 3.10.
REFRESH. Ex. 31.17, he rested and was r. Job 32. 20, I will speak that I may be r. Prov. 25.13, he r. the soul of his masters.
Acts 3.19, times of r. shall come. 1 Cor. 16.18, they r. my spirit.
See 1 Kings 13. 7; Isa. 28.12; Rom. 15. 32; 2 Cor. 7.13.
REFUSE.(m.). 1 Sam. 15. 9; Lam. 3.45 ; Amos 8.6.
REFUSE.(v.). Gen. 37.35, Jacob r. to be comforted. Num. 22.13, the Lord r. to give me leave. 1 Sam. 16. 7, look not on him, for I have r. him. Job 6. 7, things my soul r. to touch. Ps. 77. 2, my soul r. to be comforted. 78.10, they r. to walk in his law. 118. 22, stone the builders r. Prov. 1. 24, I have called and ye r. 8. 33, be wise and r. it not. 10.17, he that r. reproof. 13.18, shame to him that r. instruction. 15. 32, he that r. instruction despiseth his soul. 21. 25, his hands r. to labour. Isa. 7.15,16, may know to r. the evil. Jer. 8. 5, they r. to return. 9. 6, they r. to know me. 15.18. my wound r. to be healed. 25. 28, if they r. to take the cup. 38. 21, if thou r. to go forth.
Zech. 7.11, they r. to hearken. Acts 7. 35, this Moses whom they r. 1 Tim. 4.4, nothing to be r. 7, r. profane and old wives' fables. 5.11, the younger widows r. Heb. 11. 24, Moses r. to be called. 12. 25, r. not him that speaketh. See Ex. 4. 23 ; 10. 3; 1 Kings 20. 35 ; 2 Kings 5.16.
REGARD. Gen. 45. 20, r. not your stuff. Ex. 5. 9, let them not r. vain words. Deut, 10.17, that r. not persons. 1 Kings 18. 29, neither voice, nor any that r. Job 4. 20, they perish without any r. it 34.19, nor r. rich more than poor. 39.7, neither r. crying of the driver.
Ps. 28. 5; Isa. 5.12, they r. not works of the Lord. 66.18, if I r. iniquity in my heart. 102.17, he will r. prayer of the destitute. 106. 44, he r. their affliction. Prov. 1. 24, and no man r. 5. 2, that thou mayest r. discretion. 6. 35, he will not r. any ransom. 12.10, r. the life of his beast. 13.18 ; 15. 5, he that r. reproof.
Eccl. 11.4, he that r. the clouds.
Lam. 4.16, the Lord will no more r. them.
Dan. 11. 37, r. God of his fathers, nor r. any god.
Mai. 1. 9, will he r. your persons.
Mat. 22.16; Mk. 12.14, r. not the person of men.
Lu. 18. 2, neither r. man.
Rom. 14. 6, he that r. the day, r. it to the Lord.
See Deut. 28.50; 2 Kings 3.14; Amos 5.22; Phil. 2.30.
REGISTER. Ezra 2. 62 ; Neh. 7. 5, 64.
REHEARSE. Judg. 5.11, r. the righteous acts.
Acts 14. 27, they r. all God had done.
See Ex. 17.14; 1 Sam. 8. 21; 17. 31; Acts 11.4.
REIGN. Gen. 37. 8, shalt thou r. over us.
Ex. 15.18 ; Ps. 146.10, Lord shall r. for ever.
Lev. 26.17, that hate you shall r. over you.
Deut. 15. 6, thou shalt r. over many nations.
Judg. 9. 8, the trees said, r. thou over us. 1 Sam 11.12, shall Saul r. over us. 12.12, nay, but a king shall r. over us. 2 Sam 16. 8, in whose stead thou hast r. Job 34. 30, that the hypocrite r. not. Ps. 47. 8, God r. over the heathen. 93.1; 96.10; 97.1; 99.1, the Lord r. Prov. 8.15, by me kings r. 30. 22, for a servant when he r. Eccl. 4.14, out of prison he cometh to r. Isa, 32.1, a king shall r. in righteousness. 52. 7, that saith unto Zion, thy God r, Jer. 22.15, shalt thou r. because thou closest ? 23. 5, a king shall r. and prosper. Mic. 4.7, the Lord shall r. over them. 298
299Lu. 19.14, not have this man to r. over us. 27, that would not I should r. Rom. 5.14, death r. from Adam to Moses. 17, death r. by one. 21, as sin hath r., so might grace r. 6.12, let not sin r. in your bodies. 1 Cor 4. 8, ye have r. as kings without us. 15. 25, for he must r. 2 Tim. 2.12, if we suffer we shall also r. with him. Rev. 5.10, we also shall r. on the earth. 11.15, he shall r. for ever and ever. Rev. 19. 6, the Lord God omnipotent r. See Isa. 24. 23; Luke 1. 33; Rev. 20.4; 22. 5/
REINS. Job 16.13, he cleaveth my r. asunder. . 19. 27, though my r. be consumed. Ps. 7. 9, God trieth the r. 16.7, my r. instruct me. 26. 2, examine me, try my r. 73. 21, thus I was pricked in my r. 139.13, thou hast possessed my r. Prov. 23.16, my r. shall rejoice. Isa. 11. 5, faithfulness the girdle of his r. Rev. 2. 23, I am he who searcheth the r. See Jer. 11. 20; 12. 2; 17.10; 20.12; Lam. 3.13.
REJECT. 1 Sam. 8. 7, they have not r. thee, but they have r. me. 10.19, ye have r. God who saved you. 15.23, because thou hast r. the word of the Lord. 16.1, I have r. him from being king. Isa. 53. 3, despised and r. of men. Jer. 2. 37, the Lord hath r. thy confidence. 7. 29, the Lord hath r. the generation. 8. 9, they have r. the word of the Lord. 14.19, thou hast utterly r. Judah.
Lam. 5. 22, thou hast utterly r. us.
Hos. 4.6, because thou hast r. knowledge, I will
r. thee. Mat, 21.42; Mk. 12.10; Lu. 20.17, the stone which
builders r.
Mk. 7. 9, full well ye r. the commandment. Lu. 7. 30, lawyers r. the counsel of God. 17. 25, must first be r. of this generation. Tit. 3.10, after admonition r. Heb. 12.17, when he would have inherited was r. See Jer. 6.19; Mk. 6. 26; 8. 31; Lu. 9. 22; John 12. 48.
REJOICE. Deut. 12.7, shall r. in all ye put your hand to. 16.14, thou shalt r. in thy feast. 26.11, thou shalt r. in every good thing. 28. 63; 30. 9, the Lord will r. over you. 30. 9, r. for good as he r. over thy fathers. 1 Sam. 2.1, because I r. in thy salvation. 1 Chron 16.10, let the heart of them r. that seek the Lord. 2 Chron 6.41, let thy saints r. in goodness. Job 21.12, they r. at sound of the organ. 31. 25, if I r. because my wealth was great. 29, if I r. at destruction of him that. 39. 21, the horse r. in his strength.
Ps. 2.11, r. with trembling. 5.11, let all that trust in thee r. 9.14, I will r. in thy salvation. 19. 5, r. as a strong man to run a race. 33. 21, our heart shall r. in him. 35.15, in mine adversity they r. 26, let them be ashamed that r. at my hurt. 38.16, hear me, lest they should r. over me. 51. 8, bones thou hast broken may r. 58.10, righteous shall r. when he seeth. 63. 7, in shadow of thy wings will I r. 68. 3, let righteous r., yea, exceedingly r. 85. 6, that thy people may r. in thee. 89.16, in thy name shall they r. all the day. 96.11, let the heavens r. 97.11, the Lord reigneth, let the earth r. 104. 31, the Lord shall r. in his works. 107.42, the righteous shall see it and r. 109.28, let thy servant r. 149.2, let Israel r. in him that made him.
Prov. 2.14, who r. to do evil. 5.18, r. with the wife of thy youth. 23.15, if thine heart be wise, mine shall r. 24, father of the righteous shall greatly r. 25, she that bare thee shall r. 24.17, r. not when thine enemy falleth. 29. 2, when righteous are in authority people r. 31. 25, she shall r. in time to come. Eccl. 2.10, my heart r. in all my labour. 3.12, for a man to r. and do good. 22; 5.19, that a man should r. in his works. 11. 9, r. O young man in thy youth. Isa. 9. 3, as men r. when they divide the spoil. 24. 8, noise of them that r. endeth. 29.19, poor among men shall r. 35.1, the desert shall r. 62. 5, as the bridegroom r. over the bride." 64. 5, him that r. and worketh righteousness. 65.13, my servants shall r., but ye. 66.14, when ye see this, your heart shall r. Jer. 11.15, when thou doest evil, then thou r. 32.41,1 will r. over them to do them good. 51. 39, that they may r. and sleep. Ezek. 7.12, let riot buyer r. Amos 6.13, which % in a thing of nought. Mic. 7. 8, r. not against me. Hab. 3.18, yet I will r. in the Lord. Mat. 18.13, he r. more of that sheep. Lu. 1.14, many shall r. at his birth. 6. 23, r. ye in that day, and leap for joy. 10. 20, in this r. not, but rather r. because. 21, in that hour Jesus r. in spirit. 15. 6, 9, r. with me.
John 5. 35, willing for a season to r. in his light. 8. 56, Abraham r. to see my day. 14. 28, if ye loved me, ye would r. 16. 20, ye shall weep, but the world shall r. 22, I will see you again, and your heart shall r. Rom. 5. 2, and r. in hope. 12.15, r. with them that do r. 1 Cor. 7. 30, they that r. as though they r. not. 13. 6, r. not in iniquity, but r. in the truth. Phil. 1.18, I therein do r. and will r. 2.16, that I may r. in the day of Christ. 3.1, finally, r. in the Lord. 4.4, r. in the Lord alway, and again I say r. 1 Thess. 5.16, r. evermore. Jas. 1. 9, let the brother of low degree r. 2.13, mercy r. against judgment. 1 Pet 1. 8, r. with joy Unspeakable.
See 1 Kings 1.40; 5.7; 2 Kings 11.14; lChron.29.9.
REJOICING. Job 8.21, till he fill thy lips with r. Ps. 107. 22, declare his works with r. 118. 15, voice of r. is in tabernacles of the righteous. 119. Ill, they are the r. of my heart. 126. 6, shall doubtless come again r.
Prov. 8. 31, r. in the habitable part of his earth.
Isa. 65.13, I create Jerusalem a r.
Jer. 15.16, thy word was to me the r. of my heart.
Zeph. 2.15, this is the r. city.
Acts 5.41, r. that they were counted worthy.
Rom. 12.12, r. in hope. 2 Cor 6.10, as sorrowful, yet alway r. 1 Thess. 2.19, what is our crown of r.
See Hab. 3.14; Acts 8. 39 ; Gal. 6.4; Jas. 4.16.
RELEASE. Esth. 2.18; Mat. 27.17; Mk. 15.11;
John 19.10.
RELIEVE. Lev. 25. 35, then thou shalt r. him.
Ps. 146. 9, he r. the fatherless and widow.
Isa. 1.17, r. the oppressed.
Lam. 1.16, comforter that should r. my soul is far from me.
See Acts 11. 29 ; 1 Tim. 5.10,16.
RELIGION. Acts 26. 5; Gal. 1.13; Jas. 1, 26, 27.
RELIGIOUS. Acts 13.43; Jas. 1. 26.
RELY. 2 Chron. 13.18; 16. 7, 8.
REMAIN. Gen. 8. 22, while earth r. 14.10, they that r. fled to the mountain.
Ex. 12,10, let nothing of it r. until morning. 299
300Josh. 13.1, there r. yet much land to be possessed. 1 Kings 18. 22, I only r. a prophet. Job 21. 32, yet shall he r. in the tomb. Prov. 2. 21, the perfect shall r. in the land. Eccl. 2. 9, my wisdom r. with me. Jer. 17.25, this city shall r. for ever. 37.10, there r. but wounded men. Lam. 2. 22, in day of anger none r. Mat. 11.23, would have r. until this day. John 6.12, gather up the fragments that r. 9. 41, ye say, we see, therefore your sin r. Acts 5.4, whiles it r., was it not thine own? 1 Cor. 15. 6, the greater part r. to this present. 1 Thess. 4.15, we which are alive and r. unto
coming of the Lord. Heb. 4.9, there r. a rest to the people of God. 10. 26, there r. no more sacrifice for sins. Kev. 3. 2, things which r. ready to die.
See Ps. 76.10; Lam. 5.19 ; John 1. 33 ; 1 John 3. 9.
REMEDY. 2 Chron. 36.16; Prov. 6.15 ; 29.1.
REMEMBER. Gen. 40.23, yet did not the butler r. 41. 9, 1 do r. my faults this day. Ex. 13. 3, r. this day ye came out of Egypt. 20. 8, r. the sabbath day. Bum. 15. 39, r. all the commandments. Deut. 5.15 ; 15.15; 16.12; 24.18, 22, r. thou wast a servant. 8. 2, r. all the way the Lord led thee. 32. 7, r. the days of old. 1 Chron. 16.12, r. his marvellous works. Neh. 13.14, r. me, O God, concerning this. Job 7. 7, O r. my life is wind. 11.16, r. it as waters that pass away. 14.13, appoint me a set time and r. me. 24. 20, the sinner shall be no more r.
Ps. 9.12, when he maketh inquisition he r. 20. 7, we will r. the name of the Lord. 25. 6, r. thy mercies, they have been ever of old. 7, r. not sins of my youth, by mercy r. ine. 63. 6, when I r. thee upon my bed. 77. 3, 1 r. God and was troubled. 78. 39, he r. that they were but flesh. 79. 8, r. not against us former iniquities. 89. 47, r. how short my time is. 105. 8, he hath /•. his covenant for ever. 119. 55, I have r. thy name in the night. 136. 23, who r. us in our low estate. 137.1, we wept when we r. Zipn. Prov. 31. 7, drink and r. his misery no more. Eccl. 5. 20, not much r. the days of his life. 11. 8, let him r. the days of darkness. 12.1, r. now thy Creator.
Cant. 1. 4, we will r. thy love. Isa. 23.16, sing songs that thou mayest be r. 43.18; 46. 9, r. ye not the former things. 57.11, thou hast not r. me. 65.17, the former heavens shall not be r. Jer. 31. 20, I do earnestly r. him still. 51. 50, ye that have escaped r. the Lord. Lam. 1. 9, she r. not her last end. Ezek. 16.61; 20.43; 36.31, then shalt thou r. thy
Amos 1. 9, and r. not the brotherly covenant. Hab. 3. 2, in wrath r. mercy. Zech. 10. 9, thy shall r. me in far countries. Mat. 26. 75, Peter r. the word of Jesus. Lu. 16. 25, son, r. that thou in thy lifetime, 17. 32, r. Lot's wife. 23.42, Lord r. me when thou comest. 24. 8, and they r. his words. John 2. 22, when he was risen, they r. 15. 20, r. the word I said unto you. Acts 11.16, then r, I the word of the Lord. 20. 35, r. the words of the Lord Jesus. Gal. 2.10, that we should r. the poor. Col. 4.18, r. my bonds. 1 Thess. 1. 3, r. your work of faith. Heb. 13. 3, r. them that are in bonds. 7, r. them that have the rule over you.
Rev. 2. 5, r. from whence thou art fallen. 3. 3, r. how thou hast received. See Ps. 88. 5; 103.14; Mat. 5. 23; John 16. 21.
REMEMBRANCE. Num. 5.15, bringing iniquity
tor. 2 Sam. 18.18, no son to keep my name in r. 1 Kings 17.18, art thou come to call my sin to r. Job 18.17, his r. shall perish.
Ps. 6. 5, in death there is no r. of thee. 30. 4; 97.12, give thanks at r. of his holiness. 77. 6, I call to r. my song in the night. 112. 6, righteous shall be in everlasting r. Eccl. 1.11, there is no r. of former things. 2.16, no r. of wise more than the fool. Isa. 43. 26, put me in r. 57. 8, behind doors hast thou set up thy r. Lam. 3. 20, my soul hath them still in r. Ezek. 23.19, calling to r. days of youth. Mai. 3.16, a book of r. Lu. 22.19; 1 Cor. 11. 24, this do in r. of me. John 14. 26, bring all things to your r. Acts 10. 31, thine alms are had in r. 2 Tim. 1. 3,1 have r. of thee in my prayers. 2.14, of these things put them in r.
See Heb. 10. 3; 2 Pet. 1.12; 3.1; Judo 5; Rev. 16.19.
REMIT. John 20.23, whose soever sins ye r., are r. REMNANT. Lev. 5.13, the r. shall be the priest's. 2 Kings 19. 4; Isa. 37.4, lift up prayer for the r. Ezra 9. 8, grace shewed to leave us a r. Isa. 1. 9, unless the Lord had left a r. 11.11, to recover the r. of his people. 16.14, the r. shall be very small and feeble. Jer. 44.28, r. shall know whose words shall stand. Ezek. 6. 8, yet will I leave a r. Joel 2. 32, the r. whom the Lord shall call. See Mic. 2.12; Hag. 1.12; Rom. 11. 5; Rev. 11.13.
REMOVE. Deut. 19.14, shall not r. landmark. Job 9. 5, r. the mountains and they know not. 14.18, the rock is r. out of his place. Ps. 36.11, let not hand of wicked r. me. 39.10, r. thy stroke away from me. 46.2, not fear though the earth be r. 81. 6, I r. his shoulder from burden. 103.12, so far hath he r. our transgressions, 119.22, r. from me reproach. 125.1, as mount Zion, which cannot be n Prov. 4.27, r. thy foot from evil. 10. 30, the righteous shall never be r. Eccl. 11.10, r. sorrow from thy heart. Isa. 13.13, earth shall r. out of her place. 24. 20, earth shall be r, like a cottage. 29.13, have r. their heart far from me. 54.10, the hills shall be r.
Jer. 4.1, return unto me, then shalt thou not r.
Lam. 3.17, thou hast r. my soul from peace.
Mat. 17.20, ye shall say, r. hence, and it shall r.
Lu. 22. 42, r. this cup from me.
Gal. 1. 6, I marvel ye are so soon r.
Rev. 2. 5, or else I will r. thy candlestick.
See Job 19.10; Eccl. 10. 9; Ezek. 12.3; Heb. 12. 27.
REND. 1 Kings 11.11, I will r. the kingdom.
Isa. 64.1, that thou wouldest r. the heavens.
Hos. 13. 8, I will r. the caul of their heart.
Joel 2.13, r. your heart.
Mat. 7.6, lest they turn again and r. you.
See Ps. 7.2; Eccl. 3. 7 ; Jer. 4. 30; John 19.24.
RENDER. Deut. 32.41, r. vengeance. 1 Sam. 26.23, r. to every man his faithfulness.
Job 33. 26, he will r. to man his righteousness. 34.11, the work of a man shall be r. to him. Ps. 28.4, r. to them their desert. 38. 20, they that r. evil for good. 79.12, and r. to our neighbour sevenfold. 94.2, r. a reward to the proud. 116.12, what shall I r. to the Lord. . Prov. 24.12; Rom. 2.6, r. to every man according. 26.16, wiser than seven men who can r. a reason. Hos. 14.2, so will we r. the calves of our lips. Joel 3.4, will ye r. me a recompence. 300
301Zech. 9.12, I will r. double.
Mat. 21.41, r. fruits in their seasons. 22.21; Mk. 12.17; Lu. 20.25, r. unto Czesar. Kom. 13. 7, r. to all their dues. 1 Thess. 3.9, what thanks can we r. 5.15, see that none r. evil for evil. 1 Pet 3. 9, not r. evil for evil, or railing.
See Num. 18.9; Judg. 9. 56; Ps. 62.12; Isa. 66. 6.
RENEW. Job 10.17, thou r. thy witnesses. 29.20, my bow was r. in my hand. Ps. 51.10, and r. a right spirit within me. 103. 5, thy youth is r. like the eagle's. 104.30, thou r. the face of the earth. Isa. 40. 31, wait on Lord shall r. strength. 41.1, let the people r. their strength. Lam. 5.21, r. our days as of old. 2 Cor 4.16, the inward man is r. day by day. Eph. 4. 23, be r. in spirit of your mind.
Col. 3.10, new man which is r. in knowledge. Heb. 6. 6, if they fall away, to r. them again. See 2 Chron. 15. 8; Rom. 12. 2; Tit. 3. 5.
RENOUNCED. 2 Cor. 4.2, have r. hidden things. | RENOWN. Gen. 6.4 ; Num. 16.2, men of r. Num. 1.16, the r. of the congregation, isa. 14. 20, evil doers shall never be r. Ezek. 16.14, thy r. went forth among the heathen. 34.29, a plant of r. See Ezek. 23.23; 26.17; 39.13; Dan. 9.15.
RENT. Gen. 37. 33, Joseph is r. in pieces.
Josh. 9. 4, bottles old and r.
Judg. 14.5,6, r. lion as he would have r. a kid. 1 Kings 13. 3, the altar shall be r.
Job 26. 8, the cloud is not r. under them.
Mat. 9.16; Mk. 2. 21, the r. is made worse. 27. 51; Mk. 15. 3S; Lu. 23.45, vail was r. in twain.
See 1 Sam. 15. 27 ; Job 1. 20; 2.12; Jer. 36.24.
REPAID. Prov. 13.21, to righteous good shall be r. REPAIR. 2 Chron. 24.5, gather money to r. the house.
Isa. 61.4, they shall r. the waste cities.
See 2 Kings 12.5; Ezra 9. 9 ; Neh. 3. 4 ; Isa. 58.12.
REPAY. Deut. 7.10, he will r. to his face.
Lu. 10. 35, when I come I will r. thee.
Rom. 12.19, vengeance is mine, I will r.
Philem. 19, I have written it, I will r. it.
See Job 21. 31; 41.11; Isa. 59.18.
REPEATETH. Prov. 17.9, he that r. a matter.
REPENT. Gen. 6. 6, it r. the Lord.
Ex. 13.17, lest the people r. 32.14; 2 Sam. 24.16 ; 1 Chron. 21.15; Jer. 26.19, Lord r. of evil he thought to do.
Num. 23.19, neither son of man that he should r.
Deut. 32. 36, Lord shall r. for his servants. 1 Sam 15. 29, will not r., for he is not a man that he should r.
Job 42. 6, I r. in dust and ashes.
Ps. 90.13, let it r. thee concerning thy servants. 106.45, Lord r. according to his mercies. 110. 4; Heb. 7. 21, Lord hath sworn and will not r. Jer. 8.6, no man r. of his wickedness. 18.8 ; 26.13, if that nation turn I will r. 31.19, after that I was turned I r. Joel 2.13, he is slow to anger and r. him. Mat. 12.41; Lu.ll. 32, they r. at the preaching. 21. 29, afterward he r. and went. 27. 3, Judas r. himself. Lu. 13.3, except ye r. 15. 7, joy over one sinner that r. 17. 3, if thy brother r., forgive him. Acts 8. 22, r. of this thy wickedness. Rev. 2. 21, space to r., and she r. not. See Acts 2. 38 ; 17.30 ; Rev. 2.5 ; 3. 3; 16.9.
REPENTANCE. Hos. 13.14, r. shall be hid. Mat. 3. 8; Lu. 3. 8; Acts 26. 20, fruits meet for r. Rom. 2.4, goodness of God leadeth thee to r. 11. 29, gifts of God are without r. 2 Cor 7.10, r. not to be repented of.
Heb. 6.1, not laying again the foundation of r.
Heb. 6. 6, to renew them again to r. 12.17, no place of r., though he sought it. See Lu. 15.7 ; Acts 20. 21; 2 Tim. 2. 25 ; 2 Pet. 3. 9.
REPLENISH. Gen. 1. 28; 9.1; Jer. 31. 25; Ezek. 26.2.
REPLIEST. Rom. 9.20, that r. against God.
REPORT.(n.). Gen. 37.2, their evil r. Ex. 23.1, thou shalt not r. a false r. Num. 13. 32, an evil r. of the land. 1 Sam. 2. 24, it is no good r. I hear. 1 Kings 10. 6; 2 Chron. 9. 5, it was a true r. I heard.
Prov. 15.30, a good r. maketh the bones fat. Isa. 28.19, a vexation only to understand r. 53.1, who hath believed our r. Acts 6. 3, men of honest r. 10.22, of good r. among the Jews. 2 Cor 6. 8, by evil r. and good r.
Phil. 4. 8, whatsoever things are of good r. 1 Tim. 3. 7, a bishop must have a good r. See Deut. 2. 25 ; Heb. 11. 2, 39; 3 John 12.
REPORT.(«.). Neh. 6. 6, it is r. among heathen. Jer. 20.10, r., say they, and wre will r. it. Mat. 28.15, saying is commonly r. Acts 16.2, well r. of by the brethren. 1 Cor. 14.25, he will r. that God is in you. See Ezek. 9.11; Rom. 3. 8; 1 Tim. 5.101 1 Pet. 1.12,
REPROACH.(n). Gen. 30. 23, hath taken away my r. 34.14, that were a r. to us. 1 Sam 11.2, lay it for a r. upon all Israel. Neh. 2.17, build that we be no more a r. Ps. 15.3, that taketh not up a r. 22. 6, a r. of men. 31.11, I was a r. among mine enemies. 44.13 ; 79. 4 ; 89. 41, a r. to pur neighbours. 69. 9; Rom. 15. 3, the r. of them that reproached thee. 78. 66, put them to a perpetual r. Prov. 6. 33, his r. shall not be wiped away. 14. 34, sin is a r. to any people. 18.3, with ignominy cometh r. Isa, 43.28, I have given Israel to r. 51. 7, fear not the r. of men. Jer. 23.40, I will bring an everlasting r. 31.19, I did bear the r. of my youth. Lam. 3. 30, he is filled full with r. Ezek. 5.14, I will make thee a r. among nations. 15, Jerusalem shall be a r. and a taunt, Mic. 6.16, ye shall bear the r. of my people. 2 Cor 11. 21,1 speak as concerning r. 12.10, pleasure in r. for Christ's sake. 1 Tim. 3. 7, good report lest he fall into r. 4.10, we labour and suffer r.
Heb. 11. 26, the r. of Christ greater riches. 13.13, without the camp bearing his r. See Ps. 69.10; 119.39 ; Jer. 6.10 ; 20.8 ; 24. 9.
REPROACH.(v.). Num. 15.30, r. the Lord. Ruth 2.15, r. her not. 2 Kings 19.22; Isa. 37.23, whom hast thou r. Job 19. 3, these ten times have ye r. me. 27. 6, my heart shall not r. me. Ps. 42.10, as with a sword mine enemies r. me. 44.16, the voice of him that r. 74. 22, how the foolish man r. thee. 119.42; Prov. 27.11, to answer him that r. me. Prov. 14. 31; 17. 5, oppresseth poor r. his Maker. Lu. 6. 22, men shall r. you for my sake. 1 Pet. 4.14, if ye be r. for Christ's sake. See Ps. 55. 12 ; 74.18; 79.12; 89. 51; Zeph. 2. 8.
REPROACHFULLY. Job 16.10; 1 Tim. 5.14.
REPROVE. 1 Chron. 16. 21, r. kings for their
Job 6.25, what doth your arguing r. 13.10, he will r, you if ye accept. 22.4, will he r. thee for fear. 40. 2, he that r. God let him answer it. Ps. 50.8, I will not r. thee for burnt offerings. 301
302Ps. 141.5, let him r. me, it shall be excellent oil. Prov. 9.8, r. not a scorner lest he hate thee. 15.12, a scorner loveth not one that r. 19.25, r. one that hath understanding. 29.1, he that being often r. 30.6, lest he r. thee and thou be found. Isa. 11.4, r. with equity for the meek. Jer. 2.19, thy backslidings shall r. thee. John 3.20, lest his deeds should be r. 16. 8, he will r. the world of sin. See Lu. 3.19; Eph. 5.11,13; 2 Tim. 4.2.
REPROVER. Prov. 25.12; Ezek.3.28.
REPUTATION. Eccl. 10.1, him that is in r. for
Acts 5.34, had in r. among the people. Phil. 2. 7, made himself of no r. 29, hold such in r. See Job 18. 3; Dan. 4. 35; Gal. 2.2.
EEQUEST. Judg. 8. 24, I would desire a r. of
Ezra 7.6, the king granted all his r. Job 6. 8, Oh that I might have my r. Ps. 21. 2, hast not withholden r. of his lips. 106.15, he gave them their r. Phil. 1. 4, in every prayer making r. with joy.. 4.6, let your r. be made known. See 2 Sam. 14.15; Neh. 2.4; Esth. 4.8; 5. 3.
REQUESTED. 1 Kings 19. 4, Elijah r. that he might die.
EEQUIEE. Gen. 9.5, blood of your lives will I r. 31.39, of my hand didst thou r. it. Deut. 10.12 ; Mic. 6.8, what doth the Lord r. Josh. 22. 23; 1 Sam. 20.16, let the Lord himself
r. it. Ruth 3.11, I will do all thou r. 1 Sam 21.8, the king's business r. haste. 2 Sam 3.13, one thing I r. of thee. 19.38, whatsoever thou shalt r. I will do. 2 Chron. 24.22, the Lord look on it and r. it. Neh. 5.12, we will restore and r. nothing of them. Ps. 10.13, he hath said thou wilt not r. it. 40. , sin offering hast thou not r. 137.3, they that wasted us r. of us mirth. Prov. 30. 7, two things have I r. of thee. Eccl. 3.15, God r. that which is past. Isa. 1.12, who hath r. this at your hand ? Ezek. 3.18; 33. 6, his blood will I r. at thine hand. 34.10, I will r. my flock at their hand. Lu. 11.50, may be r. of this generation. 12.20, this night thy soul shall be r. 48, of him shall much be r. 19. 23, I might have r. mine own with usury. 1 Cor 1. 22, the Jews r. a sign. 4.2, it is r. in stewards.
See 2 Chron. 8.14; Ezra 3.4; Neh. 5.18; Esth. 2.15.
EEQUITE. Gen. 50.15, Joseph will certainly r. us. Deut. 32. 6, do ye thus r. the Lord. Judg. 1.7, as I have done so God hath r. me. 2 Sam 2.6,1 also will r. you this kindness. 16.12, it may be the Lord will r. good for this. 1 Tim. 5. 4, learn to r. their parents. See Ps. 10.14; 41.10; Jer. 51.56.
REREWARD. Josh. 6. 9 ; Isa. 52.12; 58.8.
EESCUE. Ps. 35.17, r. my soul. Hos. 5.14, none shall r. him. See Deut, 28. 31; 1 Sam. 14. 45; Dan. 6. 27 ; Acts 23. 27.
EESEMBLANCE. Zech. 5. 6, this is their r. RESEMBLE. Judg. 8.18; Lu.13.18.
EESERVE. Gen. 27. 36, hast thou not r. a blessing. Ruth 2.18, gave her mother in law that she had r. Job 21. 30, the wicked is r. to day of destruction. 38. 23, which I have r. against time of trouble. Jer. 3. 5, will he r. anger for ever. 5. 24, he r. the weeks of harvest. 50.20, I will pardon them whom I r. Nah. 1. 2, the Lord r. wrath for his enemies. 1 Pet. 1.4, an inheritance r. in heaven. 2 Pet. 2.4, to be r. to judgment. 3.7, the heavens and earth are r. unto fire.
See Num. 18. 9 ; Rom. 11.4; 2 Pet. 2. 9; Jude 6,13.
RESIDUE. Ex. 10. 5, locusts shall eat the r.
Isa. 38.10, I am deprived of the r. of my years.
Jer. 15. 9, r. of them will I deliver to the sword.
Ezek. 9.8, wilt thou destroy all the r.
Zech. 8.11, I will not be to the r. as in former days.
Mai. 2.15, yet had he the r. of the Spirit.
Acts 15.17, that the r. might seek the Lord.
See Neh. 11.20; Jer. 8.3; 29.1; 39.3.
RESIST. Zech. 3.1, at his right hand to r.
Mat. 5.39, r. not evil.
Lu. 21.15, adversaries shall not be able to s%
Rom. 9.19, who hath r. his will. 13.2, whoso r. power, r. ordinance of God.
Jas. 4. 6 ; 1 Pet. 5.5, God r. the proud. 7, r. the devil, and he will flee. 1 Pet. 5. 9, whom r. stedfast in the faith.
See Acts 6.10; 7.51; 2 Tim. 3. 8; Heb. 12. 4.
RESORT. Neh. 4.20, r. hither to us.
Ps. 71.3, whereunto I may continually r.
John 18.2, Jesus ofttimes r. thither.
See Mk. 2.13; 10.1; John 18.20; Acts 16.13.
RESPECT.(w.). Gen. 4. 4, Lord had r. to Abel.
Ex. 2.25, God had r. unto them. 1 Kings 8. 28; 2 Chron. 6.19, have r. unto their prayer. 2 Chron 19. 7; Rom. 2.11; Eph. 6. 9; Col. 3. 25, there is no r. of persons with God.
Ps. 74.20, have r. unto thy covenant. 119.15, I will have r. unto thy ways. 138.6, yet hath he r. to the lowly.
Prov. 24.23; 28.31, not good to have r. of persons. Isa. 17.7, his eyes shall have r. to Holy One. 22.11, nor had r. to him that fashioned it. Phil. 4.11, not that I speak in r. of want. See Heb. 11.26 ; Jas. 2.1, 3, 9; 1 Pet. 1.17.
RESPECT.(«.). Lev. 19.15, shalt not r. person of
Deut. 1.17, ye sliall not r. persons in judgment. Job 37. 24, he r. not any that are wise of heart. See Num. 16.15 ; 2 Sam. 14.14; Ps. 40. 4; Lam. 4.16;
RESPITE. Ex. 8.15 ; 1 Sam. 11.3.
REST.(n.). Gen. 49.15, Issachar saw that r. was
Ex. 31.15 ; 35. 2 ; Lev. 16. 31; 23. 3, 32 ; 25. 4, the sabbath of r. 33.14, my presence shall go with thee, and I will give the a r.
Lev. 25.5, a year of r. to the land.
Deut. 12.10, when he giveth you r. from your
Judg. 3.30, the land had r. fourscore years. Ruth 3.1, shall not I seek r. for thee. 1 Chron. 22. 9, a man of r., and I will give him r. 18, hath he not given you r. on every side. 28.2, to build a house of r. Neh. 9.28, after they had r. they did evil. Esth. 9.16, the Jews had r. from their enemies. Job 3.17, there the weary be at r. 11.18, thou shalt take thy r. in safety. 17.16, when our r. together is in the dust, Ps. 55. 6, then would 1 fly away and be at r. 95.11; Heb. 3.11, not enter into my r. 116.7, return to thy r., O my soul. 132. 8, arise into thy r. 14, this is my r. for ever. Eccl. 2. 23, his heart taketh not r. in the night. Isa. 11.10, his r. shall be glorious. 14. 7 ; Zech. 1.11, earth is at r. and quiet. 18.4, I will take my r. 30.15, in returning and r. shall ye be saved. 66.1, where is the place of my r. ?
Jer. 6.16, ye shall find r. for your souls. Ezek. 38.11, I will go to them that are at r. Mic. 2.10, depart, this is not your r. Mat. 11.28, I will give you r.
A 302
303Mat. 11. 29, ye shall find r. to your souls. 12. 43; Lu. 11. 24, seeking r. and finding none. 26.45; Mk. 14.41, sleep on and take your r. John 11.13, of taking r. in sleep. Acts 9. 31, then had the churches r. See Prov. 29.17; Eccl. 6. 5; Dan. 4.4; 2Thess. 1.7.
REST.(?;.). Gen. 2.2, he r. on seventh day. Num. 11.25, when the Spirit r. upon them. 2 Chron. 32. 8, people r. on the words. Job 3.18, there the prisoners r. together. Ps. 16. 9; Acts 2.26, my flesh shall r. in hope. 37.7, r. in the Lord.
Eccl. 7.9, anger r. in bosom of fools. ! Isa. 11. 2, the spirit of the Lord shall r. upon him. 28.12, ye may cause the weary to r. 57.20, like the sea when it cannot r. 62.1, for Jerusalem's sake I will not r. 63.14, Spirit of the Lord caused him to r.
Jer. 47.6, r. and be still. Dan. 12.13, thou shalt r. and stand in thy lot. Mk. 6. 31, come and r. awhile. 2 Cor. 12.9, power of Christ may r. on me. Rev. 4. 8, they r. not day and night. 6.11, r. yet for a little season. 14.13, that they may r. from their labours. See Prov. 14.33; Cant. 1. 7 ; Isa. 32.18; Lu. 10. 6.
RESTORE. Ex. 22.4, he shall r. double. Lev. 6. 4, he shall r. that he took away. Deut. 22. 2, things strayed thou shalt r. again. Ps. 23.3, he r. my soul. 51.12, r. to me the joy of thy salvation. 69. 4, I r. that which I took not away. Isa. 1.26,1 will r. thy judges as at the first. Jer. 27.22, I will r. them to this place. 30.17, I will r. health to thee. Ezek. 33.15, if wicked r. pledge. Mat. 17.11; Mk. 9.12, Elias shall r. all things. Lu. 19.8, I r. him fourfold. Acts 1.6, wilt thou at this time r. the kingdom. Gal. 6.1, r. such an one in meekness. See Ruth 4.15; Isa. 58.12; Joel 2.25; Mk. & 25.
RESTRAIN. Gen. 11.6, nothing will be r. Ex. 36.6, people were r. from bringing. 1 Sam 3.13, his sons made themselves vile, and he r. them not.
Job 15.4, thou r. prayer before God. 8, dost thou r. wisdom to thyself. Ps. 76.10, remainder of wrath shalt thou r. See Gen. 8.2; Isa. 63.15; Ezek. 31.15 ; Acts 14.18.
RETAIN. Job 2. 9, dost thou still r. integrity. Prov. 3.18, happy is every one that r. her. 4.4, let thine heart r. my words. 11.16, a gracious woman r. honour. Eccl. 8.8, no man hath power to r. the spirit. John 20. 23, whose soever sins ye r. they are r. See Mic. 7.18; Rom. 1.28; Philem. 13.
RETIRE. Judg. 20. 39; 2 Sam. 11.15; Jer. 4. 6.
RETURN. Gen. 3.19, to dust shalt thou r. Ex. 14. 27, the sea r. to his strength. Judg. 7. 3, whosoever is fearful, let him r. Ruth 1.16, entreat me not to leave thee or r. 2 Sam 12. 23, he shall not r. to me. 2 Kings 20.10, let the shadow r. backward. Job 1.21, naked shall I r. thither. 7.10, he shall r. no more. 10.21; 16. 22, I go whence I shall not r. 15. 22, he believeth not he shall r. out of darkness. 33. 25, he shall r. to the days of his youth. Ps. 35.13, my prayer r. into mine own bosom. 73.10, his people r. hither. 90.3, thou sayest, r., ye children of men, 104.29, they die and r. to their dust. 116. 7, r. to thy rest, O my soul. Prov. 2.19, none that go to her r. again. 26.11, as a dog r. to his vomit. 27, he that rolleth a stone, it will r. Eccl. 1. 7, whence rivers come, thither they r. again.
Eccl. 5.15, naked shall he r. to go as he came. 12. 2, nor the clouds r. after the rain. 7, dust r. to earth and spirit r. to God.
Isa. 21.12, if ye will enquire, enquire ye; r., come. 35.10 ; 51.11, the ransomed of the Lord shall r. 44. 22, r. unto me, for I have redeemed thee. 45. 23, word is gone out and shall not r. 55.11, it shall not r. to me void.
Jer. 4.1, if thou wilt r., saith the Lord, r. unto
me. 15.19, let them r. unto thee, but r. not thou. 24.7, they shall r. with whole heart. 31. 8, a great company shall r. thither. 36.3, r. every man from his evil way. Ezek. 46.9, he shall not r. by the way he came. Hos. 2. 7, I will r. to my first husband. 5.15, I will r. to my place. 7.16, they r., but not to the most High. 14. 7, they that dwell under his shadow shall r. Amos 4.6, yet have ye not r. to me. Joel 2.14, who knoweth if he will r. and repent. Zech. 1.16,1 am r. to Jerusalem with mercies. 8. 3, I am r. to Zion and will dwell. Mai. 3.7, r. to me and I will r. to you. 18, then shall ye r. and discern. Mat. 12. 44; Lu. 11. 24, I will r. into my houseA 24.18, neither let him in the field r. back. v Lu. 9.10, apostles r. and told him all. 10.17, the seventy r. with joy. 12.36, when he Avill r. from wedding. 17.18, not found that r. to give glory. Acts 13.34, now no more to r. to corruption. Heb. 11.15, might have had opportunity to r. 1 Pet. 2.25, now r. to the Shepherd of your souls. See Gen. 31. 3; Ex. 4.18; Lev. 25.10; Isa. 55.7.
REVEAL. Deut. 29. 29, things r. belong unto
us and to our children. 1 Sam. 3.7, nor was word of Lord r. to him. Job 20. 27, the heaven shall r. his iniquity. Prov. 11.13 ; 20.19, a talebearer r. secrets. Isa. 22.14, it was r. in mine ears. 40. 5, glory of the Lord shall be r. 53.1; John 12. 38, to whom is arm of Lord r. 56.1, my righteousness is near to be r. Jer. 11.20, unto thee have I r. my cause. 33.6, I will r. abundance of peace. Dan. 2. 22, he r. deep and secret things. 28, there is a God that r. secrets. Amos 3. 7, he r. his secrets to the prophets. Mat. 10.26 ; Lu. 12.2, nothing covered that shall not be r. 11.25, hast r. them unto babes. 16.17, flesh and blood hath not r. it. Lu. 2.35, that thoughts of many hearts may be r. 17. 30, in day when Son of man is r. Rom. 1.17, righteousness of God r. 18, wrath of God is r. from heaven. 8.18, glory wThich shall be r. in us. 1 Cor 2.10, God hath r. them by his Spirit. 3.13, it shall be V. by fire. 14. 30, if anything be r. to another. Gal. 1.16, to r. his Son in me. 2 Thess 1. 7, when Lord Jesus shall be r. 2. 3, man of sin be r. 8, that wicked one be r. 1 Pet. 1.5, ready to be r. in last time. 4.13, when his glory shall be r. 5.1, partaker of glory that shall be r. See Eph. 3. 5; Phil. 3.15; 2 Thess. 2.6.
REVELATION. Rom. 2. 5, r. of righteous judgment. 16.25, r. of the mystery. 1 Cor 14.26, every one hath a r. 2 Cor 12.1, to visions and r.
See Gal. 2.2; Eph. 1.17 ; 3.3; 1 Pet. 1.13; Rev. 1.1.
REVELLINGS. Gal. 5.21; 1 Pet. 4. 3.
REVENGE. Jer.-15.15, O Lord, r. me. 20.10, we shall take our r. on him.
Nah. 1.2, the Lord r. and is furious. 2 Cor. 7.11, what r. it wrought in you. 303
3042 Cor. 10.6, in readiness to r. See Ps. 79.10; Ezek. 25.12; Rom. 13.4.
REVENUE. Prov. 8.19, my r. better than silver. 16.8, better than great r. without right Jer. 12.13, ashamed of your r. See Ezra 4.13; Prov. 15.6; Isa. 23.3; Jer. 12.13.
REVERENCE. Ps. 89. 7; Mat. 21. 37; Mk. 12. G;
Heb. 12.9.
REVEREND. Ps. 111. 9, holy and r. is his name.
REVERSE. Num. 23.20; Esth. 8. 5, 8.
REVILE. Isa. 51. 7, neither be afraid of r.
Mat. 27. 39, they that passed by r. him.
Mk. 15.32, they that were crucified r. him. 1 Cor. 4.12, being r. we bless. 1 Pet 2.23, when he was r., r. not again.
See Ex. 22.28; Mat. 5.11; John 9.28; Acts 23.4.
REVIVE. Neli. 4. 2, will they r. the stones.
Ps. 85. 6, wilt thou not r. us. 138. 7, thou wilt r. me.
Isa. 57.15, to r. spirit of the humble.
Hos. 6. 2, after two days will he r. us. 14.7; they shall r. as corn.
Hab. 3.2, r. thy work in midst of years.
Rom. 7.9, when commandment came sin r. 14. 9, Christ both died, rose, and r.
See Gen. 45. 27; 2 Kings 13.21; Ezra 9.8.
REVOLT. Isa. 1. 5; 31. 6; 59.13; Jer. 5.23.
REWARD.(«.). Gen. 15.1, thy exceeding great r.
Num. 22. 7, r. of divination in their hand.
Deut. 10.17, God who taketh not r.
Ruth 2.12, full r. be given thee of the Lord. 2 Sam 4.10, thought I would have given r. Job 6. 22, did I say, give a r. 7.2, as an hireling looketh for r. Ps. 19.11, in keeping them there is great r. 58.11, there is a r. for the righteous. 91.8, thou shalt see the r. of the wicked. 127. 3, fruit of womb is his r. Prov. 11.18, soweth righteousness a sure r. 21.14, a r. in the bosom. 24.20, no r. to the evil man. Eccl. 4.9, they have a good r. for labour. 9.5, neither have they any more a r. Isa. 1.23, every one foiloweth after r. 5. 23, justify wicked for r.
40.10; 62.11, his r. is with him. Ezek. 16. 34, thou givest r., and no r. is given
Dan. 5.17, give thy r. to another. Hos. 9.1, thou hast loved a r. Mic. 3.11, the heads thereof judge for r. 7. 3, judge asketh for a r. Mat. 5.12; Lu. 6. 23, great is your r. in heaven. 46, what r. have ye. 6.1, ye have no r. of your father. 2, 5,16, they have their r. 10. 41, a prophet's r., a righteous man's r. 42 ; Mk. 9.41, in no wise lose r. Lu. 6. 35, do good and your r. shall be great 23.41, we receive due r. of our deeds. Acts 1.18, purchased with r. of iniquity. Rom. 4.4, the r. is not reckoned. 1 Cor. 3. 8, every man shall receive his oavti r. 9.18, what is my r. then. Col. 2.18, let no man beguile you of your r. 3. 24, the r. of the inheritance. 1 Tim. 5.18, labourer worthy of his r. Heb. 2.2 ; 10. 35 ; 11.26, recompence of r. 2 Pet 2.13, the r. of unrighteousness. See 2 John 8; Jude 11; Rev. 11.18; 22.12.
REWARD.(i). Gen. 44.4, wherefore have ye r. Deut. 32.41, I will r. them that hate me. 1 Sam 24.17, thou hast r. me good. 2 Chron 15.7, be strong, and your work shall be r. 20.11, behold how they r. us.
Job 21.19, he r. him and he shall know it Ps. 31.23, plentifully r. the proud doer. 35.12; 109. 5, they r. me evil for good. 103.10, nor r. us according to our iniquities.
Ps. 137.8, happy is he that r. thee.
Prov. 17.13, whoso r. evil, evil shall not depart. 25. 22, heap coals, and the Lord shall r. thee. 26.10, both r. the fool and r. transgressors. Jer. 31.16, thy work shall be r. See 2 Sam. 22.21; Mat. 6. 4; 16.27-; 2 Tim. 4.14.
RICH. Gen. 13. 2, Abram was very r. 14. 23, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram r.
Ex. 30.15, the r. shall not give more. Josh. 22. 8, return with much r. to your tents. Ruth 3.10, followedst not poor or r. 1 Sam. 2. 7, the Lord maketh poor and r. 1 Kings 3.11; 2 Chron. 1.11, neither hast asked r. 13, 1 have given thee both r. and honour. 10.23; 2 Chron. 9.22, Solomon exceeded all for r. 1 Chron. 29.12, both r. and honour come of thee. Job 15.29, he shall not be r. 20.15, he swallowed down r. 27.19, r. man shall lie down, but shall not be gathered. 36.19, will he esteem thy r. Ps. 37.16, better than r. of many wicked. 39. 6, he heapeth up r. 45.12, the r. shall entreat thy favour. 49.16, be not afraid when one is made r. 52.7, trusted in abundance of r. 62.10, if r. increase set not your heart. 73.12, the ungodly increase in r. 104.24, the earth is full of thy r. 112.3, wealth and r. shall be in his house. Prov. 3.16, in left hand r. and honour. 8.18, r. and honour are with me. 10.4, hand of diligent maketh r. 22, blessing of the Lord maketh r, 11.4, r. profit not in day of wrath. 13.7, poor yet hath great r. 18. 23, the r. answereth roughly. 21.17, he that loveth wine shall not be r. 23. 5, r. make themselves wings. 28.11, r. man is wise in his own conceit 30. 8, give me neither poverty nor r.
Eccl. 5.13, r. kept for owners to their hurt. 10. 20, curse not r. in thy bedchamber. Ii?a. 45. 3, I will give thee hidden r. 53.9, with the r. in his death. Jer. 9.23, let not r. man glory in his r. 17.11, getteth r. and not by right. Ezek. 28. 5, heart lifted up because of r. Hos. 12. 8, Ephraim said, I am become r. Zech. 11.5, blessed be the Lord, for I am r. Mat. 13.22; Mk. 4.19; Lu. 8.14, deceitfulness of r. Mk. 10.23, hardly shall they that have r. 12. 41, r. cast in much. Lu. 1.53, r. he hath sent empty away. 6.24, woe to you r. for ye have received. 12.21, not r. toward God. 14.12, call not thy r. neighbours. 18. 23, sorrowful, for he was very r.
Rom. 2.4, the r. of his goodness. 9.23, make known the r. of his glory. 10.12, the Lord is r. to all that call. 11.12, fall of them the r. of the world. 33, the depth of the r. of the wisdom. 1 Cor 4.8, now ye are full, now ye are r. 2 Cor 6.10, poor, yet making many r. 8. 9. r., yet for your sakes.
Epli. 1.7, redemption according to the r. of grace. 2. 4, God, who is r. in mercy. 7, that he might show the exceeding r. of grace. 3.8, unsearchable r. of Christ. Phil. 4.19, according to his r. in glory by Christ. Col. 1.27, r. of the glory of this mjrstery. 2. 2, the r. of the full assurance. 1 Tim. 6.9, they that will be r. fall into temptation. 17, nor trust in uncertain r. 18, do good and be r. in good works. Heb. 11.26, reproach of Christ greater r. Jas. 1.10, let r. rejoice that he is made low. 2.5, hath not God chosen the poor, r. in faith. 5.2, your r. are corrupted.
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305Rev. 2.9, but thou art r. 3.17, because thou sayest, I am r. 18, buy of me gold that thou mayest be r. 5.12, worthy is the Lamb to receive r. See Lev. 25. 47; Jas. 1.11; 2. 6 ; 5.1; Rev. 6.15.
RICHLY. Col. 3.16; 1 Tim. 6.17.
RIDDANCE. Lev. 23. 22; Zeph. 1.18.
RIDDLE. Judg. 14.12; Ezek. 17. 2.
RIDE. Deut. 32.13, r. on high places of the earth. 33.26, who r. upon the heaven. Judg. 5.10, ye that r. on white asses. 2 Kings 4.24, slack not thy r. for me. Job 30. 22, causest me to r. upon the wind. Ps. 45.4, in thy majesty r. prosperously. 66.12, hast caused men to r. over our heads. 68.4, 33, extol him that r. on the heavens. Isa. 19.1, the Lord r. on a swift cloud.
See Hos. 14.3; Amos 2.15; Hab. 3.8; Hag. 2. 22.
RIDER. Gen. 49.17; Ex. 15.1; Job 39.18; Zech. 10.5.
RIDGES. Ps. 65.10, waterest the r. thereof.
RIGHT.(w.). Gen. 18.25, shall not Judge of all do r. ? Deut. 6.18; 12.25 ; 21.9, shalt do that is r. 21.17, the r. of the firstborn is his. 2 Sam. 19.28, what r. have I to cry to the king. Neh. 2.20, ye have no r. in Jerusalem. Job 34. 6, should I lie against my r. 36.6, he giveth r. to the poor. Ps. 9. 4, thou maintainest my r. 17.1, hear the r., O Lord. 140.12, Lord will maintain r. of the poor. Prov. 16.8, great revenues without r. Jer. 17.11, that getteth riches and not by r. Ezek. 21.27, till he come whose r. it is. See Amos 5.12; Mai. 3. 5; Heb. 13.10.
RIGHT.(adj.). Gen. 24.48, the Lord led me in r.
way. Deut. 32.4, God of truth, just and r. is he. 1 Sam 12.23, I will teach you the good and r. way. 2 Sam 15. 3, thy matters are good and r. Neh. 9.13, thou gayest them r. judgments. Job 6.25, how forcible are r. words. 34. 23, he will not lay on man more than r. Ps. 19.8, the statutes of the Lord are r. 45.6, sceptre is a r. sceptre. 51.10, renew a r. spirit within me. 107. 7, he led them forth by the r. way. 119.75, thy judgments are r. Prov. 4.11, I have led thee in r. paths. 8. 6, opening of my lips shall be r. things. 12.5, thoughts of the righteous are r, 15, way of a fool is r. in his own eyes. 14.12 ; 16. 25, there is a way that seemeth r. 21.2. every way of man is r. in his own eyes. 24.26, kiss his lips that giveth a r. answer.
Isa. 30.10, prophesy not r. things. Jer. 2. 21, planted wholly a r. seed. Ezek. 18. 5, if a man do that which is r. 19 ; 21.27 ; 33.14, that which is lawful and r. Hos. 14. 9, the ways of the Lord are r. Amos 3.10, they know not how to do r. Mat. 20.4, whatsoever is r. I will gwe you. Mk. 5.15; Lu. 8. 35, in his r. mind. Lu. 10.28, thou hast answered r. Eph. 6.1, obey your parents, this is r. See Judg. 17.6; Lu. 12. 57 ; Acts 8. 21; 2 Pet. 2.15.
RIGHTEOUS. Gen. 7.1, thee have I seen r. before me. 18. 23, wilt thou destroy r. with wicked. 20. 4, wilt thou slay also a r. nation ? 38. 26, she hath been more r. than I. Ex. 23. 8, gift perverteth words of the r. Num. 23.10, let me die the death of the r. Deut, 25.1; 2 Chron. 6.23, they shall justify the r. 1 Sam. 24.17, thou art more r. than I. 1 Kings 2. 32, two men more r. than he. Job 4.7, where were the r. cut off. 9.15, though I were r. yet would I not answer. 15.14, what is man that he should be r.
Job 17.9, r. shall hold on his way. 22. 3, is it any pleasure that thou art r. 23.7, there the r. might dispute with him. 34. 5, Job hath said, I am r.
Ps. 1. 5, the congregation of the r. 6, the Lord knoweth the way of the r. 7.9, the r. God trieth the hearts. 11.3, what can the r. do. 34.17, the r. cry, and the Lord heareth them. 19, many are the afflictions of the r. 37.16, a little that a r. man hath. 21, the r. showeth mercy and giveth. 25, have not seen the r. forsaken. 29, the r. shall inherit the land. 30, mouth of r. spjsaketh wisdom. 39, salvation of r. is of the Lord. 55.22, never suffer the r. to be moved. 58.11, there is a reward for the r. 69.28, let them not be written with the r. 92.12, the r. shall flourish like palm tree. 97.11, light is sown for the r. 112. 6, r. shall be in everlasting remembrance. 125.3, rod shall not rest on lot of r. 140.13, the r. shall give thanks. 141. 5, let the r. smite me. 146.8, the Lord loveth the r. Prov. 2.7, he layeth up wisdom for the r. 3.32, his secret is with the r. 10.3, the Lord will not suffer r. to famish. 11, the mouth of r. is a well of life. 16, labour of r. tendeth to life. 21, lips of r. feed many. 24, desire of the r. shall be granted. 25, the r. is an everlasting foundation. 28, hope of the r. shall be gladness. 30, the r. shall never be removed. 11.8, the r. is delivered out of trouble. 10, when it goeth well with the r. 21, seed of the r. shall be delivered. 12.3, the root of the r. shall not be moved. 5, thoughts of the r. are right. 7, house of the r. shall stand. 10, r. man regardeth the life of his beast. 26, the r. is more excellent than his neighbour. 13.9, the light of the r. rejoiceth. 21, to the r. good shall be repaid. 25, r. eateth to the satisfying of his soul. 14. 9, among the r. there is favour. 32, the r. hath hope in his death. 15.6, in the house of the r. is much treasure. 19, the way of the r. is made plain. 28, the heart of the r. studieth to answer. 29, he heareth the prayer of the r. 16.13, r. lips are delight of kings. 18.10, r. runneth into it and is safe. 28.1, the r. are bold as a lion. 29.2, when the r. are in authority, people rejoice. Eccl. 7.16, be not r. overmuch. 9.1, the r. and the wise are in the hand Of God. 2, one event to r. and wicked. Isa. 3.10, say to r. it shall be well. 24.16, songs, even glory to the r. 26.2, that the r. nation may enter. 41. 2, raised up a r. man from the east. 53.11, shall my r. servant justify. 57.1, r. perisheth, and no man layeth it. 60. 21, thy people shall be all r. Jer. 23. 5, raise to David a r. branch. Ezek. 13. 22, with lies ye have made r. sad. 16. 52, thy sisters are more r. than thou. 33.12, the righteousness of the r. shall not. Amos 2. 6, they sold the r. for silver.
Mai. 3.18, discern between the r. and wicked. Mat. 9.13; Mk. 2.17; Lu. 5. 32, not come to call r. 13.17, many r. men have desired. 43, then shall the r. shine forth. 23. 28, outwardly appear r. to men. 29, garnish sepulchres of the r. 25.46, the r. unto life eternal. Lu. 1.6, they were both r. before God. 18.9, trusted they were r. and despised others. 305
Lu. 23.47, certainly this was a r. man.
John 7. 24, judge r. judgment.
Rom. 3.10, there is none r., no not one. 5. 7, scarcely for a r. man will one die. 19, many be made r. 2 Thess. 1. 6, it is a r. thing with God. 2 Tim. 4.8, the Lord, the r. Judge. Heb. 11.4, obtained witness that he was r. 1 Pet 3.12, eyes of the Lord are over the r. 4.18, if the r. scarcely be saved. 2 Pet 2. 8, Lot vexed his r. soul. 1 John 2.1, Jesus Christ the r. 3. 7, r. as he is r.
Rev. 22.11, he that is r. let him be r. still. See Ezek. 3.20; Mat. 10.41; 1 Tim. 1. 9; Jas. 5.16.
RIGHTEOUSLY. Deut. 1.16; Prov. 31.9, judge r. Ps. 67. 4; 96.10, thou shalt judge the people r. Isa. 33.15, he that walketh r. shall dwell on high. See Jer. 11.20; Tit. 2.12; 1 Pet. 2. 23.
RIGHTEOUSNESS. Gen. 30. 33, so shall my r.
answer for me.
Deut. 33.19, offer sacrifices of r. 1 Sa. 26.23; Job 33.26, render to every man his r. Job 6. 29, return again, my r. is in it. 27.6, my r. I hold fast. 29.14, I put on r. and it clothed me. 35.2, thou saidst, My r, is more than God's? 36.3, I will ascribe r. to my Maker. Ps. 4.1, hear me, O God of my r. 5, offer the sacrifices of r. 9.8, he shall judge the world in r. 15. 2, he that worketh r. shall never be moved. 17.15, as for me, I will behold thy face in r. 23. 3, leadeth me in paths of r. 24.5, and r. from the God of his salvation. 40.9, I have preached r. 45. 7 ; Heb. 1. 9, thou lovest r. 50. 6; 97. 6, heavens shall declare his r. 72. 2, he shall judge thy people with r. 85.10, r. and peace have kissed each other. 94.15, judgment shall return unto r. 97. 2, r. is the habitation of his throne. 111. 3; 112. 3, 9, his r. endureth for ever. 118.19, open to me the gates of r. 132. 9, let thy priests be clothed with r. Prov. 8.18, durable riches and r. are with me. 10.2; 11. 4, but r. delivereth from death. 11.5, r. of the perfect shall direct his way. 6, r. of the upright shall deliver. 19, r. tendeth to life. 12.28, in the way of r. is life. 14. 34, r. exalteth a nation. 16. 8, better is a little with r. 12, the throne is established by r. 31, crown of glory if found in way of r. Eccl. 7.15, a just man that perisheth in his r. Isa. 11. 5, r. the girdle of his loins. 26. lu, yet will he not learn r. 32.1, a king shall reign in r. 17. the work of r. peace, and the effect of r. 41.10, uphold thee with right hand of my r. 46.12, ye that are far from r. 58. 8, thy r. shall go before thee. 59.16, his r. sustained him. 62. 2, the Gentiles shall see thy r. 64. 6, our r. are as filthy rags. Jer. 23.6 ; 33.16, this is his name, The Lord our r, 33.15, cause the branch of r. to grow. 51.10, the Lord hath brought forth our r. Ezek. 3. 20; 18. 24, righteous man turn from r. 14.14, deliver but their own souls by r. 18.20, the r. of the righteous shall be upon him, 33.13, if he trust to his own r. Dan. 4.27, break off thy sins by r. 9. 7, r. belongeth to thee. 24, to bring in everlasting r. 12. 3, they that turn many to r.
Hos. 10.12, till he rain r. upon you. Amos 5.24, let r. run down as a stream, 6.12, turned fruit of r. into hemlock.
Zeph. 2.3, ye meek of the earth, seek r. Mai. 4. 2, shall the Sun of r. arise. Mat. 3.15, to fulfil all r. 5.6, hunger and thirst after r. 10, persecuted for r. sake. 20, except your r. exceed the r. 21.32, John came to you in the way of r. Lu. 1. 75, in r. before him. John 16.8, reprove the world of r. Acts 10. 35, he that worketh r. 13.10, thou enemy of all r. 24.25, as he reasoned of r.
Rom. 1.17 ; 3. 5: 10. 3, the r. of God. 4.6, to whom God imputeth r. 11, seal pf the r. of faith. 5.17, which receive the gift of r. 18, by the r. of one. 21, so might grace reign through r. 6.13, yield your members as instruments of r. 20, ye were free from r. 8.10, the Spirit is life, because of r. 9. 30, the r. which is of faith. 10. 3, going about to establish their own r. 4, Christ is the end of the law for r. 10, with the heart man believeth unto r. 14.17, kingdom of God not meat and drink, but r. 1 Cor 1. 30, Christ is made unto us r. 15. 34, awake to r. 2 Cor 5.21, that we might be made the r. 6. 7, the armour of r. 14, what fellowship hath r. Gal. 2.21, if r. come by the law. 5.5, we wait for the hope of r. Eph. 6.14, the breastplate of r. Phil. 1.11, filled with the fruits of r. 3. 6, touching the r. in the law, blameless. 9, not having mine own r., but the r. of God. 1 Tim. 6.11, follow after r. 2 Tim. 3.16, for instruction in r. 4.8, laid up for me a crown of r.
Tit. 3.5, not by works of r. Heb. 1.8, a sceptre of r. 5.13, unskilful in the word of r. 7. 2, by interpretation, King of r. 11. 7, heir of the r. which is by faith. 33, through faith wrought r. 12.11, the peaceable fruit of r.
Jas. 1.20, wrath of man worketh not r. of God. 3.18, the fruit of r. is sown in peace. 1 Pet 2. 24, dead to sins should live unto r. 2 Pet 2.5, a preacher of r. 21, better not to have known way of r. 3.13, new earth, wherein dwelleth r. 1 John 2. 29, every one that doeth r.
See Isa. 54.14; 63.1; Zech. 8. 8 ; Rev. 19. 8.
RIGHTLY. Gen. 27. 36; Lu. 7. 43; 20. 21; 2 Tim. 2.15.
RIGOUR. Ex. 1.13,14; Lev. 25. 43, 46, 53.
RINGLEADER. Acts 24.5, a r. of the sect of the
RIOT. Rom. 13.13 ; Tit. 1. 6; 1 Pet. 4. 4; 2 Pet. 2.13.
RIPE. Gen. 40.10, brought forth r. grapes.
Ex. 22. 29, offer the first of thy r. fruits.
Num. 18.13, whatsoever is first r. be thine.
Joel 3.13, put in sickle, for the harvest is r.
Mic. 7.1, my soul desired the first-**, fruit.
Rev. 14. 5, time to reap, for harvest of earth is r,
See Num. 13. 20 ; Jer. 24. 2; Hos. 9.10; Nah. 3.12.
RISE. Gen. 19. 2, ye shall r. up early. 23, the sun was r. when Lot entered Zoar. Num. 24.17, a sceptre shall r. out of Israel. 32.14, ye are r. up in your fathers' stead. Job 9. 7, comrnandeth the sun and it r. not. 14.12, man lieth down and r. not. 24. 22, he r. up, and no man is sure of life. 31.14, what shall I do when God r. up.
Ps. 27. 3, though war should r. against me. 119. 62, at midnight I will r. to give thanks. 127. 2, it is vain to r. up early. Prov. 31.15, she r. up while it is yet night
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307Prov. 31.28, her children r. up and call her blessed. Eccl. 12. 4, he shall r. at the voice of the bird, lsa. 33.10, now will I r., saith the Lord. 58.10, then shall thy light r. in obscurity. 60.1, the glory of the Lord is r. upon thee. Jer. 7.13; 25. 3; 35.14, I spake unto you, r. up early. 25; 25.4; 26.5; 29.19; 35.15; 44.4, I sent my servants, r. early. 11. 7, r. early and protesting. 25. 27, fall and r. no more. Lam. 3. 63, sitting down and r. up, I am their
music. Mat. 5. 45, maketh sun to r. on evil and good. 17. 9; Mk. 9. 9, until Son of man be r. 20.19 ; Mk. 9. 31; 10. 34; Lu. 18. 33; 24. 7, the third day he shall r. again. 26.32; Mk. 14.28, after I am r. I will go before you. 46, r., let us be going. Mk. 4.27, should sleep, and r. night and day. 9.10, what the r. from dead should mean. 10.49, r., he calleth thee. Lu. 2.34, this child is set for the fall and r. 11.7, I cannot r. and give thee. 22.46, why sleep ye, r. and pray, 24. 34, the Lord is r. indeed.
John 11.23, thy brother shall r. again. Acts 10.13, r., Peter, kill and eat. 26.16, r., and stand upon thy feet. 23, the first that should r. from the dead. Rom. 8.34, that died, yea rather that is r. 1 Cor. 15.15, if so be the dead r. not. 20, but now is Christ r. Col. 3.1, if ye then be r. with Christ. 1 Thess 4.16, the dead in Christ shall r. first. See Prov. 30. 31; lsa. 60. 3; Mk. 16. 2; Col. 2.12.
RITES. Num. 9.3, according to all the r. of it.
RIVER. Ex. 7.19; 8.5, stretch out hand on r. 2 Sam 17.13, that city, and we will draw it into the r.
2 Kings 5.12, are the r. of Damascus better. Job 20.17, ye shall not see the r. of honey. 28.10, he cutteth out r. among the rocks. 29. 6, the rock poured out r. of oil. 40.23, he drinketh up a r., and hasteth not. Ps. 1. 3, tree planted by the r. 36. 8, the r. of thy pleasures. 46.4, r., the streams whereof make glad. 65. 9, enrichest it with r. of God. 107. 33, turneth r. into a wilderness. 119.136, r. of waters run down mine eyes. 137.1, by the r. of Babylon we sat. Eccl. 1. 7, all the r. run into the sea. lsa. 32.2, shall be as r. of water in a dry place. 43. 2, through the r., they shall not overflow. 19, I will make r. in the desert. 48.18, then had thy peace been as a r. 66.12, I will extend peace like a r. Lam. 2.18, let tears run down like r. Mic. 6. 7, be pleased with r. of oil. John 7.38, shall flow r. of living water. Rev. 22.1, a pure r. of water of life. See Gen. 41.1; Ex. 1. 22; Ezek. 47. 9; Mk. 1. 5.
ROAD. 1 Sam. 27.10, whither have ye made a r. ROAR. 1 Chron. 16. 32; Ps. 96.11; 98. 7, let the
sea r.
Job 3.24, my r. are poured out. Ps. 46. 3, will not fear, though waters r. 104.21, young lions r. after their prey. Prov. 19.12; 20.2, king's wrath as the V. of a lion, lsa. 59.11, we r. like bears. Jer. 6. 23, their voice r. like the sea. 25. 30, the Lord shall r. from on high, Hos. 11.10, he shall r. like a lion.
Joel 3.16; Amos 1. 2, the Lord shall r. out of
Amos 3.4, will a lion r. when he hath no prey ? See Ps. 22.1; 32. 3; Zech. 11. 3; Rev. 10. 3.
ROARING. Prov. 28.15, as a r. lion, is a wicked ruler.
Lu. 21.25, distress, the sea and waves r. 1 Pet 5. 8, the devil as a r. lion.
See Ps. 22.13; lsa. 31.4; Ezek. 22.25; Zeph. 3.3.
ROAST. Ex. 12. 9, not raw, but r. with fire.
Prov. 12. 27, slothful man r. not that he took,
lsa. 44.16, he r. r.t and is satisfied.
See Deut. 16. 7 ; 1 Sam. 2.15; 2 Chron. 35.13.
ROB. Prov. 22.22, r. not the poor.
lsa. 10.2, that they may r. the fatherless. 13, I have r. their treasures. 42. 22, this is a people r. and spoiled.
Ezek. 33.15, if he give again that he had r.
Mai. 3.8, ye have r. me. 2 Cor 11.8, I r. other churches.
See Judg. 9. 25; 2-Sam. 17. 8; Ps. 119. 61; Prov, 17.12.
ROBBER. Job 12.6, tabernacles of r. prosper.
lsa. 42.24, who gave Israel to the r.
Jer. 7.11, is this house become a den of r.
John 10.1, the same is a thief and a r. 8, all that came before me are r.
Acts 19.37, these men are not r. of churches. 2 Cor. 11.26, in perils of r.
See Ezek. 7. 22; 18.10; Dan. 11.14; Hos. 6. 9.
ROBBERY. Phil. 2.6, thought it not r. to be equal, ROBE. 1 Sam. 24.4, cut off skirt of Saul's r.
Job 29.14, my judgment was as a r.
lsa. 61.10, covered me with r. of righteousness.
Lu. 15.22, bring forth the best r. 20.46, desire to walk in long r.
See Ex. 28.4; Mic. 2. 8; Mat. 27. 28; Rev. 6.11.
ROCK. Ex. 33.22, I will put thee in a clift of r,
Num. 20.8, speak to the r. before their eyes. 10, must we fetch you water out of this r. 23.9, from the top of the r. I see him. 24. 21, thou puttest thy nest in a r.
Deut. 8.15, who brought thee water out of the r, 32. 4, he is the R. 15, lightly esteemed the R. of his salvation, 18, of the R. that begat thee. 30, except their R. had sold them. 31, their r. is not as our R. 37, where is their r. in whom they trusted? 1 Sam 2. 2, neither is there any r. like our God, 2 Sam 22. 2; Ps. 18. 2; 92.15, the Lord is my r. 3, the God of my r. 32; Ps. 18.31, who is a r., save our God? 23.3, the R. of Israel spake. 1 Kings 19.11, strong wind brake in pieces the s Job 14.18, the r. is removed out of his place. 19. 24, graven in the r. for ever. 24. 8, embrace the r. for want of shelter. Ps. 27. 5; 40.2, shall set me up upon a r. 31. 3; 71. 3, thou art my r. and my fortress. 61.2, lead me to the r. that is higher than I. 81.16, with honey out of the r. Prov. 30.26, yet make their houses in the r. Cant. 2.14, that art in the clefts of the r. lsa. 8.14, for a r. of offence. 17.10, not mindful of the r. of thy strength, 32.2, as the shadow of a great r. 33.16, defence shall be munitions of r. Jer. 5. 3, they made their faces harder than r. 23. 29, hammer that breaketh the r. in pieces, Nah. 1. 6, the r. are thrown down by him. Mat. 7.25; Lu. 6.48, it was founded upon a r, 16.18, upon this r. I will build my church. 27. 51, and the r. rent. Lu. 8.6, some fell upon a r. Rom. 9. 33; 1 Pet. 2. 8, I lay a r. of offence. 1 Cor. 10.4, spiritual R., and that R. was Christ. Rev. 6.16, said to the r., fall on us. See Judg. 6. 20; 13.19; 1 Sam. 14. 4; Prov. 30.19, ROD. Job 9.34, let him take his r. from me. 21. 9, neither is the r. of God upon them. Ps. 2. 9, break them with a r. of iron. 23. 4, thy r. and thy staff comfort me. Prov. 10.13; 26. 3, r. for the back of fools, 13.24, he that spareth his r. 22.8, the r. of his anger shall fail. 307
308Prow 23.13, thou shalt beat him with thy r. 29.15, the r. and reproof give wisdom. Isa. 10.15, as if the r. should shake itself. 11.1, shall come forth a r. Jer. 48.17, how is the beautiful r. broken. Ezek. 20. 37, cause you to pass under the r. Mic. 6.9, hear ye the r., and who hath appointed it. 2 Cor. 11. 25, thrice was I beaten with r. See Gen. 30. 37; 1 Sam. 14. 27 ; Rev. 2. 27 ; 11.1.
RODE. 2 Sam. 18. 9; 2 Kings 9. 25 ; Neh. 2.12;
Ps. 18.10.
ROLL. Josh. 5.9, I have r. away reproach. Job 30.14, they r. themselyes on me. Isa. 9. 5, with garments r. in blood. 34.4; Rev. 6.14, the heavens shall be r. together. Mk. 16. 3, who shall r. us away the stone ? Lu. 24.2, they found the stone r. away. See Gen. 29. 8; Prov. 26. 27 ; Isa. 17.13; Mat. 27. 60.
ROOF. Gen. 19. 8, under the shadow of my r. Bent. 22. 8, make a battlement for thy r. Job 29. 10; Ps. 137. 6 ; Lam. 4. 4; Ezek. 3. 26,
tongue cleaveth to r. of mouth. Mat. 8. 8; Lu. 7. 6, I am not worthy that thou
shouidest come under my r. Mk. 2.4, they uncovered the r. See Josh. 2. 6; Judg. 16. 27 ; 2 Sam. 11. 2; Jer. 19.13.
ROOM. Gen. 24.23, is there r. for us. 26. 22, the Lord hath made r. for us. Ps. 31. 8, set my feet in a large r. 80.9, thou preparedst r. before it.
Prov. 18.16, a man's gift maketh r. for him. Mai. 3.10, there shall not be r. enough. Mat. 23.6; Mk. 12.39; Lu. 20.46, love uppermost r. Mk. 2.2, there was no r. to receive them. Lu. 2. 7, no r. for them in the inn. 12.17, no r. to bestow my goods. 14. 7, how they chose out the chief r. 9, begin with shame to take the lowest r. 22, it is done, and yet there is r. See Gen. 6.14; 1 Kings 8. 20; 19.16; Mk. 14.15.
ROOT.(«.). Deut. 29.18, a r. that beareth gall. 2 Kings 19. 30, shall again take r. downward. Job 5. 3, I have seen the foolish taking r. 8.17, his r. are wrapped about the heap. 14.8, the r. thereof wax old in the earth. 18.10, his r. shall be dried up. 19. 28, the r. of the matter. 29.19, my r. was spread out by the waters. Prov. 12.3, r. of righteous shall not be moved. 12, r. of righteous yieldeth fruit. Isa. 5.24, their r. shall be rottenness. 11.1, a Branch shall grow out of his r. 10; Rom. 15.12, there shall be a r. of Jesse. 27.6; 37.31, them that come of Jacob to take r. 53.2, as a r. out of a dry ground. Ezek. 31.7, his r. was by great waters. Hos. 14. 5, cast forth his r. as Lebanon. Mai. 4.1, leave them neither r. nor branch. Mat. 3.10 ; Lu. 3. 9, axe laid to r. of trees. 13.6 ; Mk. 4. 6; Lu. 8.13, because they had no r. Mk. 11.20, fig tree dried up from the r. Rom. 11.16, if the r. be holy. 1 Tim. 6.10, love of money'the r. of all evil. Heb. 12.15, lest any r. of bitterness. Jude 12, twice dead, plucked up by the r. Rev. 22.16, r. and offspring of David. See 2 Chron. 7.20 ; Dau. 4.15 ; 7. 8; 11. 7.
ROOT.(«.). Deut, 29. 28, Lord r. them out. 1 Kings 14.15, he shall r. up Israel. Job 18.14, confidence shall be r. out. 31. 8, let my offspring be r. out. 12, r. out all mine increase. Ps. 52. 5, r. thee out of land of the living. Mat. 13. 29, lest ye r. up also the wheat. 15.13, hath not planted shall be r. up. Eph. 3.17, being r. and grounded in love. Col. 2.7, r. and built up in him. See Prov. 2.22; Jer. 1.10; Zeph. 2.4.
ROSE.(«.)• Cant. 2.1; lea. 35.1.
ROSE.(v.). Gen. 32. 31, the sun r. upon him as he
Josh. 3.16, waters r. up on an heap. Lu. 16.31, though one r. from the dead. Rom. 14. 9, to this end Christ both died and r. 1 Cor 15.4, buried, and r. the third day. 2 Cor 5.15, live to him who died and r.
See Lu. 24. 33; Acts 10. 41; 1 Thess. 4. 14; Rev. 19. 3.
ROT. Niim. 5. 21; Prov. 10. 7; Isa. 40. 20.
ROTTEN. Job 41. 27 ; Jer. 38.11; Joel 1.17.
ROTTENNESS. Prov. 12. 4; 14. 30; Isa. 5. 24.
ROUGH. Isa. 27. 8, stayeth his r. wind. 40. 4; Lu. 3. 5, r. places made plain.
Zech. 13. 4, wear a r. garment to deceive.
See Deut. 21. 4; Jer. 51. 27 ; Dan. 8. 21.
ROUGHLY. Gen. 42. 7, Joseph spake r.
Prov. 18. 23, the rich answereth r.
See 1 Sam. 20.10; 1 Kings 12.13; 2 Chron. 10.13.
ROUND. Ex. 16.14 ; Isa. 3.18 ; Lu. 19.43.
ROWED. Jonah 1.13; Mk. 6. 48; John 6.19.
ROYAL. Gen. 49.20, yield r. dainties.
Esth. 1. 7, r. wine in abundance. 5.1; 6. 8; 8.15; Acts 12. 21, r. apparel.
Jas. 2. 8, fulfil the r. law. 1 Pet. 2. 9, a r. priesthood.
See 1 Chron. 29. 25 ; Isa. 62. 3 ; Jer. 43.10.
RUBIES. Job 28.18; Prov. 8.11; 31.10.
RUDDY. 1 Sam. 16.12 ; Cant. 5.10; Lam. 4. 7.
RUDE. 2 Cor. 11. 6, r. in speech.
RUDIMENTS. Col. 2.8, 20, r. of the world.
RUIN. 2 Chron. 28. 23, they were the r. of him.
Ps. 89. 40, hast brought his strong holds to r.
Prov. 24. 22, who knoweth the r. of both. 26.28, a flattering mouth worketh r.
Ezek. 18. 30, so iniquity shall not be your r. 21.15, that their r. may be multiplied.
Lu. 6. 49, the r. of that house was great.
See Isa. 3. 8; Ezek. 36. 35; Amos 9.11; Acts 15.16.
RULE.(n,). Esth. 9.1, Jews had r. over them.
Prov. 17. 2, a wise servant shall have r. 19.10, servant to have r. over princes. 25.28, no r. over his own spirit.
Isa. 63.19, thou never barest r. over them, 1 Cor 15. 24, when he shall put down all r. Gal. 6.16, as many as walk according to this r. Heb. 13. 7,17, them that have the r. over you. See Eccl. 2.19 ; Isa. 44.13; 2 Cor. 10.13.
RULE.(«.). Gen. 1.16, to r. the day. 3.16, thy husband shall r. over thee. Judg. 8. 23, I will not r. over you. 2 Sam 23. 3, that r. over men must be just. Ps. 66. 7, he r. by his power for ever. 89. 9, thou r. the raging of the sea. 103.19, his kingdom r. over all. Prov. 16. 32, that r. his spirit. 22. 7, rich r. over the poor. Eccl. 9.17, him that r. among fools. Isa. 3.4, babes r. over them. 32.1, princes shall r. in judgment. 40.10, his arm shall r. for him. Ezek. 29.15, shall no more r. over nations. Rom. 12. 8, he that r. with diligence. Col. 3.15, peace of God r. in your hearts. 1 Tim. 3. 4, one that r. well his own house. 5.17, elders that r. well.
See Dan. 5. 21; Zech. 6.13 ; Rev. 2. 27 ; 12. 5.
RULER. Num. 13. 2, every one a r. among them. Prov. 6. 7, ant having no guide, overseer, or r. 23.1, when thou sittest to eat with a r. 28.15, a wicked r. over the poor. Isa. 3. 6, be thou our r. Mic. 5.2, out of thee shall come r. Mat. 25. 21, I will make thee r. John 7. 26, do the r. know that this is Christ ? 48, have any of the r. believed. Rom. 13. 3, r. not a terror to good works. See Gen. 41. 43; Neh. 5. 7 ; Ps. 2. 2; Isa. 1.10. 308
309RUMOUR. Jer. 49.14, I have heard a r. Ezek. 7.26, r. shall be upon r. Mat. 24. 6; Mk. 13. 7, wars and r. of wars. See 2 Kings 19. 7 ; Obad. 1; Lu. 7.17.
RUN. 2 Sam. 18. 27, the r. of the foremost is like. 2 Chron. 16. 9, eyes of Lord r. to and fro. Ps. 19.5, as a strong man to r. a race. 23. 5, my cup r. over. 147.15, his word r. very swiftly. Cant. 1.4, draw me, we will r. after thee. Isa. 40. 3l, they shall r. and not be weary. 55.5, nations shall r. to thee. Jer. 12. 5. if thou hast r. with the footmen'.! 51. 31, one post shall r. to meet another. Dan. 12. 4, many shall r. to and fro. Hab. 2. 2, that he may r. that readeth. Zech. 2. 4, ?•., speak to this young man. Lu. 6. 38, good measure r. over. Rom. 9.16, nor of him that r. 1 Cor. 9.24, they which r. in a race r. all. 26, I therefore so r.
Gal. 2.2, lest I should r. or had r. in vain. 5.7, ye did r. well. Heb. 12.1, let us r. with patience. 1 Pet 4.4, that ye r. not to same excess.
See Prov. 4.12; Jer. 5.1; Lam. 2.18; Amos 8.12.
RUSH.(n.). Job 8.11; Isa. 9.14 ; 19.15 ; 35. 7.
RUSH.(i). Isa. 17.13 ; Jer. 8.6; Ezek. 3.12; Acts 2 2 RUST.' Mat. 6.19,20; Jas. 5. 3.
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