Table of Contents
The morning dawns; on gilded height
See, from the eastern hills, the morn
Light in the dark, before the dawn awaking
The crimson blush of morning glows
They set the Cross upon a hill
Lo, He is dead! The suffering Christ is dead
Morning awakes, and morn awaking sings
Life from the dead the King Immortal gives
Light more glorious than the sun
Go, tell the world the Lord hath risen
Glory to God, the promised day awakes
Light, ere the dawn in beauty broke
Watchman, from the height beholding
At earliest dawn the Lord awoke
Sleepers awake! the night's long reign is past
What wonder wakes a sleeping world
Glorious from the field of strife
Night and a storm, and hearts with sore affright
Lord, give me sight for I am blind
O praise the wisdom of our God
He climbed the slopes of Olivet
Thou art my portion, saith my soul
The burden of my sin was great
Bowed with grief and anguish low
To praise is comely, O my soul
The Lord is very good to those
I have no other thought but this
Hear me, O Lord, in mercy hear