
« Prev When the Lord to earth returning Next »

tr., John Brownlie



When the Lord to earth returning,

Meets His followers in the air,

With desire within you burning,

Wilt thou mount to greet Him there?

Ah, the transport of the meeting!

Souls of men their Saviour greeting.


Watch, the days are quickly flying,

Keep your garments clean and white;

Life grows old, and time is dying,

And His throne is girt with light,

To His searching eye revealing

Stains the dark is now concealing.


Do the task your hand is finding;

Bear the burden wisely given;

For the fight your buckler binding,

Seek the aid of highest heaven;—

Doing, bearing, fighting, praying,

Thus the will of God obeying.


When the Lord to earth returning,

Meets the faithful by and by,

Souls with holy ardour burning

Who can mount, shall seek the sky;—

Ah, the transport of the meeting,

Souls of men their Saviour greeting.

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