
« Prev Vain are the things of time Next »

tr., John Brownlie

ἀληθῶς ματαιότης τὰ σύμπαντα ὁ δὲ βίος σκιὰ καὶ ἐνύπνιον.

From the Office of the Burial of a Priest



Vain are the things of time,

Our life a passing dream;

A shadow flitting in the sun,

A leaf upon the stream;

Lord, in Thy faithful keeping,

Rest Thou Thy servant sleeping.


Seek we the world in vain,

Vainly we clutch the prize,

And sink into the lonesome grave,

Where prince with beggar lies;

Lord, in Thy faithful keeping,

Rest Thou Thy servant sleeping.


Rest Thou Thy servant, Lord,

Whose earthly task is done;

Who can no longer hear the call

To toil beneath the sun;

Lord, in Thy faithful keeping,

Rest Thou Thy servant sleeping.


Lord, with Thy gentle ones,

In glory's dwelling-place,

Receive Thy servant whom we mourn,

Who served Thee by Thy grace;

Lord, in Thy faithful keeping,

Rest Thou Thy servant sleeping.


We would not weep for those

Who in Thy faith depart;

For thou, O Christ, dost bear them hence,

And bind them to Thy heart;

Lord, in Thy faithful keeping,

Rest Thou Thy servant sleeping.

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