
« Prev The longing eyes that sought the light Next »

tr., John Brownlie



The longing eyes that sought the light

Are filled with glad amaze,

As, from the depths of brooding night,

The morning meets their gaze;

O weary night! its hours are past,

And morning light hath dawned at last.


O Christ, Who in the heart of God,

Eternal, did'st repose;

Whom to proclaim to earth abroad,

The seer and prophet rose;

Now comes to earth, Incarnate Word,

To tell the love of God our Lord.


Now hearts respond that, mute before,

In night and silence dwelt,—

Who longed, in worship, to adore

A love they never felt;

For night is gone, and silence rings,

And every heart responsive, sings.


Hail, Christ of God! Anointed One,

From sin's dark night to free;

Thou art the One-begotten Son

Whom ages longed to see;

O weary night, its hours are past,

And morning light hath dawned at last.

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