
« Prev The light that from the fire of love Next »

tr., John Brownlie



The light that from the fire of love

With glory girds the throne above,

Falls on our world by sin undone,

All radiant as the morning sun.


O souls of men, in darkness lost,

Look upwards where the shining host,

Like stars around the Christ are set,

More bright than earthly coronet.


These are the souls of men restored,

By Him Whose blood on earth was poured,

Who, though a Son, was bound and led

To where His heart in anguish bled.


Death at the Christ in fury sprung,

As on the Cross He meekly hung;

But by His dying, death was slain,

And sin, and all their hideous train.


O souls of men, to such a prize,

Thine is the power with these to rise;

No barrier flung across the way

Can stay thy course to endless day.


O deathless Christ! O sinless One!

Son of the Father, God's own Son,

Thine is the power from sin to free

Their souls who put their trust in Thee.


Glory to Thee, O Christ, be given

By souls redeemed in earth and heaven;

Our souls, exulting, seek the place

Where dwells the fulness of Thy grace.

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