222 tr., John Brownlie
From the Office for Baptism
223 I Bear to the font the child of grace, And there the sacred rite attend, Whose healing virtues can efface The stains that to the soul extend. | II There, as at Jordan long ago, The heavenly Dove in power descends; New life in fulness to bestow, And grace that on the life attends. | III Christ, let Thy blood in freeness spilt, This water fitly symbolise; And all the vileness and the guilt, Be laid upon Thy Sacrifice. | IV And let the sacred sign he wears, Adorn the inner life, we pray; Till every word, and action bears, The impress of that Cross alway. | V Come to our aid, O Spirit true; Hearts with Thy living truth inspire; And to our languid souls renew The love that wakes responsive fire. | |